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GraphBrainz Extension:

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Retrieve artist, release, and recording information from

The extension works by sending the MBIDs of entities to the API whenever their lastFM field is requested. Only entities with known MBIDs on will have their lastFM field, otherwise it will be null.

Try out the live demo! 💡 Use the “Docs” sidebar or the documentation below to help construct your query.


To use this extension, install GraphBrainz then:

$ npm install graphbrainz-extension-lastfm
$ GRAPHBRAINZ_EXTENSIONS='["graphbrainz-extension-lastfm"]' graphbrainz

Or, if you are using the middleware directly:

import graphbrainz from 'graphbrainz'

const middleware = graphbrainz({
  // Don't forget to add the other extensions you use, too.
  extensions: ['graphbrainz-extension-lastfm']


This extension can be configured using environment variables:

  • LASTFM_API_KEY: The API key to use. This is required for any fields added by the extension to successfully resolve.
  • LASTFM_BASE_URL: The base URL at which to access the API. Defaults to
  • LASTFM_CACHE_SIZE: The number of items to keep in the cache. Defaults to GRAPHBRAINZ_CACHE_SIZE if defined, or 8192.
  • LASTFM_CACHE_TTL: The number of seconds to keep items in the cache. Defaults to GRAPHBRAINZ_CACHE_TTL if defined, or 86400000 (one day).

This extension uses its own cache, separate from the MusicBrainz loader cache.

Example Queries

Find the MBIDs of similar recordings (try it):

  search {
    recordings(query: "Dream Baby Dream artist:Suicide", first: 1) {
      nodes {
        lastFM {
          similarTracks(first: 5) {
            edges {
              node {
                artist {

Schema Types

Table of Contents



🔹 This type has been extended. See the base schema for a description and additional fields.

Field Argument Type Description
lastFM LastFMCountry

Chart data available for this area on, if the area represents a country with an ISO 3166 code. This field is provided by the extension.


🔹 This type has been extended. See the base schema for a description and additional fields.

Field Argument Type Description
lastFM LastFMArtist

Data about the artist from, a good source for measuring popularity via listener and play counts. This field is provided by the extension.


An album on corresponding with a MusicBrainz Release.

Field Argument Type Description
mbid MBID

The MBID of the corresponding MusicBrainz release.

title String

The title of the album according to

url URLString!

The URL for the album on

image URLString

An image of the cover artwork of the release.

size LastFMImageSize

The size of the image to retrieve.

listenerCount Float

The number of listeners recorded for the album.

playCount Float

The number of plays recorded for the album.

description LastFMWikiContent

Historical information written about the album, often available in several languages.

lang String

The two-letter code for the language in which to retrieve the description.

artist LastFMArtist

The artist who released the album. This returns the artist info, not the MusicBrainz artist.

topTags LastFMTagConnection

A list of tags applied to the artist by users, ordered by popularity.

first Int

The maximum number of tags to retrieve.

after String

The cursor of the edge after which more tags will be retrieved.


A connection to a list of items.

Field Argument Type Description
pageInfo PageInfo!

Information to aid in pagination.

edges [LastFMAlbumEdge]

A list of edges.

nodes [LastFMAlbum]

A list of nodes in the connection (without going through the edges field).

totalCount Int

A count of the total number of items in this connection, ignoring pagination.


An edge in a connection.

Field Argument Type Description
node LastFMAlbum

The item at the end of the edge.

cursor String!

A cursor for use in pagination.


An artist on

Field Argument Type Description
mbid MBID

The MBID of the corresponding MusicBrainz artist.

name String

The name of the artist according to

url URLString!

The URL for the artist on

image URLString

An image of the artist.

size LastFMImageSize

The size of the image to retrieve.

listenerCount Float

The number of listeners recorded for the artist.

playCount Float

The number of plays recorded for the artist.

similarArtists LastFMArtistConnection

A list of similar artists.

first Int

The maximum number of artists to retrieve.

after String

The cursor of the edge after which more artists will be retrieved.

topAlbums LastFMAlbumConnection

A list of the artist’s most popular albums.

first Int

The maximum number of albums to retrieve.

after String

The cursor of the edge after which more albums will be retrieved.

topTags LastFMTagConnection

A list of tags applied to the artist by users, ordered by popularity.

first Int

The maximum number of tags to retrieve.

after String

The cursor of the edge after which more tags will be retrieved.

topTracks LastFMTrackConnection

A list of the artist’s most popular tracks.

first Int

The maximum number of tracks to retrieve.

after String

The cursor of the edge after which more tracks will be retrieved.

biography LastFMWikiContent

A biography of the artist, often available in several languages.

lang String

The two-letter code for the language in which to retrieve the biography.


A connection to a list of items.

Field Argument Type Description
pageInfo PageInfo!

Information to aid in pagination.

edges [LastFMArtistEdge]

A list of edges.

nodes [LastFMArtist]

A list of nodes in the connection (without going through the edges field).

totalCount Int

A count of the total number of items in this connection, ignoring pagination.


An edge in a connection.

Field Argument Type Description
node LastFMArtist

The item at the end of the edge.

cursor String!

A cursor for use in pagination.

matchScore Float

The artist similarity score (0–1) as determined by, if this connection is with another artist.


A query for chart data on

Field Argument Type Description
topArtists LastFMArtistConnection

The most popular artists, ordered by popularity. If a country code is given, retrieve the most popular artists in that country.

country String

A two-letter ISO 3166 country code.

first Int

The maximum number of artists to retrieve.

after String

The cursor of the edge after which more artists will be retrieved.

topTags LastFMTagConnection

The most popular tags, ordered by popularity.

first Int

The maximum number of tags to retrieve.

after String

The cursor of the edge after which more tags will be retrieved.

topTracks LastFMTrackConnection

The most popular tracks, ordered by popularity. If a country code is given, retrieve the most popular tracks in that country.

country String

A two-letter ISO 3166 country code.

first Int

The maximum number of tracks to retrieve.

after String

The cursor of the edge after which more tracks will be retrieved.


A country with chart data available on

Field Argument Type Description
topArtists LastFMArtistConnection

The top artists in this country, ordered by popularity.

first Int

The maximum number of artists to retrieve.

after String

The cursor of the edge after which more artists will be retrieved.

topTracks LastFMTrackConnection

The top tracks in this country, ordered by popularity.

first Int

The maximum number of tracks to retrieve.

after String

The cursor of the edge after which more tracks will be retrieved.


The different types of queries that can be made that are not connected to any particular MusicBrainz entity.

Field Argument Type Description
chart LastFMChartQuery!

A query for chart data.


A tag added by users to an entity on

Field Argument Type Description
name String!

The tag name.

url URLString!

The URL for the tag on


A connection to a list of items.

Field Argument Type Description
pageInfo PageInfo!

Information to aid in pagination.

edges [LastFMTagEdge]

A list of edges.

nodes [LastFMTag]

A list of nodes in the connection (without going through the edges field).

totalCount Int

A count of the total number of items in this connection, ignoring pagination.


An edge in a connection.

Field Argument Type Description
node LastFMTag

The item at the end of the edge.

cursor String!

A cursor for use in pagination.

tagCount Int

The number of times the tag has been applied to the item in question.


A track on corresponding with a MusicBrainz Recording.

Field Argument Type Description
mbid MBID

The MBID of the corresponding MusicBrainz recording.

title String

The title of the track according to

url URLString!

The URL for the track on

duration Duration

The length of the track.

listenerCount Float

The number of listeners recorded for the track.

playCount Float

The number of plays recorded for the track.

description LastFMWikiContent

Historical information written about the track, often available in several languages.

lang String

The two-letter code for the language in which to retrieve the description.

artist LastFMArtist

The artist who released the track. This returns the artist info, not the MusicBrainz artist.

album LastFMAlbum

The album on which the track appears. This returns the album info, not the MusicBrainz release.

similarTracks LastFMTrackConnection

A list of similar tracks.

first Int

The maximum number of tracks to retrieve.

after String

The cursor of the edge after which more tracks will be retrieved.

topTags LastFMTagConnection

A list of tags applied to the track by users, ordered by popularity.

first Int

The maximum number of tags to retrieve.

after String

The cursor of the edge after which more tags will be retrieved.


A connection to a list of items.

Field Argument Type Description
pageInfo PageInfo!

Information to aid in pagination.

edges [LastFMTrackEdge]

A list of edges.

nodes [LastFMTrack]

A list of nodes in the connection (without going through the edges field).

totalCount Int

A count of the total number of items in this connection, ignoring pagination.


An edge in a connection.

Field Argument Type Description
node LastFMTrack

The item at the end of the edge.

cursor String!

A cursor for use in pagination.

matchScore Float

The track similarity score (0–1) as determined by, if this connection is with another track.


Biographical or background information written about an entity on

Field Argument Type Description
summaryHTML String

A summary of the wiki content, which may contain HTML.

contentHTML String

The full wiki content, which may contain HTML.

publishDate Date

The date the content was published. The data is reformatted from the API’s original format into the Date scalar format.

publishTime Time

The time the content was published. The data is reformatted from the API’s original format into the Time scalar format. The API offers no indication as to which time zone the time is in.

url URLString

The URL at which the content was published.


🔹 This type has been extended. See the base schema for a description and additional fields.

Field Argument Type Description
lastFM LastFMQuery

A query for data on that is not connected to any particular MusicBrainz entity. This field is provided by the extension.


🔹 This type has been extended. See the base schema for a description and additional fields.

Field Argument Type Description
lastFM LastFMTrack

Data about the recording from, a good source for measuring popularity via listener and play counts. This field is provided by the extension.


🔹 This type has been extended. See the base schema for a description and additional fields.

Field Argument Type Description
lastFM LastFMAlbum

Data about the release from, a good source for measuring popularity via listener and play counts. This field is provided by the extension.



The image sizes that may be requested at

Value Description

A maximum dimension of 34px.


A maximum dimension of 64px.


A maximum dimension of 174px.


A maximum dimension of 300px.


A maximum dimension of 300px.