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eXMR The New Erc20 Monero An Unparalleled Security Resource Ethereum Blockchain

EXMR Monero edited this page Jan 18, 2018 · 5 revisions

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What is eXMR Monero?

eXMR is a security protocol that adds privacy to the Ethereum coin while still keeping intact the benefits of ethereum network . It basically integrates monero blockchain to the ethereum network thus giving the user the needed privacy and not interfering with the Ethereum coin per se. It instigates the beginning of super privacy era in the kingdom of Ethereum. eXMR is made possible due to the new upgrades in the Ethereum platform thus adding privacy to the previous low security versions.

eXMR Monero blockchain and its advantages

Unlike bitcoin and other crytocurrecies the users cannot be blacklisted on eXMR Monero as it is highly secure and a very private platform under zkSNARKs + zkSTARKs. These days’ users basically use eXMR monero platform as a tool to convert ‘bitcoin’ to ‘eXMR Monero’ and then convert back to bitcoin at some other address to ensure untraceable transactions.

Investment in eXMR Monero

eXMR is a ‘tokenized monero’ on ethereum blockchain. The tokens are sold currently in its ‘initial coin offering’ (ICO) on their website and the sale is to raise funds to meet the business costs. With Ethereum now being the current market emerging leader buying such security token will be highly beneficial during this ICO. During the ICO coins are being sold at ‘very low price’ to provide universal acceptability and accessibility for these security tokens.

Not only eXMR is highly secure and private the fact that it is highly accessible and personalized makes it the current investment for choice. With the market of ethereum expanding with such a great pace eXMR is definitely a future giant and buying in early will ensure future profits. eXMR is a very scarce digital asset as it can be controlled by other digital currency.

eXMR “The new monero”

Not only is eXMR is providing safe transaction but also ‘cheap transaction’ on Ethereum ecosystem. By encrypting other coins and making their transactions opaque it stands by alone as a scarce digital asset. With the implementation of zk-SNARKs with EXMR it works faster and safer and has now become the world’s fastest ERC20 token in terms of speed and providing security.

It may be called as the ‘new monero’ as its blockchain time is 15 seconds which is eight times less than the ‘classic monero’ time. The classic monero provides privacy via ‘Ring CT’ while EXMR provides privacy via ‘zk – SNARKS’ which is much more advanced cryptocurrency tool.

eXMR comes in handy in solving the three basic problem of cryptocurrency market these days:

• Transactional security • Cost of transaction fees • Privacy of each transaction

eXMR has the new cryptographic tool ‘zk – SNARKS’ which by its addition in the Ethereum network is providing privacy to the platform.

eXMR Monero is currently the best cryptocurrency to buy and sell anonymously and thus giving users the security they need for their transactions. And by integrating anonymity to ethereum blockchain the long waited dream of cryptocurrency enthusiast will become true.

eXMR Monero Project: eXMR will have a payment gateway together with its own Wallet, this means that most online stores will be able to accept EXMR and other tokens and coins as a payment method, only by creating an widget; html code and sticking it on their website. We are in the process of development, our projection is to finalize the project in 8 months. eXMR plans to partner with the following platforms Shapeshift, Changelly and online games, to integrate our platform,, etc By 2019 and EXMR will be self-sustainable and will grow on its own.

Official Website:

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