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Build powerful TypeScript applications powered by the EVM, simplified

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Tevm is a JavaScript EVM client and a Solidity-to-TypeScript compiler.


✅  EVM simulations
✅  forking akin to anvil --fork-url
✅  Solidity scripting akin to foundry scripts
✅  Compiles contracts in JavaScript via importing solidity files
✅  Extensions for usage with Viem, Ethers.js, Next.js, and Express.
✅  Compiles contracts in JavaScript via importing solidity files
🏗️  EVM Tracing (coming in upcoming release)
🏗️  React hook library
🏗️  First class vue and svelte support

Tevm runs in all environments

Visit Docs (under construction) for docs, guides, API and more! 📄

Code example

  1. Write a solidity script HelloWorld.s.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >0.8.0;

contract HelloWorld {
    function greet(string memory name) public pure returns (string memory) {
        return string(abi.encodePacked("Hello ", name, "!"));
  1. Import the solidity file into a JavaScript or TypeScript file. No need to compile it.
import { HelloWorld } from './HelloWorld.sol'

  1. Initialize a Tevm memory client and execute your Script using the tevm.script action
import { HelloWorld } from './HelloWorld.sol'
import { createMemoryClient } from 'tevm'

const client = createMemoryClient()

const result = await client.script('World')

console.log( // Hello world!

This is just a small subset of what Tevm offers. See docs for more information.

Contributing 💻

Contributions are encouraged, but please open an issue before doing any major changes to make sure your change will be accepted.

See for contributing information

License 📄

Most files are licensed under MIT license. There are some files that are copied from ethereumjs that inherit the MPL-2.0. These files are individually marked at the top of the file and are all in the @tevm/state @tevm/blockchain and other packages that wrap ethereumjs libraries.