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Getting Started

Download and Install Excalibur

Review the :doc:`installation` for instructions.

Build Your Game Script

Create a script in your project, here I've named it game.js. Excalibur games are built off of the ex.Engine container. It is important to start the engine once you are done building your game.


ProTip™ Call game.start() right away so you don't forget

// game.js

// Create an instance of the engine.
// I'm specifying that the game be 800 pixels wide by 600 pixels tall.
// If no dimensions are specified the game will be fullscreen.
var game = new ex.Engine({
    width: 800,
    height: 600
// todo build awesome game here

// Start the engine to begin the game.

Include your game script after the excalibur script.

    <!-- Include your script at the end of the body tag -->
    <script src="excalibur-version.js"></script>
    <script src="game.js"></script>

Open a browser and view the blank blue screen of goodness.

Hello Excalibur: Building Breakout!

That's cool, but let's make something more interesting on the screen.

To do this Excalibur uses a primitive called an Actor, and places actors into a Scene. Think of actors like you would the actors in a play. Actors are the primary way to draw things to the screen.


ProTip™ Actors must be added to a scene to be drawn or updated! game.add(actor) Will add an actor to the current scene.


Important! Actors have a default anchor of (0.5, 0.5) which means their position is centered (not top-left) by default.

// game.js

// Create an instance of the engine.
var game = new ex.Engine({
    width: 800,
    height: 600

// Create an actor with x position of 150px,
// y position of 40px from the bottom of the screen,
// width of 200px, height and a height of 20px
var paddle = new ex.Actor(150, game.drawHeight - 40, 200, 20);

// Let's give it some color with one of the predefined
// color constants
paddle.color = ex.Color.Chartreuse;

// Make sure the paddle can partipate in collisions, by default excalibur actors do not collide
paddle.collisionType = ex.CollisionType.Fixed;

// `game.add` is the same as calling
// `game.currentScene.add`

// Start the engine to begin the game.

Open up your favorite browser and you should see something like this: Hello World Excalibur

That's neat, but this game is way more fun if things move around. Let's make the paddle follow the mouse around in the x direction.

// Add a mouse move listener
game.input.pointers.primary.on('move', function (evt) {
    paddle.pos.x = evt.x;

What's breakout without the ball? To make the ball bounce, Excalibur comes prebuilt with an "elastic" collision type that does naive elastic collisions, which is sufficient for breakout.

 // Create a ball
 var ball = new ex.Actor(100, 300, 20, 20);

 // Set the color
 ball.color = ex.Color.Red;

 // Set the velocity in pixels per second
 ball.vel.setTo(100, 100);

// Set the collision Type to passive
// This means "tell me when I collide with an emitted event, but don't let excalibur do anything automatically"
ball.collisionType = ex.CollisionType.Passive;
// Other possible collision types:
// "ex.CollisionType.PreventCollision - this means do not participate in any collision notification at all"
// "ex.CollisionType.Active - this means participate and let excalibur resolve the positions/velocities of actors after collision"
// "ex.CollisionType.Fixed - this means participate, but this object is unmovable"

 // Add the ball to the current scene

The ball will now bounce off of the paddle, but does not bounce with the side of the screen. To fix that, let's take advantage of the postupdate event.

// Wire up to the postupdate event
ball.on('postupdate', function () {
    // If the ball collides with the left side
    // of the screen reverse the x velocity
    if (this.pos.x < (this.getWidth() / 2)) {
        this.vel.x *= -1;

    // If the ball collides with the right side
    // of the screen reverse the x velocity
    if (this.pos.x + (this.getWidth() / 2) > game.drawWidth) {
        this.vel.x *= -1;

    // If the ball collides with the top
    // of the screen reverse the y velocity
    if (this.pos.y < (this.getHeight() / 2)) {
        this.vel.y *= -1;

Don't like square balls? Neither do we. You can create your own custom drawing function like so:

// Draw is passed a rendering context and a delta in milliseconds since the last frame
ball.draw = function (ctx, delta) {
    // Optionally call original 'base' method
    //, ctx, delta)

    // Custom draw code
    ctx.fillStyle = this.color.toString();
    ctx.arc(this.pos.x, this.pos.y, 10, 0, Math.PI * 2);


ProTip™ Overriding a method like this will remove any built-in Excalibur functionality. If you would like to call the original draw for example, ctx, delta)

Breakout needs some bricks to break. To do this we calculate our brick layout and add them to the current scene.

// Build Bricks

// Padding between bricks
var padding = 20; // px
var xoffset = 65; // x-offset
var yoffset = 20; // y-offset
var columns = 5;
var rows = 3;

var brickColor = [ex.Color.Violet, ex.Color.Orange, ex.Color.Yellow];

// Individual brick width with padding factored in
var brickWidth = game.drawWidth / columns - padding - padding/columns; // px
var brickHeight = 30; // px
var bricks = [];
for (var j = 0; j < rows; j++) {
    for (var i = 0; i < columns; i++) {
        bricks.push(new ex.Actor(xoffset + i * (brickWidth + padding) + padding, yoffset + j * (brickHeight + padding) + padding, brickWidth, brickHeight, brickColor[j % brickColor.length]));

bricks.forEach(function (brick) {
    // Make sure that bricks can participate in collisions
    brick.collisionType = ex.CollisionType.Active;

    // Add the brick to the current scene to be drawn

When the ball collides with bricks, we want to remove them from the scene. Additionally, if the ball strikes a brick or the paddle we want to reverse its course.

// On collision remove the brick, bounce the ball
ball.on('precollision', function (ev) {
    if (bricks.indexOf(ev.other) > -1) {
        // kill removes an actor from the current scene
        // therefore it will no longer be drawn or updated

    // reverse course after any collision
    // intersections are the direction body A has to move to not be clipping body B
    // `ev.intersection` is a vector `normalize()` will make the length of it 1
    // `negate()` flips the direction of the vector
    var intersection = ev.intersection.normalize();

    // The largest component of intersection is our axis to flip
    if (Math.abs(intersection.x) > Math.abs(intersection.y)) {
        ball.vel.x *= -1;
    } else {
        ball.vel.y *= -1;

Finally, if the ball leaves the screen, the player loses!

ball.on('exitviewport', function(){
    alert('You lose!');

Breakout Example Excalibur Congratulations! You have just created your first game in Excalibur! Please review the documentation for more examples and an API Reference.