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949 lines (624 loc) · 22.9 KB


A sphinx extension for creating panels in a grid layout or as drop-downs.

  • The panels directive creates panels of content in a grid layout, utilising both the bootstrap 4 grid system, and cards layout.
  • The link-button directive creates a click-able button, linking to a URL or reference, and can also be used to make an entire panel click-able.
  • The dropdown directive creates toggle-able content.
  • The tabbed directive creates tabbed content.
  • opticon and fa roles allow for inline icons to be added.
.. tabbed:: ReStructuredText

    .. code-block:: rst

        .. panels::

            Content of the top-left panel


            Content of the top-right panel



            .. dropdown:: :fa:`eye,mr-1` Bottom-left panel

                Hidden content


            .. link-button::
                :text: Clickable Panel
                :classes: stretched-link

.. tabbed:: MyST Markdown

    .. code-block:: md

        Content of the top-left panel


        Content of the top-right panel



        ```{dropdown} :fa:`eye,mr-1` Bottom-left panel
        Hidden content


        :text: Clickable Panel
        :classes: stretched-link


.. panels::

    Content of the top-left panel


    Content of the top-right panel



    .. dropdown:: :fa:`eye,mr-1` Bottom-left panel

        Hidden content


    .. link-button::
        :text: Clickable Panel
        :classes: stretched-link

.. dropdown:: :fa:`eye,mr-1` See this documentation in other themes
    :title: text-info font-weight-bold

    Click the links to see the documentation built with:

    - `alabaster <>`_
    - `sphinx-rtd-theme <>`_
    - `sphinx-pydata-theme <>`_
    - `sphinx-book-theme <>`_

.. panels::
    :column: col-lg-12 p-0
    :header: text-secondary font-weight-bold

    :fa:`arrows-alt,mr-1` Adaptive Sizing


    Try shrinking the size of this window,
    to see how the panels above realign to compensate for small screens.

You can install sphinx-panels with pip:

pip install sphinx-panels

In your configuration file, simply add sphinx_panels to your extensions list, e.g.:

extensions = [

This extension includes the bootstrap 4 CSS classes relevant to panels and loads it by default. However if you already load your own Bootstrap CSS (e.g., if your theme loads it already), you may choose not to add it with sphinx-panels. To do so, use the following configuration in

panels_add_bootstrap_css = False

You can also change the delimiter regexes used by adding panel_delimiters to your, e.g. the default value (panels, header, footer) is:

panels_delimiters = (r"^\-{3,}$", r"^\^{3,}$", r"^\+{3,}$")

Panels are split by three or more - characters. The layout of panels is then set by using the bootstrap classes. Default classes for all panels may be set in the directive options, then panel specific classes can be added at the start of each panel.

By default the new classes will override those set previously (as defaults or in the top level options), but starting the option value with + will make the classes additive. For example the following options will set the first panel's card to have both the shadow and bg-info classes:

.. panels::
    :card: shadow

    :card: + bg-info
.. seealso::

    The bootstrap 4 `grid documentation <>`_,
    and this `grid tutorial <>`_


The default classes are:

.. panels::
    :container: container pb-4
    :column: col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-12 p-2
    :card: shadow
.. panels::
    :container: container-lg pb-3
    :column: col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12 p-2

    :column: col-lg-12 p-2
.. panels::
    :container: container-lg pb-3
    :column: col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12 p-2

    :column: col-lg-12 p-2

Each panel contains a card, which can itself contain a header and/or footer, split by three or more ^^^ and +++ respectively.

.. seealso::

    The bootstrap 4 `card documentation <>`_,
    and this `card tutorial <>`_

.. panels::

    panel 1 header

    panel 1 content

    more content

    panel 1 footer


    panel 2 header

    panel 2 content

    panel 2 footer
.. panels::

    panel 1 header

    panel 1 content

    more content

    panel 1 footer


    panel 2 header

    panel 2 content

    panel 2 footer

To style the look of cards, you may use the directive options to add default CSS classes for each element, or use the per-panel option syntax to add to or override these:

  • container: the top-level container
  • column: the panel container
  • card: the panel card
  • body: the panel card
  • header: the panel header
  • footer: the panel footer

You can add your own CSS (see the html_css_files option) but it is advised you use the built-in bootstrap classes:

  • Card colouring contextual classes: bg-primary, bg-success, bg-info, bg-warning, bg-danger, bg-secondary`, ``bg-dark and bg-light.
  • Padding and margins: border-0, p-2, m-2, ---
  • Text alignment: text-justify, text-left, text-center, text-right
.. panels::
    :body: bg-primary text-justify
    :header: text-center
    :footer: text-right

    :column: + p-1

    panel 1 header

    panel 1 content

    panel 1 footer

    :column: + p-1 text-center border-0
    :body: bg-info
    :header: bg-success
    :footer: bg-secondary

    panel 2 header

    panel 2 content

    panel 2 footer
.. panels::
    :body: bg-primary text-justify
    :header: text-center
    :footer: text-right

    :column: + p-1

    panel 1 header

    panel 1 content

    panel 1 footer

    :column: + p-1 text-center border-0
    :body: bg-info
    :header: bg-success
    :footer: bg-secondary

    panel 2 header

    panel 2 content

    panel 2 footer

Images can be added to the top and/or bottom of the panel. By default they will expand to fit the width of the card, but classes can also be used to add padding:

.. panels::
    :img-top-cls: pl-5 pr-5

    :img-top: _static/ebp-logo.png
    :img-bottom: _static/footer-banner.jpg

    header 1

    Panel 1 content

    More **content**

    tail 1

    :img-top: _static/sphinx-logo.png
    :img-top-cls: + bg-success
    :img-bottom: _static/footer-banner.jpg

    header 2

    Panel 2 content

    tail 1
.. panels::
    :img-top-cls: pl-5 pr-5
    :body: text-center

    :img-top: _static/ebp-logo.png
    :img-bottom: _static/footer-banner.jpg

    header 1

    Panel 1 content

    More **content**

    tail 1

    :img-top: _static/sphinx-logo.png
    :img-top-cls: + bg-success
    :img-bottom: _static/footer-banner.jpg

    header 2

    Panel 2 content

    tail 1

The link-button directive can be used to create buttons, which link to a URL (default) or reference. They can be styled by Bootstrap button classes:

.. link-button::
    :type: url
    :text: some text
    :tooltip: hallo

.. link-button:: panels/usage
    :type: ref
    :text: some other text
    :classes: btn-outline-primary btn-block
.. link-button::
    :type: url
    :text: some text
    :tooltip: hallo

.. link-button:: panels/usage
    :type: ref
    :text: some other text
    :classes: btn-outline-primary btn-block

When used inside a panel, you can use the stretched-link class, to make the entire panel clickable:

.. panels::

    .. link-button::
        :classes: btn-success


    This entire panel is clickable.


    .. link-button:: panels/usage
        :type: ref
        :text: Go To Reference
        :classes: btn-outline-primary btn-block stretched-link
.. panels::

    .. link-button::
        :classes: btn-success


    This entire panel is clickable.


    .. link-button:: panels/usage
        :type: ref
        :text: Go To Reference
        :classes: btn-outline-primary btn-block stretched-link

Badges are inline text with special formatting. Use the badge role to assign Bootstrap badge formatting. Text and classes are delimited by a comma:


:badge:`primary,badge-primary badge-pill`

:badge:`primary,badge-primary` :badge:`secondary,badge-secondary` :badge:`info,badge-info` :badge:`success,badge-success` :badge:`danger,badge-danger` :badge:`warning,badge-warning` :badge:`light,badge-light` :badge:`dark,badge-dark`

:badge:`primary,badge-primary badge-pill` :badge:`secondary,badge-secondary badge-pill` :badge:`info,badge-info badge-pill` :badge:`success,badge-success badge-pill` :badge:`danger,badge-danger badge-pill` :badge:`warning,badge-warning badge-pill` :badge:`light,badge-light badge-pill` :badge:`dark,badge-dark badge-pill`

The link-badge also adds the ability to use a link to a URI or reference:

:link-badge:`,cls=badge-primary text-white,tooltip=a tooltip`
:link-badge:`,"my, text",cls=badge-dark text-white`
:link-badge:`panels/usage,my reference,ref,badge-success text-white,hallo`

:link-badge:`,cls=badge-primary text-white,tooltip=a tooltip` :link-badge:`,"my, text",cls=badge-dark text-white` :link-badge:`panels/usage,my reference,ref,badge-success text-white`

Note the inputs are parsed by the following functions. The role text therefore uses these function signatures, except you don't need to use quoted strings, unless the string contains a comma.

def get_badge_inputs(text, cls: str = ""):
    return text, cls.split()

def get_link_badge_inputs(link, text=None, type="link", cls: str = "", tooltip=None):
    return link, text or link, type, cls.split(), tooltip

The dropdown directive combines a Bootstrap card with the HTML details tag to create a collapsible drop-down panel.

.. dropdown:: Click on me to see my content!

    I'm the content which can be anything:

    .. link-button::
        :text: Like a Button
        :classes: btn-primary
.. dropdown:: Click on me to see my content!

    I'm the content which can be anything:

    .. link-button::
        :text: Like a Button
        :classes: btn-primary

You can start with the panel open by default using the open option:

.. dropdown:: My Content

    Is already visible
.. dropdown:: My Content

    Is already visible

If the drop-down has no title assigned, it will display an ellipsis, which is hidden when open:

.. dropdown::

    My Content
.. dropdown::

    My Content

The overarching container, title banner and body panel can all be styled by assigning classes. Adding + at the start appends the classes to any default ones.

.. dropdown:: My Content
    :container: + shadow
    :title: bg-primary text-white text-center font-weight-bold
    :body: bg-light text-right font-italic

    Is formatted
.. dropdown:: My Content
    :container: + shadow
    :title: bg-primary text-white text-center font-weight-bold
    :body: bg-light text-right font-italic

    Is formatted

Adding the animate option will trigger an animation when the content of the drop-down is opened.

.. dropdown:: My content will fade in
    :animate: fade-in

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
    Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
    Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
    Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
.. dropdown:: My content will fade in
    :animate: fade-in

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
    Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
    Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
    Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

.. dropdown:: My content will fade in and slide down
    :animate: fade-in-slide-down

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
    Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
    Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
    Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


Current available inputs: fade-in, fade-in-slide-down

The tabbed directive generates tabbed selection panels.

Sequential directives will be grouped together, unless the :new-group option is added. You can set which tab will be shown by default, using the :selected: option.

Tab directives can contain any content, and you can also set CSS classes with :class-label: and :class-content::

.. tabbed:: Tab 1

    Tab 1 content

.. tabbed:: Tab 2
    :class-content: pl-1 bg-primary

    Tab 2 content

.. tabbed:: Tab 3

    .. code-block:: python

        import pip

.. tabbed:: Tab 4

    .. dropdown:: Nested Dropdown

        Some content
.. tabbed:: Tab 1

    Tab 1 content

.. tabbed:: Tab 2
    :class-content: pl-1 bg-primary

    Tab 2 content

.. tabbed:: Tab 3

    .. code-block:: python

        import pip

.. tabbed:: Tab 4

    .. dropdown:: Nested Dropdown

        Some content

Here's an example of showing an example in multiple programming languages:

.. tabbed:: c++

    .. code-block:: c++

        int main(const int argc, const char **argv) {
          return 0;

.. tabbed:: python

    .. code-block:: python

        def main():

.. tabbed:: java

    .. code-block:: java

        class Main {
            public static void main(String[] args) {

.. tabbed:: julia

    .. code-block:: julia

        function main()

.. tabbed:: fortran

    .. code-block:: fortran

        PROGRAM main
        END PROGRAM main

You can also control the colors of the labels and lines, setting panels_css_variables in your Here are the defaults:

panels_css_variables = {
    "tabs-color-label-active": "hsla(231, 99%, 66%, 1)",
    "tabs-color-label-inactive": "rgba(178, 206, 245, 0.62)",
    "tabs-color-overline": "rgb(207, 236, 238)",
    "tabs-color-underline": "rgb(207, 236, 238)",
    "tabs-size-label": "1rem",
.. seealso::

    Note, the `sphinx-tabs <>`__ package also offers directives to create tabs.
    The key difference is that, whereas ``sphinx-tabs`` uses JavaScript to implement this functionality, ``sphinx-panels`` only uses CSS.
    A CSS only solution has the benefit of faster load-times, and working when JS is disabled, although JS allows ``sphinx-tabs`` to implement some extended functionality (like synchronized selections).

Inline icons can be added to your text from either the GitHub octicon or FontAwesome libraries.

rST Output
:opticon:`report` :opticon:`report`
:opticon:`x-circle,text-white bg-danger,size=24` :opticon:`x-circle,text-white bg-danger,size=24`
:fa:`save` :fa:`save`
:fa:`spinner,text-white bg-primary fa-2x,style=fa` :fa:`spinner,text-white bg-primary fa-2x,style=fa`

Note that the theme you are using does not already include the FontAwesome CSS, it should be loaded in your, with the html_css_files option, e.g.:

html_css_files = [""]

By default, icons will only be output in HTML formats. But if you want fontawesome icons to be output on LaTeX, using the fontawesome package, you can add to your

panels_add_fontawesome_latex = True

Additional classes can be added after a comma delimiter. Also the size (16px or 24px) can be set for opticons, and the style/prefix for fontawesome (version 5).

.. seealso::

The div directive is the same as the container directive, but does not add a container class in HTML outputs, which is incompatible with Bootstrap CSS:

.. div:: text-primary

.. div:: text-primary


.. dropdown:: Panels in a drop-down
    :title: bg-success text-warning
    :animate: fade-in-slide-down

    .. panels::
        :container: container-fluid pb-1
        :column: col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-12 col-xs-12 p-2
        :card: shadow
        :header: border-0
        :footer: border-0

        :card: + bg-warning


        Content of the top-left panel


        :card: + bg-info
        :footer: + bg-danger


        Content of the top-right panel


        :column: col-lg-12 p-3
        :card: + text-center

        .. link-button:: panels/usage
            :type: ref
            :text: Clickable Panel
            :classes: btn-link stretched-link font-weight-bold
.. dropdown:: Panels in a drop-down
    :title: bg-success text-warning
    :animate: fade-in-slide-down

    .. panels::
        :container: container-fluid pb-1
        :column: col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-12 col-xs-12 p-2
        :card: shadow
        :header: border-0
        :footer: border-0

        :card: + bg-warning


        Content of the top-left panel


        :card: + bg-info
        :footer: + bg-danger


        Content of the top-right panel


        :column: col-lg-12 p-3
        :card: + text-center

        .. link-button:: panels/usage
            :type: ref
            :text: Clickable Panel
            :classes: btn-link stretched-link font-weight-bold