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VCEditor Configuration

Roberto Rosselli Del Turco edited this page May 16, 2023 · 4 revisions

EVT 3 can use the output of a VCEditor project to visualize the quire structure of a codex, a feature originally developed by the VisColl researchers. After you have finished working with VCEditor, follow these steps to add a VisColl view to your EVT edition:

  • Get the SVG files and the JSON file that relate to the manuscript you need to view. These may either be directly downloaded by the user from the VCEditor site or provided by others.
  • Replace the SVG files in the src/assets/data/SVG folder with the new SVG files.
  • Replace the src/assets/data/visColl.json with the new JSON file, make sure to rename that file to visColl.json.
  • Click on the VisColl button in the EVT 3 user interface to view the quire structure data within EVT 3.

Technical details for development


The SCSS portion is currently minimal and only handles the sizing of the placeholder dummy image used in this view for leaf sides to which no specific image is associated. This dummy image is the same as the one found in the HMTL files that can be exported from the VCEditor site.


The TypeScript portion is mainly based on the VceditorComponent class. When initialised, it launches the takedata() method. takedata() uses an observable to extract data from visColl.json, then launches the assignmentcycle() method.

assignmentcycle() has two main steps. The first includes a series of loops that fill the variables quires, leaves, and sides. The second is a loop that handles terms. Unlike the loops that make up the first step, this loop presents a series of nested loops. It not only fills up the terms variable, but also associates each term to the quires, leaves, and sides to which it belongs.


The HTML portion consists of a loop on quires. For each quire, the HTML shows:

  • The related SVG file
  • Images of each of its leaves’ sides (through a nested loop on quire.memberleaves)
  • Terms relating to the quire, each of its leaves, and each of its sides