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TDF File Format

GigaToni edited this page May 3, 2017 · 1 revision

The TDF file format is pretty basic.

Bitmap header

The first 14 bytes are taken up by a "bitmap" header. Which contains some reserved values, the type, and an offset.

struct  sBITMAP
	__int16 bfType; // 2 bytes
	unsigned int bfSize; // 4 bytes
	__int16 bfReserved1; // 2 bytes
	__int16 bfReserved2; // 2 bytes
	unsigned int bfOffBits; // 4 bytes

After the bitmap header, it checks to see if it needs to offset. So when bfType == 19778 it sets bfSize off.

if (Bitmap.bfType == 19778) {
	fseek(tdf->m_fp, Bitmap.bfSize, 0);
} else
	fseek(tdf->m_fp, 0, 0);


After the bitmap header, the version is read. These are fairly basic and only 2 shorts / unsigned int 16. The first int16 denotes the Major version (2b), the second one the minor (2b). (In the leaked server files, these are 1 (Major) and 4 (Minor))

struct sVersion
	unsigned __int16 Major; // 2 Bytes
	unsigned __int16 Minor; // 2 bytes
}; // 4 bytes


After version, another header follows with 20 bytes in total length. First a date (4b), containing an int16 for year (2b), and 1 char (1b) for month and one for day.

struct sDate
	unsigned __int16 Year; // 2 bytes
	char Month; // 1 byte
	char Day; // 1 byte
}; // 4 bytes

After the date, follows a flag (4b), offset (4b), the total column count (4b) and the total row count (4b).

struct sHeader
	sDate Date; // 4 bytes
	unsigned int Flag; // 4 bytes
	unsigned int Offset; // 4 bytes
	unsigned int Col; // 4 bytes
	unsigned int Row; // 4 bytes
}; // 20 bytes

Data Table

After the header, a data table follows, this is not used in the leaked server. It is basically useless. The size of the int array is total column count * total row count.

int dataTable[header.Col*header.Row]

Res Table

After the data table, the most important part follows. The restable. It's basically just an array of unicode strings (So 00 bytes after each character, and at the end two 00 bytes.)

The size of this is always the header offset - the total column count * 4 * the total row count + 24.

char resTable[header.Offset - (header.Col * 4 * header.Row + 24)]
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