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Comparing the similarity of sentences using several NLP approaches.

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NLP Scoring Server

This repository combines several algorithms from the natural language processing field (NLP) to determine the similarity of sentences.

The work is funded by an IES grant of Dr. Michael N. Jones and Dr. Jeffrey D. Karpicke. The encoder and classifier components are based on this work from Dr. Jones' group. The server part is inspired by the implementation of Anirudh in Dr. Karpicke's group.

Please see the file about how to install this project.

API Specs v1.2

Score Requests

In order to get a score for the similarity of a response string to a target string, send a get request to /api/score. Provide the following query parameters:

Parameter Required Use Case Type
api_key required authenticates the api call (authentication can be disabled in the file) string
target required target/gold answer to compare the student response to string
response required response supplied by the student/user string
models required comma-separated list of encoder models. See below for available models. string
classifier optional name of a trained classifier (must fit the model-combination). string

Here are some example API calls:

  • /api/score?target=autumn&response=fall&models=quickscore
  • /api/score?target=plants need water and sunlight to grow&response=plants need the sun&models=infersent
  • /api/score?target=plants need water and sunlight to grow&response=plants need the sun&models=bow,feature_based&classifier=bow_fb-sick

The server currently supports the following encoder models:

Model Name Description
infersent embeds a whole sentence in a 4096 dim. vector; more details here
bow "bag of words"; adds up the 300 dim. vector embeddings of all words in the sentence using these pretrained embeddings
quickscore calculates the proportion of words in the target that are included in the response, using spell correction, stemming and synonyms
feature_based combines the quickscore features with several length and token features of both target and response

Currently, we have the following pre-trained classifiers:

Classifier Name Encoder Combination Target Dataset
bow_fb-sick bow, feature_based SICK
infersent-sick infersent SICK

Score Responses

Parameter Optional Description Type
name always used to provide a string which reflect the name of the api, i.e. Automated Scoring string
version always value representing version of the api called semantic version number
errors optional a list of errors that occurred array of strings
score optional the similarity score between target and response number between 0 and 1
models optional the models that were used array of strings
classifier optional the classifier that was used string

Score Paragraph Requests

In order to get a score matrix that compares several targets (idea units) with a student response, send a GET or POST request to /api/score-par. The student response will be split into sentences. Each response sentence will be compared to each idea unit using the same method as in the Score Requests. Provide the following query parameters:

Parameter Required Use Case Type
api_key required authenticates the api call (authentication can be disabled in the file) string
targets required JSON string of array of idea units to compare the student response to string
response required response supplied by the student/user, will be split into sentences string
models required comma-separated list of encoder models. See below for available models. string
classifier optional name of a trained classifier (must fit the model-combination). string

Here are some example API calls:

  • /api/score-par?targets=["plants need water to grow", "plants need sunlight to grow"]&response=plants grow in the sun. plants are green.&models=bow,feature_based&classifier=bow_fb-sick

See the previous section for supported encoder models and classifiers.

Score Responses

Parameter Optional Description Type
name always used to provide a string which reflect the name of the api, i.e. Automated Scoring string
version always value representing version of the api called semantic version number
errors optional a list of errors that occurred array of strings
sentences optional student response split into sentences array of strings
scores optional array of score arrays; the 1st score array contains the similarity scores of the first idea unit to all response sentences array of arrays of scores between 0 and 1
models optional the models that were used array of strings
classifier optional the classifier that was used string


Comparing the similarity of sentences using several NLP approaches.






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