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@Vvaradinov Vvaradinov released this 13 Jun 13:45
· 8 commits to release/v13.0.x since this release

Release Notes

This release adds the ICS20 Transfer extension to the Evmos Testnet. Moreover, it adds optimizations and refactors to the existing distribution and staking extensions.

v13.0.0-rc2 Testnet Release Changes

This document aims to outline some of the changes we are bringing to
the upcoming v13.0.0-rc2 testnet release. It's a general document for any
smart contract developers but it's particularly important for developers who have already deployed contracts to Testnet or are participanting in the DoraHacks hackaton as your contracts will break after this new testnet upgrade so please update them as soon as possible with the changes outlined in this document.


Calling the extension directly from an EOA

We have refactored the direct to extension calls from an EOA to NOT require authorization / grant so developers can directly create a transaction calling the extension. The extension addresses are listed below:

"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000800", // Staking precompile
"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000801", // Distribution precompile
"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000802", // ICS20 transfer precompile

This change allows for frontend applications utilizing the extensions directly from an EOA to have a more streamlined UX.

Calling the extension from a smart contract

In the previous testnet we were using the spender in the approval interface incorrectly. We were always assuming the spender as the msg.sender or granter and hardcoding the CallerAddress as the grantee. We want to mimic the IERC20 contract flow as closely as possible so now the spender will be the smart contract you want to authorize from the origin EOA signing the transaction.

The Interface

  function approve(
        address spender,
        uint256 amount,
        string[] calldata methods
    ) external returns (bool approved);

You would pass the user or contract as msg.sender to the spender and assuming the contract to be the spendee

contract StakingManager {
    function approveAllStakingMethodsWithMaxAmount() public {
        bool success = STAKING_CONTRACT.approve(msg.sender, type(uint256).max, stakingMethods);
        require(success, "Failed to approve staking methods");

With v13.0.0-rc2
Now the spender has to be the contract you are trying to authorize the origin against. The origin will always be hardcoded into the grant even if the contract hops calls. So a generally good practice is to always create an authorization to contract that calls into the extension.

contract StakingManager {
    function approveAllStakingMethodsWithMaxAmount() public {
        bool success = STAKING_CONTRACT.approve(address(this), type(uint256).max, stakingMethods);
        require(success, "Failed to approve staking methods");

New Distribution Authorization interface

With v13.0.0-rc2 we decided to extend the distribution module's authorization struct to include an AllowedList which represents the different addresses that can be used in each of the transactions present on the interface.

The Interface
You can find the full interface HERE
For the Cosmos SDK authz changes you can find the changes HERE

function approve(
        address spender,
        string[] calldata methods,
        string[] calldata allowedList
    ) external returns (bool approved);

As with the staking authorization here we were passing the msg.sender as the spender which should be replaced with the contract address of the smart contract that will be calling into the extensions. Furthermore you will notice it only took 2 parameters namely the spender and the methods.

    function _approveRequiredMsgs(uint256 _amount) internal {
        bool successDist = DISTRIBUTION_CONTRACT.approve(msg.sender, distributionMethods);
        require(successDist, "Distribution Approve failed");

With v13.0.0-rc2
The new interface now enforces the correct spender parameter to be the contract address and hardcodes the tx.origin as the spendee. Additionally there is a new parameter allowedList which will always include the tx.origin if it is not passed in manually.

    function _approveRequiredMsgs(uint256 _amount) internal {
        string[] memory allowedList = new string[](0); // Will always add tx.origin address if it's not passed in manually
        bool successDist = DISTRIBUTION_CONTRACT.approve(address(this), distributionMethods, allowedList);
        require(successDist, "Distribution Approve failed");

The Allowed List in transactions
Below is outlined what you can expect when passing addresses in the allowedList parameter in terms of effects on the transactions in distribution

  1. MsgSetWithdrawAddress - if you wish to change the withdraw address for a user the new withdrawerAddress should be present in the allowedList.


State Machine Breaking

(backport) #1599 Backport changes from main to v13.0.x
(vesting) #1596 Add MsgCreateClawbackVestingAccount period validation
(evm) #1535 Add EVM extensions support


(deps) #1597 Bump geth fork
(deps) #1595 Bump cometbft and goleveldb
(evm) #1578 Add support of ICS20 transfer extension
(test) #1486 Add benchmark tests for DeductFeeDecorator and EthGasConsumeDecorator ante handler decorators
(deps) #1488 Bump btcd version to v0.23.3
(deps) #1492 Bump Cosmos SDK version to v0.46.11-alpha.ledger & use cometbft v0.34.27 replacement for Tendermint import

Bug Fixes

(deps) #1567 Bump cosmos-sdk version to v0.46.11-alpha.ledger.7.
Fix memory leak in cosmos/iavl package.
Full Changelog: v13.0.0-rc1...v13.0.0-rc2