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progress_tracker is an easy and flexible way to print custom progress messages while processing streams of events on the CLI.

It was originally developed at exactEarth Ltd . See this presentation to DevHouse Waterloo for the original motivation.

Built and tested with Python 3.6+

% pip install progress_tracker
>>> from progress_tracker import track_progress
>>> for _ in track_progress(list(range(1000)), every_n_records=100):
...     continue
100/1000 (10.0%) in 0:00:00.000114 (Time left: 0:00:00.001026)
200/1000 (20.0%) in 0:00:00.000274 (Time left: 0:00:00.001096)
300/1000 (30.0%) in 0:00:00.000374 (Time left: 0:00:00.000873)
400/1000 (40.0%) in 0:00:00.000473 (Time left: 0:00:00.000710)
500/1000 (50.0%) in 0:00:00.000572 (Time left: 0:00:00.000572)
600/1000 (60.0%) in 0:00:00.000671 (Time left: 0:00:00.000447)
700/1000 (70.0%) in 0:00:00.000770 (Time left: 0:00:00.000330)
800/1000 (80.0%) in 0:00:00.000868 (Time left: 0:00:00.000217)
900/1000 (90.0%) in 0:00:00.000979 (Time left: 0:00:00.000109)
1000 in 0:00:00.001086

progress_tracker is very customizable to fit your desires, but tries to have sensible defaults.

The core of progress_tracker is a method called track_progress. By changing the parameters passed to track_progress, you can customize how frequently (and with what messages) the tracker will report.

def track_progress(
    iterable: Iterable[T], # The iterable to iterate over
    total: Optional[int] = None, # Override for the total message count, defaults to len(iterable)
    callback: Callable[[str], Any] = print, # A function (f(str) -> None) that gets called each time a condition matches
    format_callback: Callable[[Dict[str, Any], Set[str]], str] = default_format_callback, # A function (f(str) -> str) that formats the progress values into a string.
    every_n_percent: Optional[float] = None, # Reports after every n percent
    every_n_records: Optional[int] = None, # Reports every n records
    every_n_seconds: Optional[float] = None, # Reports every n seconds
    every_n_seconds_idle: Optional[float] = None, # Report if there has not been a record processed in the past n seconds. Useful for infinite streams.
    every_n_seconds_since_report: Optional[float] = None, # Report if there hasn’t been any report in the past n seconds.
    report_first_record: bool = False, # Report after the first record
    report_last_record: bool = False # Report after the last record
    ) -> None

The every_n_records parameter will trigger a report after every nth record is processed.

>>> from progress_tracker import track_progress
>>> for _ in track_progress(list(range(1000)), every_n_records=100):
...     continue
100/1000 (10.0%) in 0:00:00.000114 (Time left: 0:00:00.001026)
200/1000 (20.0%) in 0:00:00.000274 (Time left: 0:00:00.001096)
300/1000 (30.0%) in 0:00:00.000374 (Time left: 0:00:00.000873)
400/1000 (40.0%) in 0:00:00.000473 (Time left: 0:00:00.000710)
500/1000 (50.0%) in 0:00:00.000572 (Time left: 0:00:00.000572)
600/1000 (60.0%) in 0:00:00.000671 (Time left: 0:00:00.000447)
700/1000 (70.0%) in 0:00:00.000770 (Time left: 0:00:00.000330)
800/1000 (80.0%) in 0:00:00.000868 (Time left: 0:00:00.000217)
900/1000 (90.0%) in 0:00:00.000979 (Time left: 0:00:00.000109)
1000 in 0:00:00.001086

The every_n_percent parameter will trigger a report after every nth percent of records are processed.

>>> from progress_tracker import track_progress
>>> for _ in track_progress(list(range(1000)), every_n_percent=10):
...     continue
100/1000 (10.0%) in 0:00:00.000114 (Time left: 0:00:00.001026)
200/1000 (20.0%) in 0:00:00.000274 (Time left: 0:00:00.001096)
300/1000 (30.0%) in 0:00:00.000374 (Time left: 0:00:00.000873)
400/1000 (40.0%) in 0:00:00.000473 (Time left: 0:00:00.000710)
500/1000 (50.0%) in 0:00:00.000572 (Time left: 0:00:00.000572)
600/1000 (60.0%) in 0:00:00.000671 (Time left: 0:00:00.000447)
700/1000 (70.0%) in 0:00:00.000770 (Time left: 0:00:00.000330)
800/1000 (80.0%) in 0:00:00.000868 (Time left: 0:00:00.000217)
900/1000 (90.0%) in 0:00:00.000979 (Time left: 0:00:00.000109)
1000 in 0:00:00.001086

every_n_percent only works for bounded iterables. For unbounded iterables (ex. streams), using every_n_percent will report a RuntimeWarning.

At most a single report is generated per processed record. Even if processing of a single record would meet the conditions multiple times (ex. if every_n_percent=10, but there are only 2 records, then processing each record causes 50%, or 5 * 10%, progress), only a single report is created (containing the latest values).

This is especially useful when you have highly variable processing times (ex. most records take 2 seconds to process, but some take 20 seconds to process). You can use the every_n_seconds parameter to get reports between the expensive records.

import time
from progress_tracker import track_progress

def simulated_processing(item):
    if item == 'hard':

variable_stream_simulation = (['easy'] * 15) + (['hard'] * 5) + (['easy'] * 15)

for item in track_progress(variable_stream_simulation, every_n_records=5, every_n_seconds=10):

5/35 (14.285714285714285%) in 0:00:00.000014 (Time left: 0:00:00.000084)
10/35 (28.57142857142857%) in 0:00:00.000095 (Time left: 0:00:00.000238)
15/35 (42.857142857142854%) in 0:00:00.000120 (Time left: 0:00:00.000160)
16/35 (45.714285714285715%) in 0:00:10.011364 (Time left: 0:00:11.888495)
17/35 (48.57142857142857%) in 0:00:20.022107 (Time left: 0:00:21.199878)
18/35 (51.42857142857142%) in 0:00:30.031801 (Time left: 0:00:28.363368)
19/35 (54.285714285714285%) in 0:00:40.041754 (Time left: 0:00:33.719372)
20/35 (57.14285714285714%) in 0:00:50.073991 (Time left: 0:00:37.555493)
25/35 (71.42857142857143%) in 0:00:50.074246 (Time left: 0:00:20.029698)
30/35 (85.71428571428571%) in 0:00:50.074286 (Time left: 0:00:08.345714)
35 in 0:00:50.074319

During the processing of the slow records, track_progress reported after every record.

Note: Because the default "Time left" calculation is just a simple linear extrapolation, it is not as useful in the face of such variability in processing times.

As seen in the previous example, you can combine multiple conditions together to dictate when a report is created.

Each of the conditions are combined using an OR operator, meaning that if any condition is met, a report is created.

Even if multiple conditions are met simultaneously, only a single report will be created.

Report creation observes two invariants:

  1. At most a single report is created per processed record.
  2. Reports are only created in response to a record being processed.

By default, progress_tracker formats the report into an English language string. This can be overriden by supplying a different function as the format_callback parameter to track_progress.

This can be used to perform advanced formatting, or to add internationalization/localization.

def format_en_francais(report: Dict[str, Any], reasons: Set[str]):
    i = report["i"]
    total = report["total"]
    if total is None or i == total:
        format_string = "{i} messages traités en {time_taken}"
        format_string = "{i}/{total} messages traités en {time_taken} (temps restant: {estimated_time_remaining})"
    return format_string.format(**report)

for poste in track_progress(postes, every_n_records=100, format_callback=format_en_francais):

(Veuillez excuser toute erreur en français. C'est le résultat de Google Translate.)

Simple cases can also be done using a lambda:

>>> from progress_tracker import track_progress
>>> for _ in track_progress(list(range(5)), every_n_records=1, format_callback=lambda **kwargs: "Got one!"):
...     continue
Got one!
Got one!
Got one!
Got one!
Got one!

The following values are available in every report for use in the format_callback:

Value Type Meaning
{records_seen} int The number of records processed so far.
{total} Optional[int] The total of records in the iterable, if known. Else None
{percent_complete} Optional[float] The percentage of records processed so far. None if {total} is None or records_seen = 0
{time_taken} timedelta The amount of time that processing has taken thus far.
{estimated_time_remaining} Optional[timedelta] The estimated amount of time needed in order to process the rest of the records (simple linear estimate). None if total is None
{items_per_second} Optional[float] The number of records processed so far / the number of seconds elapsed. None if no time have elapsed.
{idle_time} timedelta The amount of idle time between the previous record's processing and this record's arrival.

By default, progress_tracker calls Python's print function with the formatted report. This can be overriden by supplying a different function as the callback parameter to track_progress.

every_n_seconds_idle allows you to trigger a report if there is ever more than n seconds when no records were processed.

Note: If processing of a single record takes longer than every_n_seconds_idle, then it will be triggered after every record.

  • every_n_seconds triggers a report anytime it has been more than n seconds since every_n_seconds last triggered a report.
  • every_n_seconds_idle triggers a report anytime there has not been a record processed in the past n seconds (ie. the processing has been idle).

For example:

After # of records processed in interval Cummulative records processed every_n_seconds=3 every_n_seconds_idle=3
0 seconds 0 0    
1 second 1 1    
2 seconds 1 2    
3 seconds 1 3 Triggered, since it is the first record T >= 3s (T >= 0s + 3s)  
4 seconds 1 4    
5 seconds 1 5    
6 seconds 1 6 Triggered, since it is the first record T >= 6s (T >= 3s + 3s)  
7 seconds 1 6    
8 seconds 0 6    
9 seconds 0 6    
10 seconds 0 6    
11 seconds 1 7 Triggered, since it is the first record T >= 9s (T >= 6s + 3s) Triggered, since it is the first record processed in the past 3 seconds (T >= 6s + 3s)
12 seconds 1 8    
13 seconds 1 9    
14 seconds 1 10 Triggered, since it is the first record T >= 14s (T >= 11s + 3s)  
15 seconds 1 11    

Note that every_n_seconds reports at 3 seconds and 6 seconds, as one would expect. Then it reports at 11 seconds, since that is the first time a record was processed after the 9 seconds mark. Then note that instead of next reporting at 12 seconds (9s + 3s), it reports next at 14 seconds (11s + 3s).

every_n_seconds_idle only reported at 11 seconds, since that was the only time that a record was processed without other records being processed during the previous 3 seconds.

By default, track_progress hides the internal ProgressTracker object underneath. However, in some cases you might want to be able to access the internals of the object after iteration. In these cases, you can use track_progress an explicit context manager:

with track_progress(range(0, 101), every_n_percent=5) as tracker:
    for item in tracker:
    final_report = tracker.create_report()
    print(f"Processing took {final_report['time_taken']} and processed {final_report['records_seen']} records.")