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RST nodes to ipynb mapping

AakashGC edited this page Feb 13, 2020 · 35 revisions

Nodes from docutils


  • pass through means passing the syntax of rst for that node over to the markdown for representation.
  • No direct mapping means that there is no exclusive syntax of that node in rst which can be passed on or mapped to markdown
Elements Links Ipynb representation
Structural Elements
document doc, source {"cells": [ ] }
section doc, source Every section starts with a title and in a new cell, Example:- "source": ["## Competitive Equilibrium with Distorting Taxes\n ..... "]
topic doc, source pass through .. topic:: Title \n Body.
sidebar doc, source No direct mapping, creates a new cell
Structural Subelements
title doc, source One or more #, Example:-"# Title"
subtitle doc, source Creates a new cell starting from subtitle and with one heading level lower then title and is preceded by the title cell. Example:- "source": ["## Subtitle\n ... "]
decoration doc, source No direct mapping. container for header, footer elements
docinfo doc, source No direct mapping
transition doc, source pass through --------, behaviour analogous to <hr/> in html
Bibliographic Elements
address doc, source pass through :Address: 123 Example Ave. Example, EX
author doc, source pass through :Author: J. Random Hacker
authors doc, source pass through :Authors: J. Random Hacker; Jane Doe
contact doc, source pass through :Contact:
copyright doc, source pass through :Copyright: This document has been placed in the public domain.
date doc, source pass through :Date: 2002-08-20
organization doc, source pass through :Organization: Humankind
revision doc, source pass through :Revision: b
status doc, source pass through :Status: Work In Progress
version doc, source pass through :Version: 1
Decorative Elements
footer doc, source No direct mapping
header doc, source pass through. .. header:: This space for rent.
Body Elements
Simple Body Elements
comment doc, source < comment >
doctest_block doc, source Triple nested block quote because of the syntax
image doc, source ![]() as markdown or html img tag which gives more formatting control
literal_block doc, source code cell
math_block doc, source "$$ ... $$" or can also render MathJax subset of Tex and LaTeX
paragraph doc, source Rendered as simple text, no extra syntax
pending doc, source No direct mapping
raw doc, source pass through. .. raw:: html
rubric doc, source
substitution_definition doc, source
target doc, source
Simple Body Subelements
attribution doc, source
caption doc, source
classifier doc, source
colspec doc, source
field_name doc, source
label doc, source
line doc, source
option_argument doc, source
option_string doc, source
term doc, source
Compound Body Elements
admonition doc, source
attention doc, source
block_quote doc, source
bullet_list doc, source
caution doc, source
citation doc, source
compound doc, source
container doc, source
danger doc, source
definition_list doc, source
enumerated_list doc, source
error doc, source
field_list doc, source
figure doc, source
footnote doc, source
hint doc, source
important doc, source
line_block doc, source
note doc, source
option_list doc, source
system_message doc, source
table doc, source
tip doc, source
warning doc, source
Compound Body Subelements
definition doc, source
definition_list_item doc, source
description doc, source
entry doc, source
field doc, source
field_body doc, source
legend doc, source
list_item doc, source
option doc, source
option_group doc, source
option_list_item doc, source
row doc, source
tbody doc, source
tgroup doc, source
thead doc, source
Inline Elements
abbreviation doc, source
acronym doc, source
citation_reference doc, source
emphasis doc, source
footnote_reference doc, source
generated doc, source
inline doc, source
literal doc, source
math doc, source
problematic doc, source
reference doc, source
strong doc, source
subscript doc, source
substitution_reference doc, source
superscript doc, source
title_reference doc, source