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File metadata and controls

443 lines (287 loc) · 12.5 KB

Ten Design Choices for Example42 Puppet Modules

1 - Provide alternatives for Data Separation

2 - Provide choice on Configuration Files supply

3 - Configure everything but provide OS defaults.

4 - Allow management of general module's behavior

5 - Allow Custom Options for endless parameters

6 - Permit easy extension with custom classes

7 - Offer easy removal of the module's resources

8 - Limit cross-dependencies. Prerequisites as options.

9 - Automatically monitor and firewall resources

10 - Puppi integration: Puppet knowledge to the CLI


  • Set (Top Scope/External Node Classifier) variables and include classes:

    $::openssh_template = 'site/openssh/openssh.conf.erb'
    include openssh
  • Use Hiera:

    include openssh
  • Use Parametrized Classes:

    class { 'openssh':
      template => 'site/openssh/openssh.conf.erb',
  • Happily mix different patterns:

    $::monitor = true
    $::monitor_tool = [ 'nagios' , 'munin' , 'puppi' ]
    class { 'openssh':
      template => 'site/openssh/openssh.conf.erb',


  • Each parameter is processed by the params_lookup function

    class openssh (
    [...] # openssh module specific parameters ...
      $my_class            = params_lookup( 'my_class' ),
      $source              = params_lookup( 'source' ),
      $source_dir          = params_lookup( 'source_dir' ),
      $source_dir_purge    = params_lookup( 'source_dir_purge' ),
      $template            = params_lookup( 'template' ),
      $service_autorestart = params_lookup( 'service_autorestart' , 'global' ),
      $options             = params_lookup( 'options' ),
      $version             = params_lookup( 'version' ),
      $absent              = params_lookup( 'absent' ),
      $disable             = params_lookup( 'disable' ),
      $disableboot         = params_lookup( 'disableboot' ),
      $monitor             = params_lookup( 'monitor' , 'global' ),
      $monitor_tool        = params_lookup( 'monitor_tool' , 'global' ),
      $monitor_target      = params_lookup( 'monitor_target' , 'global' ),
    [...] ) inherits openssh::params {
  • Flexibility on booleans: they are sanitized by the any2bool function You set:

    $absent              => "yes" # (or "1", 'Y', "true", true ...)

    The module internally uses:

    $bool_absent = any2bool($absent)


  • The function params_lookup is provided by the Puppi module

  • It allows data to be defined in different ways:

    • Via Hiera, if available
    • As Top Scope variable (as provided by External Node Classifiers)
    • Via defaults set in the module's params class
  • The "global" argument is used to define site_wide behavior If there's a direct param that's the value

    class { 'openssh': 
      monitor => true
  • Otherwise, If Hiera is available:

    hiera("monitor") # If global lookup is set hiera("openssh_monitor") # A specific value overrides the global one

  • If variable is still not evaluated, Top Scope is looked up:

    $::monitor # If global lookup is set $::openssh_monitor # If present, overrides $::monitor

  • Module's params are used as last option defaults:



  • Provide Main Configuration as a static file ...

    class { 'openssh':
      source => 'puppet:///modules/site/ssh/sshd.conf'
  • ... an array of files looked up on a first match logic ...

    class { 'openssh':
      source => [ "puppet:///modules/site/ssh/sshd.conf-${fqdn}",
  • ... or an erb template:

    class { 'openssh':
      template => 'site/ssh/sshd.conf.erb',
  • Config File Path is defined in params.pp (can be overriden):

    config_file => '/etc/ssh/sshd_config',


  • You can manage the whole Configuration Directory:

    class { 'openssh':
      source_dir => 'puppet:///modules/site/ssh/sshd/',
  • This copies all the files in lab42/files/ssh/sshd/* to local config_dir

  • You can purge any existing file on the destination config_dir which are not present on the source_dir path:

    class { 'openssh':
      source_dir       => 'puppet:///modules/site/ssh/sshd/',
      source_dir_purge => true, # default is false

    WARNING: Use with care

  • Config Dir Path is defined in params.pp (can be overriden):

    config_dir => '/etc/ssh',


  • Customize Application Parameters. An example: Use the puppet module to manage pe-puppet!

    class { 'puppet':
      template           => 'lab42/pe-puppet/puppet.conf.erb',
      package            => 'pe-puppet',
      service            => 'pe-puppet',
      service_status     => true,
      config_file        => '/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf',
      config_file_owner  => 'root',
      config_file_group  => 'root',
      config_file_init   => '/etc/sysconfig/pe-puppet',
      process            => 'ruby',
      process_args       => 'puppet',
      process_user       => 'root',
      config_dir         => '/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/',
      pid_file           => '/var/run/pe-puppet/',
      log_file           => '/var/log/pe-puppet/puppet.log',
      log_dir            => '/var/log/pe-puppet',


  • Each module has a params class with defaults for different OS

    class openssh::params {
      ### Application related parameters
      $package = $::operatingsystem ? {
        default => 'openssh-server',
      $service = $::operatingsystem ? {
        /(?i:Debian|Ubuntu|Mint)/ => 'ssh',
        default                   => 'sshd',
      $process = $::operatingsystem ? {
        default => 'sshd',
      $port = '22'
      $protocol = 'tcp'
      # General Settings
      $my_class = ''
      $source = ''
      $source_dir = ''
      $source_dir_purge = ''
      ### General module variables that can have a site or per module default
      $monitor = false
      $monitor_tool = ''
      $monitor_target = $::ipaddress
      $firewall = false
      $firewall_tool = ''
      $firewall_src = ''


  • Enable Auditing:

    class { 'openssh':
      audit_only => true, # Default: false

    No changes to configuration files are actually made and potential changes are audited

  • Manage Service Autorestart:

    class { 'openssh':
      service_autorestart => false, # Default: true

    No automatic service restart when a configuration file / dir changes

  • Manage Software Version:

    class { 'foo':
      version => '1.2.0', # Default: unset

    Specify the package version you want to be installed. Set => 'latest' to force installation of latest version


  • With templates you can provide an hash of custom options:

    class { 'openssh': template => 'site/ssh/sshd.conf.erb', options => { 'LogLevel' => 'INFO', 'UsePAM' => 'yes', }, }

  • The Hash values can be used in your custom templates with the options_lookup function (Use the option value or set a default)

    UsePAM <%= scope.function_options_lookup(['UsePAM','no']) %>
    LogLevel <%= scope.function_options_lookup(['LogLevel','INFO']) %>
  • This allows management of any kind of configuration parameter:

    Provide endless configuration values without adding new parameters


  • Provide added resources in a Custom Class:

    class { 'openssh':
      my_class => 'site/my_openssh',

    This autoloads: site/manifests/my_openssh.pp

  • Custom class can stay in your site module:

    class site::my_openssh {
      file { 'motd':
        path    => '/etc/motd',
        content => template('site/openssh/motd.erb'),

    You hardly need to inherit openssh: there are parameters for everything Do not call your class site::openssh, naming collisions could happen.


  • Disable openssh service:

    class { 'openssh':
      disable => true
  • Deactivate openssh service only at boot time:

    class { 'openssh':
      disableboot => true

    Useful when a service is managed by another tool (ie: a cluster suite)

  • Remove openssh (package and files):

    class { 'openssh':
      absent => true
  • Monitoring and firewalling resources removal is automatically managed


  • Integration with other modules sets and conflicts management is not easy.

  • Provide the option to use the module's prerequisite resources:

    class { 'logstash':
      install_prerequisites => false, # Default true

    The prerequisites resources for this module are installed automatically BUT can be managed by third-party modules

  • Play well with others: Use if ! defined when defining common resources

    if ! defined(Package['git']) {
      package { 'git': ensure => installed } 

    Not a definitive solution, but better than nothing.

  • Always define in Modulefile the module's dependencies

    dependency 'example42/puppi', '>= 2.0.0'
  • Never assume your resource defaults are set for others

    Exec { path => "/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin" }


  • Manage Abstract Automatic Monitoring:

    class { 'openssh':
      monitor      => true,
      monitor_tool => [ 'nagios','puppi','monit' ],
      monitor_target => $::ip_address # Default

    Monitoring is based on these parameters defined in params.pp:

      port         => '22',
      protocol     => 'tcp',
      service      => 'ssh[d]',  # According to OS 
      process      => 'sshd', 
      process_args => '',
      process_user => 'root',
      pid_file     => '/var/run/',
  • Abstraction is managed in the Example42 monitor module Here "connectors" for different monitoring tools are defined and can be added (also using 3rd party modules).


  • Manage Automatic Firewalling (host based):

    class { 'openssh':
      firewall      => true,
      firewall_tool => 'iptables',
      firewall_src  => '',
      firewall_dst  => $::ipaddress_eth1, # Default is $::ipaddress
  • Firewalling is based on these parameters defined in params.pp:

      port         => '22',
      protocol     => 'tcp',
  • Abstraction is managed in the Example42 firewall module Currently only the "iptables" firewall_tool is defined, it uses Example42 iptables module to manage local iptables rules


  • Manage Puppi Integration:

    class { 'openssh':
      puppi        => true,       # Default: false
      puppi_helper => 'standard', # Default
  • The Puppi module is a prerequisite for all Example42 modules Is required because it provides common libs, widely used in the modules BUT the actual puppi integration is optional (and disabled by default)

  • Puppi integration allows CLI enrichment commands like:

    puppi info openssh puppi log openssh puppi check openssh

    Note: puppi support for info/log commands for NextGen modules is under development

  • Puppi helpers allow you to customize Puppi behavior

How to make a NextGen module

  • Get from GitHub the Next-Gen modules set:

    git clone --recursive
    cd puppet-modules-nextgen
  • Create a module (name will be prompted) based on the template in Example42-templates/standard42:

    Example42-tools/ -t standard42
  • Create a module cloned from the existing module mysql:

    Example42-tools/ -m mysql
  • Create a module called vim based on Example42-templates/minimal42:

    Example42-tools/ -t minimal42 -n vim