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The Scheme Programming Language

Download webpages from The Scheme Programming Language

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Edit index.html and customize your calibre follow instructions

     <h1>Table of Contents</h1>
     <p style="text-indent:0pt">
        <a href="file1.html">First File</a><br/>
        <a href="file2.html">Second File</a><br/>

By default, when adding HTML files, calibre follows links in the files in depth first order. This means that if file A.html links to B.html and C.html and D.html, but B.html also links to D.html, then the files will be in the order A.html, B.html, D.html, C.html. If instead you want the order to be A.html, B.html, C.html, D.html then you must tell calibre to add your files in breadth first order. Do this by going to Preferences → Advanced → Plugins → File type and customizing the HTML to ZIP plugin.

1. GUI

Open index.html with Calibre

Right click index.html and select open with Calibre.

Generate epub

Select convert from zip to epub, and set Table of Contents's Level 1 TOC(XPath expression) to //*[name()='h1'], and Level 2 TOC(XPath expression) to //*[name()='h3'], then set chapter mark to none in Structure detection.

2. CMD

Generate e-books with ebook-convert

Run the following command in www/, remember to add --breadth-first so we can get breadth first order in command line.

ebook-convert index.html hspl.epub \
    --cover=canned/medium-cover.png \
    --title='The Scheme Programming Language' \
    --authors='R. Kent Dybvig' \
    --publisher='The MIT Press' \
	--breadth-first \
    --use-auto-toc \
    --level1-toc="//*[name()='h1']" \
    --level2-toc="//*[name()='h3']" \
    --language=en \
    --pubdate=2009 -v

Edit book with calibre

Search all text files in regex dot all and wrap mode, remove lines match <hr class="copyright"/>.*</a></p>.



The Scheme Programming Language, 4th Edition






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