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drupal-docker-marriage Circle CI

An example of how to deploy a simple, wedding-themed Drupal site via Docker.


First lets clone this repo:

# clone the repo
git clone
cd drupal-docker-marriage

Now, assuming you aren't running docker locally, download vagrant 1.4+ and virtualbox then use the provided Vagrantfile to spin up a VM that's running docker:

vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant

Confirm that you can run docker:

# See the list of running docker containers (there shouldn't be any yet)
docker ps

# Interactively run bash in a docker container from the "ubuntu" image
# on first run, will download 'ubuntu' from
docker run -t -i ubuntu /bin/bash

# ubuntu should appear
docker images

Now let's build our own docker image from the included Dockerfile:

# Create ~/.ssh/id_rsa, ~/.ssh/ (so we can later connect to the container with this).
# Place the public key where Dockerfile knows about.
cp ~/.ssh/ ./deploy/

# Creates a docker image from Dockerfile in the current directory (.),
# assigns it a tag of "drupal-docker-marriage".
docker build -t drupal-docker-marriage .

If the build failed at a step and you'd like to launch bash inside the image created at the last successful step:

# if the above failed at some step and we want to debug, the following will
LATEST_IMAGE_ID=$(docker images -q | head -n 1) docker run -t -i $LATEST_IMAGE_ID /bin/bash

Once the build succeeds, you can run a container from the newly created image:

# should show drupal-docker-marriage
docker images -tree

# -name marriage  =>  Set container name to be 'marriage'; can be used interchangably with container ID
# -d              =>  Run in background
# -p 8080:80      =>  Forward DOCKER_CONTAINER_IP:80 to DOCKER_HOST_IP:8080
docker run -name marriage -d -p 8080:80 -p 9022:22 drupal-docker-marriage

# List running containers:
docker ps

# List stopped or aborted containers: (good for debugging)
docker ps -a

Once the container is running, visit the Drupal site at http://localhost:8080. To connect to it via SSH:

ssh root@localhost -p 9022

To simplify the above steps, I provide a useful Makefile:

# build the image
make build

# run the container
make run

# SSH into the running container
make ssh

# remove snapshots of all stopped containers, remove all untagged images.
make clean

# debug helper: launch bash in latest created image
make run_bash_latest

# stop running container and destroy its snapshot; WILL DESTROY DATA
make destroy

Deployment on Digital Ocean

This simple Drupal site can be easily hosted for $5/month with Digital Ocean's 512MB droplet plan. Here's how I deployed

  • signed up on digitalocean, created 512MB droplet ($5/month)
  • hostname:
  • image: docker 0.8 appliance
  • credentials: uploaded my own SSH public key to digitalocean, associated with droplet
  • assigned its IP ( to, using my own DNS server

Now to SSH into my new docker appliance, build the image, and deploy the container:


apt-get install -y curl vim git make
apt-get install -y squid-deb-proxy

git clone
cd docker-drupal-marriage

make build
make run

make ssh

At this point, I can visit and see a Drupal site. Tweak the Makefile if you want it on port 80.

Running behat tests

This is complicated if you're using vagrant. Here's how to get it working. Your vagrant

  • On your vagrant host, for example Mac OS X

    • Make sure you have Google Chrome

    • Download Selenium and Chrome driver:

      curl -o selenium.jar
      curl -O
      unzip chromedriver_mac32
    • Run Selenium:

      java -jar selenium.jar

  • Inside your vagrant box, in the drupal-docker-marriage directory

    • Tell your your container how to get to Selenium, and tell Selenium how to get to your docker host. I'm assuming your vagrant box has eth1 as a host-only interface:

      ip route | perl -ne 'print "$1\n" if /^default via ([\d.]+)/' > deploy/selenium_ip
      ip route | perl -ne 'print "$1\n" if /eth1.*src ([\d.]+)/' > deploy/docker_host_ip
    • Build and run your container, then run your tests:

      make build run
      sleep 5
      make ssh SSH_CMD="'cd /var/www/tests && vendor/bin/behat'"


Example Docker-powered Drupal site, for a wedding






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