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The Analyzer Interface

All interactions with the Exercism website are handled automatically. Analyzers have the single responsibility of taking a solution and returning a status and any messages.


  • An Analyzer should provide an executable script. You can find more information in the file.
  • The script will receive three parameters:
    • The slug of the exercise (e.g. two-fer).
    • A path to a directory containing the submitted file(s) (with a trailing slash).
    • A path to an output directory (with a trailing slash). This directory is writable.
  • The script must write an analysis.json file to the output directory.

Output format

The analysis.json file should be structured as followed:

  "summary": "This solution looks good but has a few points to address",
  "comments": [
      "comment": "ruby.general.some_parameterised_message",
      "params": { "foo": "param1", "bar": "param2" },
      "type": "essential"
      "comment": "ruby.general.some_unparameterised_message",
      "params": {},
      "type": "actionable"
      "comment": "ruby.general.some_unparameterised_message"

summary (optional)

The summary field is a text (not markdown) field that summarizes the output. It might say something like "Your solution is nearly there - there's just two small changes you can make." or "The code works great, but there's a little bit of linting that needs doing.". This summary is rendered on the website above the comments.


Comments are keys into website-copy/automated-comments/, e.g. ruby.general.explicit_return -> automated-comments/ruby/general/

Then can be structured either as single pointer strings (e.g. the last example above) or using a JSON Object to specify the follow keys:


The pointer-string to a file in website-copy.

params (optional)

A JSON Object containing any params that should be interpolated during rendering. For example, in the markdown file, you could write Try %{variable_name} += 1 instead, and then set params to { "variable_name": "foo"} in order to substitute %{variable_name} for the actual variable that the student used.

When using parameterized files, ensure to escape all uses of % by placing anther % in front of it. e.g. Try aim aim for 100%% of the tests passing.

type (optional)

The following types are valid:

  • essential: We will soft-block students until they have addressed this comment
  • actionable: Any comment that gives a specific instruction to a user to improve their solution
  • informative: Comments that give information, but do not necessarily expect students to use it. For example, in Ruby, if someone uses String Concatenation in TwoFer, we also tell them about String Formatting, but don't suggest that it is a better option.
  • celebratory: Comments that tell users they've done something right, either as a general comment on the solution, or on a technique.

Comments without a type field default to informative .

Currently in the website, we soft-block on essential comments, encourage students to complete actionable comments before marking as complete on Practice Exercises (but not Concept Exercises), but don't suggest any action on informative or celebratory. However, in the future we may choose to add emojis or indicators to other types, or group them separately.


The contents of stdout and stderr from each run will be persisted into files that can be viewed later.

You may write an analysis.out file that contains debugging information you want to later view.

NOTE: Everything below this line is currently changing.

LEGACY: Comments

Exercism is responsible for the display and communication of comments. The analyzer's job is purely to provide functional comments. Please follow these guidelines:

  • Comments should be actionable. The user should understand the action they need to undertake.

  • While friendly, they should not try and pretend to be a human and should not contain greetings, etc.

  • The solution should not act like the start of a discussion.

  • A good comment would be "This solution may be improved by doing XYZ".

  • A bad comment would be "Hello. Have you thought about doing XYZ?".

LEGACY: Feedback guidelines

The goal of a language track on Exercism is to give people a way to achieve a high level of fluency at a low level of proficiency. We're aiming for fluency in the syntax, idioms, and the standard library of the language.


In the following paragraphs, keywords such as MUST, SHOULD, MAY are to be interpreted as in RFC2119; given that we recognize the following four output states and their restrictions:

  • approve: MUST be an approvable solution, MAY be with comment.
  • disapprove: MUST be with comment
  • refer_to_mentor: MAY be with comment

Why is it not ... (e.g. MUST)?

Per RFC2119, if MUST is used, it is a guarantee that the rule is always so, and does not need to be guarded for. For example, MUST be without comment means that the website could crash if an analyzer sends a comment anyway. SHOULD indicates any consumer of the output must still guard against unwanted behavior.


A solution is approvable if it either matches the (set of) optimal solution(s) of that exercise, or if it shows understanding of the teaching goals of that exercise and every core exercise that came before. This means that an analyzer MAY approve a solution but still provide a set of comments as tips relating to the exercise or further improvements.

Idiomatic rules / Language features / Stylistic choices

In this document, de facto is defined as follows:

  • de facto: describes practices that exist in reality, even if not officially recognized by laws.
  • de facto standard: a custom or convention that has achieved a dominant position by public acceptance or market forces. Unofficial customs that are widely accepted.

In other words, if a nearly all developers (non-hobbyists) who write code in a certain language have established certain rules, these rules are a de facto standard and become idiomatic use. Example: Ruby uses 2 space indentation.

Some rules are language features, even if they are not documented well. These language features are part of "idiomatic rules" and not stylistic choices. Example: Ruby's MRI treats variables named _ differently.

Finally there are rules that are pure preferences, even though they might be adopted by large bodies such as organizations and corporations. These rules are usually part of competing standards. Exercism does not favor one over another. Example: TypeScript has a linter tslint (or eslint + plugin) which is maintained by a company that is not Microsoft. It competes with other linters such as xo. Most of the rules are not language features or idiomatic rules, and therefore stylistic choices.

Conditions and outcome

For feedback generated by automated mentoring:

  • it SHOULD disapprove when someone isn't using one of the subjects the exercise is supposed to teach,
  • each disapprove MUST have at least one comment,
  • each disapprove SHOULD steer a student towards an approve,
  • the analyzer SHOULD aim to teach a pathway, which means a student SHOULD NOT get a refer_to_mentor in a newer iteration, after a disapprove, given they follow that pathway.
  • a refer_to_mentor MAY have one or more comments which will be given to the mentor,
  • the same comment MUST not be added twice in one analysis. Adding the same comment with different parameters attached to it is not considered a duplicate.
  • comments SHOULD be ordered by importance (the first comment being the most important, and the last comment being the least important).

It is currently undecided as to whether there is a minimum or maximum amount of :speech_balloon: comments. However, each comment SHOULD be aiding the student towards an approvable solution. Our recommendation is currently to aim for one to three comments per iteration.


Given the above, and to re-iterate that we focus on language fluency:

Incorrect Naming or Casing

In general, if it's a language feature that will be caught by a compiler or parser or based on official rules (which means there is a dependency on correctness in tools), you should disapprove, preferably linking to the official rules.

  • 👎 disapprove if there are official guidelines on naming conventions
  • 💬 leave a comment if there is something noteworthy
  • :nobell: if its a _stylistic preference, and there are competing standards, do not remark at all. Since there are competing standards, they're all preferences.
  • :speechballoon: if it's a _stylistic preference, and there is one clear standard, comment on it. These rules enforce idiomatic code.
  • ❓ If it's a stylistic preference, and there is no clear standard, but most to all non-hobbyist have adopted the same style, this might be idiomatic. Comment at your discretion.


  • Ruby has a language feature where _ is treated differently,
    • 👎 if a student uses _ for a variable name, but then uses it.
  • Ruby recognizes constants only if they start with a Capital Letter,
    • 👎 if a student uses snake_case for a class name
  • Ruby has de facto standards on cAsInG and name-ing,
    • 💬 you SHOULD guide students that snake_case is to be expected by most IDEs and highlighting on exercism in code blocks.
  • JavaScript IDEs highlight variables which are not used, except for those prefixed with an underscore (_).
    • :speech*balloon: note that this behavior exist so it might help them to use a different naming strategy. They might think that prefixing with *means private, which is not the case in JavaScript.
  • TypeScript has a de facto standard lint tool provided by Palantir,
    • 🔕 If a student does not follow these rules as the lint tool is not official. In fact, there are multiple linters out there, with mutually exclusive rules.
  • Go has very strict rules around naming and other linting.
    • 👎 if the student does not follow these (e.g. has not applied golint)
  • Go has very strict rules around formatting.
    • 👎 if the student does not follow these (e.g. has not applied gofmt)

Badly formatted code

The same rules apply as above. In general, if linting and a specific format is not part of the official language, and/or not integral to the language:

  • 🔕 SHOULD NOT disapprove on it
  • 💬 You MAY guide students towards tools for auto-formatting