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IBM Visual Insights API Tools

IBM Visual Insights makes computer vision with deep learning more accessible to business users. IBM Visual Insights includes an intuitive toolset that empowers subject matter experts to label, train, and deploy deep learning vision models, without coding or deep learning expertise. This repo provides a developer client API and command line (CLI) for an existing installation. To learn more about IBM Visual Insights, check out the IBM Marketplace

The IBM Visual Insights API tools has two parts; a Python API piece and a command line (CLI) piece. The CLI piece uses the API piece to communicate with an IBM Visual Insights server. The CLI is meant to make it easier to do automation via shell scripts while the API is meant to make it easier to do automation scripting in Python.

The goal is that the tools will support all of the endpoints and options available from the IBM Visual Insight ReST API. However, not everything is supported at this time.


Setting up Access to the Tools

It is a long term goal to create a PIP install image to make the tools easier to install and use. But at this time, the following steps can be used to setup and use the IBM Visual Insight Tools. (these steps assume that the cloned repo is in your home directory ("$HOME"))

  1. Ensure Python is at version 3.6 or above (e.g. python3 -V). If it is not, upgrade python using your favorite install manager (pip, conda, etc.)
  2. Ensure that the Python requests package is installed. (e.g. pip install requests)
  3. Clone this repo. (e.g. git clone
  4. Add the cloned repo's cli directory to your PATH environment variable. (e.g. PATH=$PATH:$HOME/vision-tools/cli)
  5. Add the cloned repos's lib directory to your PYTHONPATH environment variable. (e.g. export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$HOME/vision-tools/lib)

At this point, the Visual Insights API CLI tools should be accessible. Run vision --help to see that the command can be found. vision datasets --help can be run to ensure that sub-commands are accessible.

Using the CLI Tool


All of the CLI operations are driven by a single command -- vision. This command takes an "entity" (or "object") on which to operate. Currently supported entities are:

  • datasets
  • categories
  • files
  • object-tags
  • object-labels
  • action-tags
  • action-labels
  • dltasks
  • trained-models
  • deployed-models
  • projects

Each of these entities have operations that can be performed on them for creating, listing, showing details, deleting, etc. Each entity will respond with the list of operations it supports when given the --help flag (e.g. vision datasets --help). To get detailed help about an operation for an entity use --help with the operation (e.g. vision datasets list --help).

Note that flags, entities, and operations can be abbreviated to the point of uniqueness. Using abbreviations is NOT recommended in scripts, but can be useful on the command line to reduce typing.

The Basics

The vision tool has the following usage:

Usage:  vision [--httpdetail] [--jsonoutput] [--host=<host>] [--token=<token>] [--log=<level>] [-?] <entity> [<args>...]

     --httpdetail   Causes HTTP message details to be printed to STDERR
                    This information can be useful for debugging purposes or
                    to get the syntax for use with CURL.
     --jsonoutput   Intended to ease use by scripts, all output to STDOUT is in
                    JSON format. By default output to STDOUT is more human
     --host         Identifies the targeted PowerAI Vision server. If not
                    specified here, the VAPI_HOST environment variable is used.
     --token        The authentication token. If not specified here, the
                    VAPI_TOKEN environment variable is used.
     --log          Requests logging at the indicated level. Supported levels are
                    'error', 'warn', 'info', and 'debug'

     <entity> is required and must be one of:
        categories     -- work with category entities
        datasets       -- work with dataset entities
        files          -- work with dataset file entities
        object-tags    -- work with object detection tag entities
        object-labels  -- work with object detection label entities (aka annotation entities)
        dltasks        -- work with DL training tasks
        trained-models -- work with trained model entities
        deployed-models -- work with deployed model entities
        projects       -- work with project entities
        users          -- work with users
  'vision' provides access to Visual Insights entities via the ReST API.
  Use 'vision <entity> --help' for more information about operating on a given entity

Two pieces of information are required -- the host name of the server (--host) and the user's authentication token (--token). It is often easier to specify this information via environment variables. The $VAPI_HOST variable is used for the hostname and the $VAPI_TOKEN variable is used for the token. With this information, vision will generate a base URL of https://${VAPI_HOST}/visual-insights/api to access the server.

In some installations, including those running IBM PowerAI Vision instead of IBM Visual Insights, the $VAPI_INSTANCE environment variable will be needed to adjust the generated base URL. Exporting a value in $VAPI_INSTANCE will cause vision to generate a base URL of https://${VAPI_HOST}/${VAPI_INSTANCE}/api.

If a different port is needed, that port can be included with the hostname.

Quick Start Summary

Using a Standalone Server with "visual-insights" URI

Assume that the target server is an IBM Visual Insights standalone server with host name, with a base URL of "".
Assume that the user is janedoe and her password is Vis10nDemo.

Perform the following steps for the easiest use:

  1. set VAPI_HOST -- export
  2. set VAPI_TOKEN -- export VAPI_TOKEN=$(vision users token --user janedo --password Vis10nDemo)
  3. ensure token is set -- echo $VAPI_TOKEN

If all went well, vision should report results from the server; try vision datasets list --summary. If something failed, see the "debugging" section below.

Using a Server With Different URI (e.g. a Cloud Instance)

Assume that the target server has a host name of and the URI to access the Visual Insights Application is my-visual-insights-v120.
Assume that the user is janedoe and her password is Vis10nDemo.

Perform the following steps for the easiest use:

  1. set VAPI_HOST -- export
  2. set VAPI_TOKEN -- export VAPI_TOKEN=$(vision users token --user janedo --password Vis10nDemo)
  3. set VAPI_INSTANCE -- export VAPI_INSTANCE="my-visual-insights-v120"
  4. ensure token is set -- echo $VAPI_TOKEN

Note that the only difference is setting the VAPI_INSTANCE environment variable.

If all went well, vision should report results from the server; try vision datasets list --summary. If something failed, see the "debugging" section below.


Two flags exist to assist with debugging. The --httpdetail flag and the --log flag.

The --httpdetail flag causes information from the requests package to be printed to STDERR. This information includes the entire HTTP request that was sent to the server. The request information includes all of the Headers that were sent. It can be quite useful to examine this request information to ensure that information is accurate (e.g. host name, URL, input parameters, etc). Be forewarned that if used when uploading a file (or importing a dataset or model), the detail will include all of the encoded file contents. So it can be quite large in these cases.

The --log flag is fairly obvious. It uses the same logging levels as those provided by the Python logging module. The only oddity with this flag is that the command must get through parsing of the command line before the specified logging level will take effect. In most cases, that will not be a problem


In addition to the required external Python Packages, this toolset embeds the following:


This module is cloned from It is a command argument parser that takes a usage statement as the parsing definition. It is embedded to ease install of the toolset and to cleanup some error messages to be more user friendly.

bats -- Bash Automated Testing System

BATS is used to drive the automated testing to the CLI. It is included in the test directory as a zip file containing the 3 repos...


IBM Visual Insights CLI Tools and APIs







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  • Python 81.8%
  • Shell 18.2%