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File metadata and controls

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This chapter describes configurations used in eXo Platform via the following main sections:


This section consists of the following main topics:

Social components

This section describes Social services which provide low-level functionality for UI components. These services are:

Space Service

The service is used for spaces management, including creating spaces.

Sample configuration:


Space Template Service

The service is used for space templates management, including creating space templates, extending space templates and installing applications. See :ref:`Managing Space Templates <SpaceTemplates>`

Sample configuration:

Value-param Description
defaultSpaceTemplate Defines the default space template name.

LifeCycle Completion Service

This component is used to process the callable request out of the HTTP request.

Sample configuration:

  • Init-params:
Name Type Value Description
thread-number integer 10 The maximum number of threads parallel executed.
async-execution boolean false Specifies the running mode of service is synchronous or asynchronous.

Rest Portal Container Name Config

This plugin is used to set the portal container name used for REST service.

Sample configuration:

  • Init-params:
Name Type Value Description
rest-container-name String portal The portal container name.

Link Provider

This service is used to provide the utility to get the URLs of the activities, profiles, spaces, avatars and more.

Sample configuration:

          <description>this for generate profile link</description>
  • Init-params:
Name Type Value Description
predefinedOwner String intranet The default portal owner name.

Activity Manager

This component provides Social activity APIs.


Relationship Manager

This component provides Social relationship APIs.


Identity Manager

This component provides Social identity APIs.


I18N Activity Processor

This component is used to process the localization of activity content.



This component is used to get a requested URL part.


Wiki components

This section describes services which provide low-level functionality for the UI components. These services are:

Diff Service

The DiffService service is used to show the differences between the page versions. The configuration of this service is found in wiki-service/src/main/resources/conf/portal/configuration.xml:

Sample configuration:


Page Rendering Cache Service

The PageRenderingCacheService service is used to cache the Wiki page content. The configuration of this component is found in wiki-service/src/main/resources/conf/portal/configuration.xml:

Sample configuration:


Resize Image Service

The ResizeImageService service is used to resize images added to a Wiki page. The configuration of this service is found in wiki-service/src/main/resources/conf/portal/configuration.xml:

Sample configuration:


Rendering Service

The RenderingService service is used to render content from one syntax to another syntax. The configuration of this service is found in wiki-service/src/main/resources/conf/portal/configuration.xml:

Sample configuration:


Wiki Rest Service

The WikiRestService service is used to provide Wiki data, such as Wiki tree data, or list of Spaces. The configuration of this service is found in wiki-service/src/main/resources/conf/portal/configuration.xml:


Wiki Service

The WikiService service is used to configure the Wiki. When this configuration file is executed, the component named will process actions of Wiki. The configuration of this service is found in wiki-service/src/main/resources/conf/portal/configuration.xml:

Sample configuration:

        <property name="defaultSyntax" value="xwiki/2.0"/>


Name Type Value Description
xwiki/2.0 String list jar:/wikisyntax/help/xWiki2.0_Short.txt, jar:/wikisyntax/help/xWiki2.0_Full.txt The list of Syntax Help files.


Property name Type Value Description
defaultSyntax String xwiki/2.0 The default syntax which is used in Wiki.

Content components

This section describes Content services which provide low-level functionality for UI components. These services are classified into the following groups:


This section represents the components related to managing Content actions and scripts in eXo Platform.

Action Service Container

The ActionServiceContainer component is used to manage actions (adding, removing, or executing actions, and more) in the system. The configuration of this component is found in ``



  • Value-param:
Name Type Value Description
workspace string system The workspace name.
repository string repository The repository name.

This service is used to manage scripts in Content. These scripts can be registered and executed in the system.

The configuration of this component can be found here.


Content arrangement

This section describes services related arranging content in eXo Platform, consisting of:

Lock Service

The LockService component is used to manage all locked nodes and allows unlocking the locked nodes in the system. It is also used to assign the Lock right to a user or a user group or a membership. The configuration of this component is found in /core/core-configuration/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/conf/wcm-core/core-services-configuration.xml.

Taxonomy Service

The TaxonomyService component is used to sort documents to ease searches when browsing documents online. It provides a multi-dimensional set of paths to find a document. In many cases, you can get your content by using different category paths. Therefore, after creating a document somewhere in the repository, it is possible to categorize it by adding several taxonomy references. By browsing the taxonomy tree, it will be possible to find the referencing article and display them as if they were children of the taxonomy nodes. Taxonomies are stored in the JCR itself and the JCR Reference functionality is used to provide the advanced Content feature. The tree of taxonomies can be managed simply, such as copying/cutting/pasting nodes, or adding and removing taxonomies from the tree. Once a taxonomy has been added, any user who has access to the "Manage Categories" icon from his/her view can then browse the taxonomy tree and refer one of its nodes to the created documents.

            <object type="">
                <field name="permissions">
                    <collection type="java.util.ArrayList">
                            <object type="$Permission">
                                <field name="identity">
                                <field name="read">
                                <field name="addNode">
                                <field name="setProperty">
                                <field name="remove">
                            <object type="$Permission">
                                <field name="identity">
                                <field name="read">
                                <field name="addNode">
                                <field name="setProperty">
                                <field name="remove">


  • Object type:
Field Type Value Description
permissions ArrayList {java.util.ArrayList} The list of the default user permissions to access the taxonomy tree.
  • Object type:$Permission
Field Type Description
identity string The name of user, group or membership.
read boolean The permission to read the taxonomy tree.
addNode boolean The permission to add a node to the taxonomy tree.
setProperty boolean The permission to set properties for a node in the taxonomy tree.
remove boolean The permission to remove a node from the taxonomy tree.
Link Manager

This service is used to manage links, and link target. The configuration of this component can be found here.

Manage View

This service is used to manage views and templates, such as adding/editing/deleting them. The configuration of this component can be found here.

Manage Drive

This service is used to manage drives in Content of eXo Platform.

The configuration of this component can be found here.

New Folksonomy

This service is used to manage tags of documents in Content of eXo Platform.

The configuration of this component can be found here.


This service is used to manage relationships between nodes in Content of eXo Platform.

The configuration of this component can be found here.


Images Processing

This section describes the components related to processing Content images in eXo Platform, consisting of:

Jod Converter Service

The JodConverterServices component is used to convert documents into different office formats. This component is enabled by default. The configuration of this component is found in ``



  • Value-param:
PDF Viewer

This service is used to initialize data under the PDF format to view files in supported types (MS Word, MS Excel, and more) in Sites Explorer.

The configuration of this component can be found here.

Thumbnail Service

The ThumbnailService component is used to resize all the images into different sizes. Besides the default sizes, it also allows users to customize the images into the desired sizes. To disable generating thumbnail icons, set the property exo.ecms.document.thumbnails.enabled to false



  • Value-param:


This section describes two components which process document publication in eXo Platform.

Publication Service

This service is used to manage the status changes of documents in the publication lifecycles.

The configuration of this component can be found here.


Publication Presentation

This component is used to retrieve the WebUI form corresponding to the current state of the specified node.

The configuration of this component can be found here.



This section represents components related to the Content searching feature in eXo Platform, consisting of:

Site Search Service

The SiteSearchService component is used in the Search portlet that allows users to find all information matching with your given keyword.

It is configured in the core/core-configuration/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/conf/configuration.xml file as follows:


The component configuration maps the SiteSearchService component with its own implementation: SiteSearchServiceImpl.

            <description>exclude some data type when search</description>
            <property name="mimetypes" value="${,text/javascript,application/x-javascript,text/ecmascript}" />


  • Value-param:
Name Type Value Description
search.exclude.datatypes string ${,text/javascript,application/x-javascript,text/ecmascript} Allows administrators to exclude/include some data types when doing a search. See Exclude Include Data Type for more details.
isEnabledFuzzySearch boolean ${} Allows administrators to enable/disable the fuzzy search mechanism.
fuzzySearchIndex N/A ${} Allows the approximate level between the input keyword and the found key results. In case of the invalid configuration, the default value is set to 0.8.

To have more information about the fuzzy search, please refer to Fuzzy Search.

SEO Service

The SEOService component is used to help users manage SEO data of a page or a content, so their websites can achieve higher rankings on search engines. The configuration of this component is found in ``

            <object type="">
                <field name="robotsindex">
                    <collection type="java.util.ArrayList">
                <field name="robotsfollow">
                    <collection type="java.util.ArrayList">
                <field name="frequency">
                    <collection type="java.util.ArrayList">


  • Object-param:
    • Object type:
Field Type Value Description
robotsindex ArrayList



Allows search engines to index a particular page or not.
robotsfollow ArrayList



Allows search engines to follow links from a particular page to find other pages or not.
frequency ArrayList








Defines how often a particular page is updated.
Query Service

The QueryService component is used to manage many queries, including adding, removing or executing a query. The configuration of this component is found in /core/core-configuration/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/conf/wcm-core/core-services-configuration.xml.



  • Value-param:
Name Type Value Description
workspace string system The workspace name.
relativePath string Private/Searches The path to the query location.
group string *:/platform/administrators The group is allowed to access the query folder.

Templates Processing

This section describes services related to processing Content templates, including:

Application Template Manager

The ApplicationTemplateManagerService component is used to manage dynamic Groovy templates for Content-based products. The configuration of this component is found in /core/core-configuration/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/conf/wcm-core/core-services-configuration.xml.

            <property name="repository" value="system"/>


  • Properties-param:
Name Property name Type Value Description
storedLocations repository string system The repository name.
Fragment Cache

The FragmentCacheService component is used to cache the response fragments which are sent to end-users.

The configuration of this component is found in ``
            <description>The cleanup cache period in seconds</description>


  • Value-param:
Name Type Value Description
cleanup-cache integer 300 The time period over which cache items are expired.

The WCMService component allows setting expiration cache of portlets and checking given portals if they are shared portals or not. It also gets reference contents basing on item identifiers. The configuration of this component is found in /core/core-configuration/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/conf/wcm-core/wcm-configuration.xml.

            <property name="expirationCache" value="${wcm.cache.wcmservice.expirationcache:30}" />


Properties-param Property name Type Value Description
server.config expirationCache integer ${wcm.cache.wcmservice.expirationcache:30} The period in which the cache is cleared in seconds. By default, the cache is cleared every 30 seconds.
WCM Configuration

This service is used to manage general information of sites and runtime context parameters.

The configuration of this component can be found here.

        <description>some params for runtime</description>

        <property name="parameterizedPageURI" value="${wcm.config.parameterizedPageURI:/detail}" />
        <property name="parameterizedURIParam" value="${wcm.config.parameterizedURIParam:content-id}"/>
        <property name="printPageURI" value="${wcm.config.printPageURI:/printviewer}" />
        <property name="printViewerPage" value="${wcm.config.printViewerPage:printviewer}" />
        <property name="editorPageURI" value="${wcm.config.editorPageURI:editor}" />
        <property name="siteExplorerURI" value="${wcm.config.siteExplorerURI:siteExplorer}" />

        <property name="CLVPortlet" value="/presentation/ContentListViewerPortlet" />
        <property name="SCVPortlet" value="/presentation/SingleContentViewer" />

        <property name="formViewTemplatePath" value="${wcm.config.formViewTemplatePath:}" />
        <property name="paginatorTemplatePath" value="${wcm.config.paginatorTemplatePath:/exo:ecm/views/templates/content-list-viewer/paginators/DefaultPaginator.gtmpl}" />
        <description>share portal name for each repository</description>
        <property name="portalName" value="shared" />
        <description>configuration for the cms path</description>
        <object type="">
          <field name="workspace">
          <field name="path">
        <description>drive config for each site drive</description>
        <object type="">
          <field name="name">
          <field name="workspace">
          <field name="permissions">
          <field name="homePath">
          <field name="icon">
          <field name="views">
          <field name="viewPreferences">
          <field name="viewNonDocument">
          <field name="viewSideBar">
          <field name="showHiddenNode">
          <field name="allowCreateFolders">
          <field name="allowNodeTypesOnTree">


  • properties-param: RuntimeContextParams








    Contains the path to a page which displays the full content of a document provided by a URL on the browser's address bar.




    Contains the parameter that takes the URL of a document on the browser's address bar to be displayed in the parameterizedPageURI.




    The URL of the document's print preview page.




    The name of the print preview page.




    The name of the page which users can in-line edit its content displayed in the front-end page.




    The URL of a page containing the Sites Explorer portlet.




    The portlet which contains a list of content.




    The portlet which contains single content.




    The path to the template used to display the contents in this portlet.




    The path to the paginator used to display the contents in this portlet.

  • properties-param: share.portal.config

    Property name







    The name of the portal.

  • object-param: live.portals.location.config








    The workspace name in the Content Repository.




    The path to the folders containing the sites of the system.

  • object-param:








    The name of a site in the portal.




    The workspace name in the Content repository.




    Visibility of the drive based on users' access permission.




    The root path in the Content Repository. userId can be used at runtime in the path.




    The list of views you want to use, separated by commas. For example: simple-view,admin-view.




    The User Preference icon will be visible if true.




    Non-document types will be visible in the user view if true.




    Shows/Hides the left bar (with navigation and filters).




    Hidden nodes will be visible if true.




    A list of node types that you can create as folders. For example: nt:folder,nt:unstructured




    Allows you to filter node types in the navigation tree. For example, the default value is "*" to show all content types.


This service is used to write data to JCR. The configuration of this component can be found here.


This service is used to manage and display content in different languages of a node which contains many language versions.

The configuration of this component can be found here.


This service is used to manage templates of content in Content of eXo Platform.

The configuration of this component can be found here.


This service is used to manage metadata of nodes in JCR, such as adding/editing/deleting/retrieving them.

The configuration of this component can be found here


This service is used to update and retrieve JavaScript codes to run on the front-end pages.

The configuration of this component can be found here.


This service is used to update and retrieve stylesheet codes to apply for the front-end pages.

The configuration of this component can be found here.

WCM Content Initializer

This service is used to log, deploy and check the deployment plugin of sites in Content of eXo Platform.

Live Link Manager

The LiveLinkManagerService component is used to check broken links, update links when the links are edited and extract links to return a list of all links. The configuration of this component is found in /packaging/wcm/webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/conf/wcm-extension/wcm/system-configuration.xml.

            <property name="scheme" value="${wcm.linkmanager.scheme:http}"/>
            <property name="hostName" value="${wcm.linkmanager.hostname:localhost}"/>
            <property name="port" value="${wcm.linkmanager.port:8080}"/>


Properties-param Property name Type Value Description






The port number




All the property names are used together to configure the server. Here is an example about the server configuration: http//:localhost:8080.

Calendar Service

The CalendarService configuration of the Calendar application can be found here.

Use the CalendarService to configure the Calendar. The following information will explain details of its configuration. When this configuration file is executed, the component named org.exoplatform.calendar.service.impl.CalendarServiceImpl will process actions of the Calendar application.

            <property name="eventNumber" value="100"/>


Properties-Param Property name Possible Value Default Value Description eventNumber integer 100 The number of events in a calendar.

Forum components

Key Data type Description Manages CRUD operations on BBCodes. Caches operations on BBCodes. Stores data of Forums via the JCR system. Implements the DataStorage component. Includes all public APIs to interact with the UI component and database. Includes all public APIs to interact with the database of Statistics system. N/A Provides web services for the Forum application. Resizes the avatar image in the Forum and Answer applications. Renders BBCodes or HTML. Defines the default node path of JCR storage for the data of Forum, Answer and Poll applications. Its workspace value-param which is used to define the workspace where stores the Forum, Answer and Poll data. Auto-synchronizes users' profile in Social Intranet with the users' information in the Forum application. Manages CSS class of file icons.

Answers components

Key Data type Description
org.exoplatform.faq.service.FAQService org.exoplatform.faq.service.impl.FAQServiceImpl Includes all public APIs to interact with the UI component and database.
org.exoplatform.faq.service.DataStorage org.exoplatform.faq.service.impl.JCRDataStorage Stores data of FAQ via the JCR system.

Profile contact provider

Forum and FAQ applications are to show some information about posters. The way to retrieve that information is pluggable through the ContactProvider component.

For public internet websites, users can provide personal information, such as personal email address and location. To enable, simply override the ContactProvider component in your configuration.


Configure the profile-configuration.xml file as shown below:

  <!-- <type></type> -->

Use ContactProvider

You can get the ContactProvider as follows:

public static CommonContact getPersonalContact(String userId) {
  try {
    if(userId.indexOf(Utils.DELETED) > 0) return new CommonContact();
    ContactProvider provider = (ContactProvider) PortalContainer.getComponent(ContactProvider.class) ;
    return provider.getCommonContact(userId);
  } catch (Exception e) {
    return new CommonContact();


In eXo Platform, when using ContactProvider, you can use the SocialContactProvider classes which gets users' profiles by userId via the IdentityManager class.

public CommonContact getCommonContact(String userId) {
  CommonContact contact = new CommonContact();
  try {
    IdentityManager identityM = (IdentityManager) PortalContainer.getInstance().getComponentInstanceOfType(IdentityManager.class);
    Identity userIdentity = identityM.getIdentity(OrganizationIdentityProvider.NAME, userId, true);
    Profile profile = userIdentity.getProfile();
    if (profile.contains(Profile.EMAIL)) {
    if (profile.contains(Profile.FIRST_NAME)) {
    if (profile.contains(Profile.LAST_NAME)) {
    if (profile.contains(Profile.GENDER)) {

    if (profile.contains(Profile.CONTACT_PHONES)) {
    if (profile.contains(Profile.URL)) {
  } catch (Exception e) {
    if (LOG.isErrorEnabled()) LOG.error(String.format("can not load contact from eXo Social Profile with user [%s]", userId), e);
  return contact;
  • The information which is get by the user includes:
Name Type Description
email String Email of user.
firstName String First name of user.
lastName String Last name of user.
  • The information which is get via UserProfile includes:
Attribute Type Description
user.other-info.avatar.url String The path containing the user's avatar.
user.bdate String The user's birthday. String The home city of user. String The home country of user.
user.gender String The user's gender.
user.jobtitle String The user's job.
user.home-info.telecom.telephone.number String The home phone number of user. telephone.number String The mobile number of user. String The individual websites of user.

Poll components

Key Data type Description
org.exoplatform.poll. service.DataStorage org.exoplatform.poll.service. impl.JCRDataStorage Includes all public APIs to interact with the UI component and database.
org.exoplatform.poll. service.PollService org.exoplatform.poll.service. impl.PollServiceImpl Stores data of Polls via the JCR system.

External component plugins

This section consists of the following main topics:

Common plugins

This section describes the main component plugins in Commons (used by any eXo Platform modules), sample configurations with explanation about init-params and how to use these plugins.

Currently, only CSS Class Manager plugin is included in this section:

CSS Class Manager

This plugin is used to manage CSS class of file icons.

You can find the configuration file of this component at: commons-extension.war!/WEB-INF/conf/commons-extension/css-class-configuration.xml.

To use the plugin in the component configuration, you must configure the following target-component:


Sample Configuration

        <description>default supported CSS class icon file</description>
                <object type="org.exoplatform.webui.cssfile.CssClassIconFile">
                    <field name="type">
                    <field name="cssClass">
                    <field name="groupFileTypes">
                <object type="org.exoplatform.webui.cssfile.CssClassIconFile">
                    <field name="type">
                    <field name="cssClass">
                    <field name="groupFileTypes">

In which:

  • Name: forum.default.cssclass
  • Type: org.exoplatform.webui.cssfile.CssClassPlugin
  • Object type: org.exoplatform.webui.cssfile.CssClassIconFile
Field Type Description
type string The file extension.
cssClass string The CSS class which is corresponding to the file extension.
groupFileTypes string The list of file types which have the same CSS class as the file extension.

Social plugins

This section describes the main component plugins used in Social, sample configurations with explanation about init-params and how to use these plugins.

Activity Resource Bundle

This plugin is used to register the external resource bundle for the internationalized activity type.

Sample configuration:

  <!-- activity type -->
      <!-- resource bundle key file -->
      <description>activity key type resource bundle mapping for exosocial:spaces</description>
      <object type="">
        <field name="activityKeyTypeMapping">
          <map type="java.util.HashMap">

In which:

  • Name: exosocial:spaces
  • Set-method: addActivityResourceBundlePlugin
  • Type:
  • Init-params:
Object-param Description The resource bundle key file.

Identity Provider

The plugin provides the identity for a space.

Sample configuration:

    <name>SpaceIdentityProvider plugin</name>
        <description>Identity Providers</description>

In which:

  • Name: SpaceIdentityProvider plugin
  • Set-method: registerIdentityProviders
  • Type:
  • Init-params:
Name Possible value Default value Description
providers Every other identity providers Identity Provider instances for managing identities.

Mentions Processor

This plugin allows creating a link to a user profile when the user is mentioned in the activity content.

To use the plugin in the component configuration, you must use the following target-component:


Sample Configuration:

      <description>priority of this processor (lower are executed first)</description>

In which:

  • Name: MentionsProcessor
  • Set-method: addProcessorPlugin
  • Type:
  • Init-params:
Name Possible value Default value Description
priority integer 2 The priority of this processor. The lower priority level is executed first.

OSHtml Sanitizer Processor

The plugin renders valid HTML tags appearing in the Activity body (content).

Sample configuration:


In which:

  • Name: OSHtmlSanitizer
  • Set-method: addProcessorPluginn
  • Type:

Portlet Preference Required

This plugin is used to configure the list of portlet names which will have portlet preference of space context.

To use the plugin in the component configuration, you must use the following target-component:


Sample configuration:


In which:

  • Name: portlets.prefs.required
  • Set-method: setPortletsPrefsRequired
  • Type:
  • Init-params:
Name Possible value Default value Description
portletsPrefsRequired Portlet names SpaceActivityStreamPortlet; SpaceSettingPortlet; MembersPortlet The list of portlets which need to be saved and get the space context name.

Profile Updates Publisher

This plugin is used to process activities and comments related to changes on the users' profiles.

Sample configuration:


Relationship Publisher

This plugin is used to process activities and comments related to changes on the relationship between two users.

Sample configuration:


Space Activity Publisher

This plugin is used to process activities and comments related to spaces, such as creating spaces, editing space information, users joining/leaving spaces, or granting/removing the "manager" role of the spaces.

Sample configuration:


Template Params Processor

This plugin uses the value in the template parameter of the activity and replaces the title and body of the activity with the template parameter of this activity.

To use the plugin in the component configuration, you must use the following target-component:


Sample configuration:


In which:

  • Name: TemplateParamsProcessor
  • Set-method: addProcessorPlugin
  • Type:
  • Init-params:
Name Possible value Default value Description
priority integer 1 The priority of this processor. The lower priority level is executed first.

URL Converter Filter

This plugin converts all the URLs in the activity into the hyperlinks.

To use the plugin in the component configuration, you must use the following target-component:


Sample configuration:

      <description>the max length of URL</description>

In which:

  • Name: URLConverterFilterPlugin
  • Set-method: addFilterPlugin
  • Type:
  • Init-params:
Value-param Possible value Default value Description
urlMaxLength integer -1 The maximum length of the URL. If the URL exceeds the maximum length, the URL will be shortened. If the value is -1, it means the URL is not be shortened.

OpenSocial 2-legged OAuth

This section is about configuring the 2-legged OAuth scenario in OpenSocial. (Reference:

For more information, visit 2-legged OAuth for the OpenSocial REST API.

Generate the key

$ openssl req -newkey rsa:1024 -days 365 -nodes -x509 -keyout testkey.pem \
     -out testkey.pem -subj '/CN=mytestkey'
$ openssl pkcs8 -in testkey.pem -out oauthkey.pem -topk8 -nocrypt -outform PEM

Configure the property file

Edit container.js and change the following parameter to point to your private key and key name.

"gadgets.signingKeyFile" : "oauth.pem",
"gadgets.signingKeyName" : "oauthKey",

Wiki plugins

This section describes the main component plugins used in Wiki, sample configurations with explanation about init-params and how to use these plugins.

Wiki Template Page

This plugin is used to inject default Wiki templates. The configuration can be found in wiki-webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/conf/configuration.xml.

Sample configuration:

<component-plugin><name>Template page initializer</name>
    <description>XML Deployment Plugin</description>
            <description>path of file imported. </description>
            <!--value>war:/conf/data/file-name.xml</value -->

In which:

  • Name: sourcePaths
  • Set-method: addWikiTemplatePagePlugin
  • Type:


Name Type Default value Description
sourcePaths String war:/conf/data/template.xml The path to import the template file.

Page Resolver

This plugin is used to analyze the URLs to output the page information that users want to access. The configuration can be found in wiki-injector/src/main/resources/conf/portal/configuration.xml.

Sample configuration:


In which:

  • Name: urlresolver
  • Set-method: setResolverPlugin
  • Type:

Data Injector

This plugin is used to initialize data for Wiki. The configuration can be found in wiki-injector/src/main/resources/conf/portal/configuration.xml.

Sample configuration:

        <description>inject data for Wiki</description>

In which:

  • Name: WikiDataInjector
  • Set-method: addInjector
  • Type:

New User Listener

This plugin is used to listen to events when new users are added to the system. As each user can have a default personal Wiki space created. The configuration can be found in wiki-webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/conf/configuration.xml.

Sample configuration:

          <object type="">
            <field  name="jcrPaths">
              <collection type="java.util.ArrayList">
                  <object type="$JcrPath">
                    <field name="alias"><string>userApplicationData</string></field>
                    <field name="path"><string>ApplicationData</string></field>
                    <field name="nodeType"><string>nt:unstructured</string></field>
                    <field name="permissions">
                      <collection type="java.util.ArrayList">
                          <object type="$Permission">
                            <field name="identity"><string>*:/platform/administrators</string></field>
                            <field name="read"><string>true</string></field>
                            <field name="addNode"><string>true</string></field>
                            <field name="setProperty"><string>true</string></field>
                            <field name="remove"><string>true</string></field>

In which:

  • Name: urlresolver
  • Set-method: setResolverPlugin
  • Type:

Session Created Listener

This plugin is used to listen to events when users log in (start a session). The configuration can be found in wiki-service/src/main/resources/conf/portal/configuration.xml.

Sample configuration:


In which:

  • Name: urlresolver
  • Set-method: addListener
  • Type:

Session Destroyed Listener

This plugin is used to listen to events when users logout (finish a session or session timeout). The configuration can be found in wiki-service/src/main/resources/conf/portal/configuration.xml.

Sample configuration:


In which:

  • Name: sessionDestroyed
  • Set-method: addListener
  • Type:

Uncached Macros

This plugin is used to list the macros which must not be cached. This is required for macros generating dynamic content (meaning the content generated by the macro can change even if the wiki page source is not updated). Generated HTML version of Wiki pages are cached to avoid generating it again at each display. If a page contains macros producing dynamic content, its HTML version must not be cached to be sure it is always up to date. For example the rss macro provides new content as soon as new articles are published on the remote website, so it must be listed as an uncached macro. The default configuration of this plugin can be found in wiki-service/src/main/resources/conf/portal/cache-configuration.xml.

Sample configuration:

        <description>Add the uncached macro list</description>

In which:

  • Name: addUnCachedMacro
  • Set-method: addUnCachedMacro
  • Type:


Name Type Default value Description
uncachedMacroes String rss, jira The list of uncached macros.

Content plugins

This section describes the main component plugins used in Content, sample configurations with explanation about init-params and how to use these plugins.

Authoring Publication

This plugin is used to manage the publication lifecycle of web contents and DMS document on a portal page with more states and versions. The configuration is applied mainly in ``


Sample configuration:

    <name>Authoring publication</name>
    <description>This publication lifecycle publish a web content or DMS document to a portal page with more
    states and version.

In which:

  • Name: Authoring publication
  • Set-method: addPublicationPlugin
  • Type:

Content Type Filter

This plugin is used to filter Content node types.

To use the plugin in the component configuration, you must use the following target-component:


The configuration is applied mainly in /packaging/wcm/webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/conf/dms-extension/dms/dms-templates-configuration.xml.

Sample configuration:

        <description>this plugin is used to filter wcm nodetype</description>
                <description>only exo:cssFile can be created in exo:cssFolder</description>
                <object type="$FolderFilterConfig">
                    <field name="folderType">
                    <field name="contentTypes">
                        <collection type="java.util.ArrayList">

In which:

  • Name: FilterContentTypeForWCMSpecificFolder
  • Set-method: addContentTypeFilterPlugin
  • Type:
  • Object type:$FolderFilterConfig
Field Type Value Description
folderType string exo:cssFolder The folder type.
contentTypes Collection {java.util.ArrayList} The content type.


This plugin is used to store the context configuration of a publication lifecycle. To use the plugin in the component configuration, you must use the following target-component:


The configuration is applied mainly in packaging/wcm/webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/conf/content-extended/authoring/configuration.xml.

Sample configuration:

                <object type="">
                    <field name="contexts">
                        <collection type="java.util.ArrayList">
                                <object type="$Context">
                                    <field name="name">
                                    <field name="priority">
                                    <field name="lifecycle">
                                    <field name="site">

In which:

  • Name: AddContext
  • Set-method: addContext
  • Type:
  • Object type:
Field Type Value Description
name string context2 The name of the context.
priority string 100 The context priority, the higher number indicates higher priority. Because a site may have several lifecycles, the lifecycle with higher priority will be executed sooner.
lifecycle string lifecycle2 The name of the lifecycle.
site string acme The site that will apply the context configuration.

Exclude Include Data Type

This plugin is used in the SiteSearchService component to filter the search results before these results are presented on the search page.

The configuration is applied mainly in ``

Sample configuration:

                <description>exclude some data type when search</description>
                <property name="mimetypes" value="${,text/javascript,application/x-javascript,text/ecmascript}"/>

In which:

  • Name: ExcludeMimeTypes
  • Set-method: addExcludeIncludeDataTypePlugin
  • Type:
  • The plugin has the following parameter:
Properties-param Description
search.exclude.datatype Excludes some data types when doing search.
  • The search.exclude.datatype property includes two attributes:
Attribute Value Description
name mimetypes The name of the property param.
value ${,text/javascript,application/x-javascript,text/ecmascript} The list of mimetypes which will be excluded from the search results.


This plugin is used to refine URLs in Content.

To use the plugin in the component configuration, you must use the following target-component:


Do as follows:

Set the profile Friendly for eXo Platform by adding the following configuration to the setenv-customize.(sh|bat) file:

SET EXO_PROFILES=all,friendly

Use the following sample configuration in the /WEB-INF/conf/content-extended/friendly/configuration.xml file of the deployed war package.

Sample configuration:

            <object type="">
              <field name="friendlies">
                <collection type="java.util.ArrayList">
                    <object type="$Friendly">
                      <field name="friendlyUri"><string>${wcm.friendly.documents.friendlyUri:documents}</string></field>
                      <field name="unfriendlyUri"><string> ${wcm.friendly.documents.unfriendlyUri:/acme/detail?content-id=/repository/collaboration}</string></field>
                    <object type="$Friendly">
                      <field name="friendlyUri"><string>${wcm.friendly.files.friendlyUri:files}</string></field>
                      <field name="unfriendlyUri"><string>${wcm.friendly.files.unfriendlyUri:/rest/jcr/repository/collaboration}</string></field>

In which:

  • Name: FriendlyService.addConfiguration
  • Set-method: addConfiguration
  • Type:
  • Object type:
Field Type Value Description
friendlyUri string documents The object into which the friendly URI is applied.
unfriendlyUri string /acme/detail?content-id=/repository/collaboration The path to the location where the friendly URI is applied.

Image Thumbnail

This plugin is used to configure the file types and get thumbnail for images.

To use the plugin in the component configuration, you must use the following target-component:


The configuration is applied mainly in packaging/wcm/webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/conf/dms-extension/dms/dms-thumbnail-configuration.xml.

Sample configuration:

                <description>Thumbnail types</description>
                <object type="">
                    <field name="mimeTypes">
                        <collection type="java.util.ArrayList">

In which:

  • Name: ImageThumbnailPlugin
  • Set-method: addPlugin
  • Type:
  • Object type:
Field Type Value Description
mimeTypes String






The list of thumbnail image types.

Ignore Portal

When a new portal is created, the configuration of IgnorePortalPlugin is used to avoid deploying data to the existing ones which are listed in the init-parameters.

To use the plugin in the component configuration, you must use the following target-component:


The configuration is applied mainly in packaging/wcm/webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/conf/wcm-extension/wcm/deployment/template-deployment-configuration.xml.

Sample configuration:

      <name>Add ignored portals</name>
      <description>ignored portals. the service will not deploy data to the ignored portals</description>
          <description>ignored portal list</description>

In which:

  • Name: Add ignored portals
  • Set-method: addIgnorePortalPlugin
  • Type:


Name Type Value Description
ignored.portals string classic, acme, WAIPortal The list of ignored existing portals.

Initial Webcontent

When a portal is created, this plugin will deploy initial web-contents as the site artifact into the Site Artifact folder of that portal.

To use the plugin in the component configuration, you must use the following target-component:


The configuration is applied mainly in packaging/wcm/webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/conf/wcm-extension/wcm/newsletter-configuration.xml.

Sample configuration:

        <name>Initial webcontent artifact for each site</name>
        <description>This plugin deploy some initial webcontent as site artifact to site artifact folder of portal when
            a portal is
                <name>Portal logo data</name>
                <description>Deployment Descriptor</description>
                <object type="">
                    <field name="target">
                        <object type="$Target">
                            <field name="repository">
                            <field name="workspace">
                            <field name="nodePath">
                                <string>/sites/{portalName}/web contents/site artifacts</string>
                    <field name="sourcePath">
                <name>Portal signin data</name>
                <description>Deployment Descriptor</description>
                <object type="">
                    <field name="target">
                        <object type="$Target">
                            <field name="repository">
                            <field name="workspace">
                            <field name="nodePath">
                                <string>/sites/{portalName}/web contents/site artifacts</string>
                    <field name="sourcePath">

In which:

  • Name: AddLifecycle
  • Set-method: addPlugin
  • Type:
  • Object type:$Target
Name Type Value Description
repository string repository The repository into which the initial web contents will be deployed.
workspace string collaboration The workspace into which the initial web contents will be deployed.
nodePath string /sites/{portalName}/web contents/site artifacts The target node where the initial web-contents will be deployed into.
sourcePath string war:/conf/sample-portal/wcm/artifacts/site-resources/acme-templates/Logo.xml The path to the source that this plugin will get data.

Link Deployment

This plugin is used to create predefined Symlinks into the system.

To use the plugin in the component configuration, you must use the following target-component:


The configuration is applied mainly in samples/acme-website/webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/conf/acme-portal/wcm/deployment/acme-deployment-configuration.xml.

Sample configuration:

        <name>Content Initializer Service</name>
        <description>Link Deployment Plugin</description>
                <description>Deployment Descriptor</description>
                <object type="">
                    <field name="sourcePath">
                        <string>repository:collaboration:/sites/acme/web contents/News/News1</string>
                    <field name="targetPath">
                <description>Deployment Descriptor</description>
                <object type="">
                    <field name="sourcePath">
                        <string>repository:collaboration:/sites/acme/web contents/News/News2</string>
                    <field name="targetPath">
                <description>Deployment Descriptor</description>
                <object type="">
                    <field name="sourcePath">
                        <string>repository:collaboration:/sites/acme/web contents/News/News3</string>
                    <field name="targetPath">

In which:

  • Name: Content Initializer Service
  • Set-method: addPlugin
  • Type:
  • Object type:
Field Type Value Description
sourcePath string repository:collaboration:/sites/acme/web contents/News/News1 The path to the source where this plugin will get data.
targetPath string repository:collaboration:/sites/acme/categories/powers The path to the target where this plugin will deploy.

Lock Groups Or Users

This plugin is used to configure predefined groups or users for lock administration. To use the plugin in the component configuration, you must use the following target-component:


The configuration is applied mainly in core/core-configuration/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/conf/wcm-core/core-services-configuration.xml.

Sample configuration:

                <description>configuration predefined groups or users for lock administrator</description>
                <object type="">
                    <field name="settingLockList">
                        <collection type="java.util.ArrayList">

In which:

  • Name: predefinedLockGroupsOrUsersPlugin
  • Set-method: addLockGroupsOrUsersPlugin
  • Type:
  • Object type:
Field Type Value Description
settingLockList ArrayList {java.util.ArrayList} The list of the groups or user to be locked.

Manage Drive

This plugin is used to create a predefined drive into a repository. A drive can be considered as a shortcut in the content repository, a quick access to some places for users. You can restrict the visibility of this drive to a group/user and apply a specific view depending on the content you have in this area.

A drive is the combination of:

  • Path: the root folder of the drive.
  • View: how we can see contents, such as by list, thumbnails.
  • Role: the visibility to every users, a group or a single user.
  • Options: allow you to specify whether to see hidden nodes or not and to create folders in this drive or not.

To use the plugin in the component configuration, you must use the following target-component:

The configuration is applied mainly in ``

The following structure is used for drives configuration.

                There are initializing attributes of object

The file that contains the structure above will be configured in the configuration.xml file as the following:


Sample configuration:

                <name>Managed Sites</name>
                <description>Managed Sites</description>
                <object type="">
                    <field name="name">
                        <string>Managed Sites</string>
                    <field name="repository">
                    <field name="workspace">
                    <field name="permissions">
                    <field name="homePath">
                    <field name="icon">
                    <field name="views">
                    <field name="viewPreferences">
                    <field name="viewNonDocument">
                    <field name="viewSideBar">
                    <field name="showHiddenNode">
                    <field name="allowCreateFolders">
                    <field name="allowNodeTypesOnTree">

In which:

  • Name:
  • Set-method: setManageDrivePlugin
  • Type:
  • Object type:
Field Type Value Description
name String Managed Sites The name of drive which must be unique.
repository String repository Content Repository where to find the root path.
workspace String collaboration Workspace in the Content Repository.
homePath String /sites
Root path in the Content Repository. ``

`` can be used to use the userId at runtime in the path.

permissions String *:/platform/administrators Visibility of the drive based on eXo rights. For example: *:/platform/users
icon String N/A URL to the icon.
views String wcm-view The list of views you want to use, separated by commas. For example: simple-view,admin-view
viewPreferences Boolean false The User Preference icon will be visible if true.
viewNonDocument Boolean true Non-document types will be visible in the user view if true.
viewSideBar Boolean true Shows/Hides the left bar (with navigation and filters).
showHiddenNode Boolean false Hidden nodes will be visible if true.
allowCreateFolders String nt:folder,nt:unstructured List of node types that you can create as folders. For example: nt:folder,nt:unstructured.
allowNodeTypesOnTree String * Allows you to filter node types in the navigation tree. For example, the default value is "*" to show all content types.

Manage View

This plugin is used to create a predefined View into a repository. A View can include many object parameters. Parameters are used to create default Views, Templates and Actions of Manage View service. View enables administrators to customize View classification that can impact on users in exploring workspace. Each object-param has a type that is a class representing all properties of a View.

To use the plugin in the component configuration, you must use the following target-component:


The configuration is applied mainly in packaging/wcm/webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/conf/dms-extension/dms/dms-views-configuration.xml.

Sample configuration:

        <description>this plugin manage user view</description>
              <description>View configuration of WCM administrator</description>
              <object type="">
                <field name="name"><string>Web</string></field>
                <field name="permissions"><string>*:/platform/web-contributors</string></field>
                <field name="template"><string>/exo:ecm/views/templates/ecm-explorer/Content</string></field>
                <field name="tabList">
                  <collection type="java.util.ArrayList">
                      <object type="$Tab">
                        <field name="tabName"><string>Authoring</string></field>
                        <field name="buttons">
                            addCategory; addFolder; addDocument; editDocument; upload; viewPermissions; managePublications; manageCategories; taggingDocument; vote; watchDocument; publicationRequestApproval; publicationApproveContent; publicationPublish; addLocalizationLink
              <name>Content Template</name>
              <description>Template to display contents in list style</description>
              <object type="">
                <field name="type"><string>ecmExplorerTemplate</string></field>
                <field name="name"><string>Content</string></field>
                <field name="warPath"><string>/ecm-explorer/ContentView.gtmpl</string></field>

In which:

  • Name: manage.view.plugin
  • Set-method: setManageViewPlugin
  • Type:
  • Init-param:
value-param Type Value Description
autoCreateInNewRepository boolean true Allows creating a predefined View in this repository if the value is "true".
predefinedViewsLocation string war:/conf/dms-extension/dms/artifacts The location of the View node in the repository.
repository string repository The repository name.
  • Object type:
Field Type Value Description
name string Web The name of view which must be unique inside Content.
permissions string *:/platform/web-contributors Visibility of the view based on eXo rights.
template string /exo:ecm/views/templates/ecm-explorer/Content Specifies path to the template location.
tabList ArrayList {java.util.ArrayList} Includes a set of view names.
  • Object type:$Tab
Field Type Value Description
tabName string Authoring The name of tab which must be unique.
button string addCategory; addFolder; addDocument; editDocument; upload; viewPermissions; managePublications; manageCategories; taggingDocument; vote; watchDocument; publicationRequestApproval; publicationApproveContent; publicationPublish; addLocalizationLink Specifies a set of view component names.
  • Object type:
Field Type Value Description
type string ecmExplorerTemplate Specifies if a name is truly a class representing all properties of a view.
name string Content Specifies a view component name.
warPath string /ecm-explorer/ContentView.gtmpl Specifies a template location to view.

PDF Thumbnail

This plugin is to set the supported file types of PDF thumbnail. See also **ImageThumbnailPlugin**.

To use the plugin in the component configuration, you must use the following target-component:


The configuration is applied mainly in packaging/wcm/webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/conf/dms-extension/dms/dms-thumbnail-configuration.xml.

Sample configuration:

            <description>Thumbnail types</description>
            <object type="">
                <field name="mimeTypes">
                    <collection type="java.util.ArrayList">

In which:

  • Name: PDFThumbnailPlugin
  • Set-method: addPlugin
  • Type:
  • Object type:
Field Type Value Description
mimeTypes String application/pdf The MIME type of the PDF thumbnail.

Portlet Template

This plugin is used to import the view templates into Content List Viewer.

To use the plugin in the component configuration, you must use the following target-component:


The configuration is applied mainly in packaging/wcm/webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/conf/wcm-extension/dms/application-templates-configuration.xml.

Sample configuration:

        <description>This plugin is used to import views templates for Content List Viewer</description>
              <name>Two columns CLV template</name>
              <description>Two columns CLV template</description>
              <object type="$PortletTemplateConfig">
                <field name="title">
                  <string>Two Columns</string>
                <field name="templateName">
                <field name="category">

In which:

  • Name: clv.templates.plugin
  • Set-method: addPlugin
  • Type:
  • Init-param:
Value-param Type Value Description
portletName string content-list-viewer The name of the portlet.
portlet.template.path string war:/conf/wcm-artifacts/application-templates/content-list-viewer The path to the configuration of the portlet.
  • Object type:$PortletTemplateConfig
Field Type Description
templateName string The name of the GROOVY template.
category string The category name.


This plugin is used to store predefined queries into the repositories of the system.

To use the plugin in the component configuration, you must use the following target-component:


The configuration is applied mainly in /packaging/wcm/webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/conf/dms-extension/dms/dms-queries-configuration.xml.

Sample configuration:

                <description>documents created by the current user</description>
                <object type="">
                    <field name="name">
                        <string>Created Documents</string>
                    <field name="language">
                    <field name="statement">
                        <string>//*[(@jcr:primaryType = 'exo:article' or @jcr:primaryType = 'nt:file') and
                            @exo:owner='${UserId}$'] order by @exo:dateCreated descending
                    <field name="permissions">
                        <collection type="java.util.ArrayList">
                    <field name="cachedResult">

In which:

  • Name: predefinedTaxonomyPlugin
  • Set-method: setQueryPlugin
  • Type:
  • Init-param:
Value-param Type Value Description
autoCreateInNewRepository boolean true Stores queries in a new repository if the value is "true".
repository string repository The repository to the target node.
  • Object type:
Field Type Description
name string The name of the query.
language string The language of the query (Xpath, SQL).
statement string The query statement.
permissions ArrayList The permission which users must have to use this query.
cachedResult boolean Specifies if the query is cached or not.

Watch Document

The WatchDocumentService component allows users to watch/unwatch a document. If they are watching the document, they will receive a notification mail when there are any changes on the document. The configuration of this component is found in /core/core-configuration/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/conf/wcm-core/core-services-configuration.xml.

      <name>watching document notification email contents setting</name>
      <description>Initialize the settings for watching document notification email contents</description>
          <description>Message Configuration</description>
          <object type="">
            <field name="subject"><string>${gatein.ecms.watchdocument.subject:Your watching document is changed}</string></field>
            <field name="mimeType"><string>${gatein.ecms.watchdocument.mimetype:text/html}</string></field>
            <field name="content">
              <string>${gatein.ecms.watchdocument.content: Dear $user_name,<br /><br />The document $doc_name ($doc_title) has changed.<br /><br />Please go to <a href="$doc_url">$doc_title</a> to see this change.<br /><br /></string>


  • object-param:
    • Object type:
Field Type Value Description
subject string ${gatein.ecms.watchdocument.subject:Your watching document is changed}. The subject of the notification mail.
mimeType string ${gatein.ecms.watchdocument.mimetype:text/html}. The format of the notification mail.
content string ${gatein.ecms.watchdocument.content: Dear $user_name,<br /><br />The document $doc_name ($doc_title) has changed.<br /><br />Please go to <a href="$doc_url">$doc_title</a> to see this change.<br /><br />. The content of the notification mail.

Remove Taxonomy

This plugin is used to invalidate taxonomy trees in categories folder of a portal when the portal is removed.

To use the plugin in the component configuration, you must use the following target-component:


Sample configuration:

        <name>Remove taxonomy tree</name>
        <description>This plugin invalidate taxonomy tree to categories folder of portal when a portal is removed

In which:

  • Name: Remove taxonomy tree
  • Set-method: addPlugin
  • Type:

Script Action

This plugin is used to import the predefined script actions into the system.

To use the plugin in the component configuration, you must use the following target-component:


The configuration is applied mainly in packaging/wcm/webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/conf/dms-extension/dms/dms-actions-configuration.xml.

Sample configuration:

                <object type="">
                    <field name="repository">
                    <field name="workspace">
                    <field name="actions">
                        <collection type="java.util.ArrayList">
                                <object type="$Action">
                                    <field name="type">
                                    <field name="name">
                                    <field name="description">
                                        <string>trigger actions for items in trash</string>
                                    <field name="srcWorkspace">
                                    <field name="srcPath">
                                    <field name="isDeep">
                                    <field name="lifecyclePhase">
                                        <collection type="java.util.ArrayList">

In which:

  • name: exo:scriptAction
  • set-method: addPlugin
  • type:
  • Object type:
Name Type Default Value Description
repository string repository The name of the repository.
workspace string collaboration The name of the workspace.
actions ArrayList {java.util.ArrayList} The list of actions.
  • Object type:$Action
Name Type Default Value Description
type string exo:trashFolderAction The type of the action.
name string trashFolder The name of the action.
description string trigger actions for items in trash The description of the action.
srcWorkspace string collaboration The source workspace of the action.
srcPath string /Trash The path to the source.
isDeep boolean false Specifies the depth of node that the action script will affect.
lifecyclePhase ArrayList node_added, node_removed Specifies the lifecycle phase that the action will take place.


This plugin is used to add groovy scripts into the system.

To use the plugin in the component configuration, you must use the following target-component:


The configuration is applied mainly in packaging/wcm/webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/conf/dms-extension/dms/dms-scripts-configuration.xml.

Sample configuration:

            <object type="">
              <field  name="resources">
                <collection type="java.util.ArrayList">
                  <!-- ecm-explorer/action -->
                    <object type="$Resource">
                      <field  name="description"><string>Trash Document</string></field>
                      <field  name="name"><string>ecm-explorer/action/TrashFolder.groovy</string></field>
                    <object type="$Resource">
                      <field  name="description"><string>Enable Versioning</string></field>
                      <field  name="name"><string>ecm-explorer/action/EnableVersioning.groovy</string></field>
                    <object type="$Resource">
                      <field  name="description"><string>Auto Versioning</string></field>
                      <field  name="name"><string>ecm-explorer/action/AutoVersioning.groovy</string></field>
                    <object type="$Resource">
                      <field  name="description"><string>Add Metadata</string></field>
                      <field  name="name"><string>ecm-explorer/action/AddMetadata.groovy</string></field>
                    <object type="$Resource">
                      <field  name="description"><string>Add to Category</string></field>
                      <field  name="name"><string>ecm-explorer/action/AddToCategory.groovy</string></field>
                    <object type="$Resource">
                      <field  name="description"><string>Add to Favorites</string></field>
                      <field  name="name"><string>ecm-explorer/action/AddToFavorites.groovy</string></field>
                  <!-- ecm-explorer/widget -->
                    <object type="$Resource">
                      <field  name="description"><string>Fill SelectBox With Metadatas</string></field>
                      <field  name="name"><string>ecm-explorer/widget/FillSelectBoxWithMetadatas.groovy</string></field>
                    <object type="$Resource">
                      <field  name="description"><string>Fill SelectBox With Workspaces</string></field>
                      <field  name="name"><string>ecm-explorer/widget/FillSelectBoxWithWorkspaces.groovy</string></field>
                    <object type="$Resource">
                      <field  name="description"><string>Fill SelectBox With Language</string></field>
                      <field  name="name"><string>ecm-explorer/widget/FillSelectBoxWithLanguage.groovy</string></field>
                  <!-- ecm-explorer/interceptor -->
                    <object type="$Resource">
                      <field  name="description"><string>Pre Node Save Interceptor</string></field>
                      <field  name="name"><string>ecm-explorer/interceptor/PreNodeSaveInterceptor.groovy</string></field>
                    <object type="$Resource">
                      <field  name="description"><string>Post Node Save Interceptor</string></field>
                      <field  name="name"><string>ecm-explorer/interceptor/PostNodeSaveInterceptor.groovy</string></field>

In which:

  • Name: manage.script.plugin
  • Set-method: addScriptPlugin
  • Type:
  • Init-param:
Value-param Type Value Description
autoCreateInNewRepository Boolean true Enables/Disables the creation of the scripts in the newly created repository.
repository String repository The repository name.
predefinedScriptsLocation String war:/conf/dms-extension/dms/artifacts The location where the scripts are created.
  • Object type:
Field Type Value Description
resource ArrayList {java.util.ArrayList} The resource name.

States Lifecycle

This plugin is used to control the state life cycle of a content.

To use the plugin in the component configuration, you must use the following target-component:


The configuration is applied mainly in packaging/wcm/webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/conf/content-extended/authoring/configuration.xml.

Sample configuration:

            <object type="">
                <field name="lifecycles">
                    <collection type="java.util.ArrayList">
                            <object type="$Lifecycle">
                                <field name="name">
                                <field name="publicationPlugin">
                                    <string>Authoring publication</string>
                                <field name="states">
                                    <collection type="java.util.ArrayList">
                                            <object type="$State">
                                                <field name="state">
                                                <field name="membership">
                                            <object type="$State">
                                                <field name="state">
                                                <field name="membership">
                                            <object type="$State">
                                                <field name="state">
                                                <field name="membership">
                                            <object type="$State">
                                                <field name="state">
                                                <field name="membership">
                                            <object type="$State">
                                                <field name="state">
                                                <field name="membership">

In which:

  • Name: AddLifecycle
  • Set-method: addLifecycle
  • Type:
  • Object type:$Lifecycle
Field Type Value Description
name string lifecycle1 The name of the lifecycle.
publicationPlugin string Authoring publication The publication plugin name.
states ArrayList {java.util.ArrayList} The list of the publication states.
  • Object type:$State
Field Type Description
state string The publication states: draft, pending, staged, approved or published.
membership string The user or group.

Tag Permission

This plugin is used to configure the predefined permission for tag to inject in JCR.

To use the plugin in the component configuration, you must use the following target-component:


The configuration is applied mainly in packaging/wcm/webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/conf/dms-extension/dms/dms-folksonomy-configuration.xml.

Sample configuration:

                <description>configuration predefined permission for tag to inject in jcr</description>
                <object type="">
                    <field name="tagPermissionList">
                        <collection type="java.util.ArrayList">

In which:

  • Name: predefinedTagPermissionPlugin
  • Set-method: addTagPermissionPlugin
  • Type:
  • Object type:
Name Type Value Description
tagPermissionList ArrayList {java.util.ArrayList} The users/groups that have the permission.

Tag Style

This plugin is used to configure the predefined styles for tag to inject in JCR.

To use the plugin in the component configuration, you must use the following target-component:


The configuration is applied mainly in packaging/wcm/webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/conf/dms-extension/dms/dms-folksonomy-configuration.xml.

Sample configuration:

                <description>configuration predefined html style for tag to inject in jcr</description>
                <object type="">
                    <field name="autoCreatedInNewRepository">
                    <field name="repository">
                    <field name="tagStyleList">
                        <collection type="java.util.ArrayList">
                                <object type="$HtmlTagStyle">
                                    <field name="name">
                                    <field name="tagRate">
                                    <field name="htmlStyle">
                                        <string>font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; color: #6b6b6b; font-family:
                                            verdana; text-decoration:none;
                                    <field name="description">
                                        <string>Normal style for tag</string>
                                <object type="$HtmlTagStyle">
                                    <field name="name">
                                    <field name="tagRate">
                                    <field name="htmlStyle">
                                        <string>font-size: 13px; font-weight: bold; color: #5a66ce; font-family:
                                            verdana; text-decoration:none;
                                    <field name="description">
                                        <string>Interesting style for tag</string>
                                <object type="$HtmlTagStyle">
                                    <field name="name">
                                    <field name="tagRate">
                                    <field name="htmlStyle">
                                        <string>font-size: 15px; font-weight: bold; color: blue; font-family: Arial;
                                    <field name="description">
                                        <string>attractive style for tag</string>
                                <object type="$HtmlTagStyle">
                                    <field name="name">
                                    <field name="tagRate">
                                    <field name="htmlStyle">
                                        <string>font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold; color: #ff9000; font-family: Arial;
                                    <field name="description">
                                        <string>hot style for tag</string>
                                <object type="$HtmlTagStyle">
                                    <field name="name">
                                    <field name="tagRate">
                                    <field name="htmlStyle">
                                        <string>font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold; color: red; font-family:Arial;
                                    <field name="description">
                                        <string>hottest style for tag</string>
  • Name: predefinedTagStylePlugin
  • Set-method: addTagStylePlugin
  • Type:
  • Object type:
Name Type Value Description
autoCreatedInNewRepository boolean true Specifies whether the tag style is added automatically in a new repository or not.
repository string repository Name of the repository where the tag style is added.
tagStyleList ArrayList {java.util.ArrayList} The list of tag styles.
  • Object type:$HtmlTagStyle
Name Type Description
name string The name of the tag.
tagRate string The number of times that a tag is used which will decide the respective tag style.
htmlStyle string The HTML code that defines the style.


This plugin is used to configure the predefined taxonomies to inject into JCR.

To use the plugin in the component configuration, you must use the following target-component:


The configuration is applied mainly in packaging/wcm/webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/conf/dms-extension/dms/dms-categories-configuration.xml.

Sample configuration:

                <object type="">
                    <field name="taxonomies">
                        <collection type="java.util.ArrayList">
                                <object type="$Taxonomy">
                                    <field name="permissions">
                                        <collection type="java.util.ArrayList">
                                                <object type="$Permission">
                                                    <field name="identity">
                                                    <field name="read">
                                                    <field name="addNode">
                                                    <field name="setProperty">
                                                    <field name="remove">

In which:

  • Name: predefinedTaxonomyPlugin
  • Set-method: addTaxonomyPlugin
  • Type:
  • Init-param:
Value-param Type Value Description
autoCreateInNewRepository boolean true Enables/Disables the creation of the taxonomies in the newly created repository.
repository string repository The name of the repository where taxonomies are created.
workspace string dms-system The name of the workspace where taxonomies are created.
treeName string system The name of the taxonomy tree created.
  • Object type:
Name Type Value Description
taxonomies ArrayList {java.util.ArrayList} The list of taxonomies to be configured with permission.
  • Object type:$Taxonomy
Name Type Value Description
permissions ArrayList {java.util.ArrayList} The list of permissions for users or groups to access the taxonomy.
  • Object type:$Permission
Name Type Value Description
identity string *:/platform/users The name of the user, group or membership.
read boolean true The permission to read the taxonomy tree.
addNode boolean true The permission to add a node to the taxonomy tree.
setProperty boolean true The permission to set properties for a node in the taxonomy tree.
remove boolean false The permission to remove a node from the taxonomy tree.


This plugin is used to create templates into the system. A template is a presentation to display the saved information.

The node type template is used to edit and display the node content. Each node type has one dialog1.gtmpl file (dialog template) for editing/creating a node and one view1.gtmpl file (view template) for viewing the node content. Using the dialog template, you can specify a dialog whose fields correspond to the properties of the node you want to edit their values. When this template is rendered, each specified field will appear with a data input box for you to edit. Note that you do not have to design a dialog in which all data of the node are listed to be edited. You can just list the subset of node data you want to edit. Like the dialog template, the view template renders information of the node. You just need to create the template and specify which data fields to be displayed. With this kind of template, node information is only displayed but cannot be edited. See details at ContentType.

To use the plugin in the component configuration, you must use the following target-component:


The configuration is applied mainly in packaging/wcm/webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/conf/dms-extension/dms/dms-templates-configuration.xml.

Sample configuration:

This below example is configuration for the nt:file template, any other template will be put in the same level with this template starting from the line <object type="$NodeType> as the another node type.

                <description>configuration for the localtion of templates to inject in jcr</description>
                <object type="">
                    <field name="nodeTypes">
                        <collection type="java.util.ArrayList">
                                <object type="$NodeType">
                                    <field name="nodetypeName">
                                    <field name="documentTemplate">
                                    <field name="label">
                                    <field name="referencedView">
                                        <collection type="java.util.ArrayList">
                                                <object type="$Template">
                                                    <field name="templateFile">
                                                    <field name="roles">
                                                <object type="$Template">
                                                    <field name="templateFile">
                                                    <field name="roles">
                                    <field name="referencedDialog">
                                        <collection type="java.util.ArrayList">
                                                <object type="$Template">
                                                    <field name="templateFile">
                                                    <field name="roles">
                                                <object type="$Template">
                                                    <field name="templateFile">
                                                    <field name="roles">
                                    <field name="referencedSkin">
                                        <collection type="java.util.ArrayList">
                                                <object type="$Template">
                                                    <field name="templateFile">
                                                    <field name="roles">
                                                <object type="$Template">
                                                    <field name="templateFile">
                                                    <field name="roles">

In which:

  • name: addTemplates
  • set-method: addTemplates
  • type:
  • Init-params:
Value-param Type Value Description
autoCreateInNewRepository boolean true Enables the application to import predefined templates at the start-up of template service automatically.
storedLocation string war:/conf/dms-extension/dms/artifacts/templates The location of stored templates.
repository string repository Location of stored templates.
  • Object-type: that defines all available template files, using the "collection type" configuration.
  • type: It is the name of each object type. It means the type of template, the further configurations for this type are defined by some specified fields.
Field Type Value Description
nodeTypes ArrayList {java.util.ArrayList} The node type of the template.
  • Object-type:$NodeType
Field Type Value Description
nodetypeName string nt:file The name of template that is saved as a node in system.
documentTemplate boolean true Determines if the node type is a document type.
label string file Visual display of the title for this node.
referencedView ArrayList {java.util.ArrayList} Determines how to display a view.
referencedDialog ArrayList {java.util.ArrayList} Determines how to display a dialog to input information.
referencedSkin ArrayList {java.util.ArrayList} Determines the stylesheet for display.
  • Object type:$Template
Field Type Description
templateFile string The location of the file store for the template's presentation.
roles string Determines who can access this object (View/Dialog/CSS).

Publication Deployment

This plugin is used to publish content. This plugin checks if content is enrolled to a publication lifecycle or not. If content has been enrolled, this plugin will unsubscribe content from the publication lifecycle. The configuration is applied mainly in webapps/acme-website/WEB-INF/conf/acme-portal/wcm/deployment/acme-deployment-configuration.xml.

Sample configuration:

      <name>Content Initializer Service</name>
      <description>Publication Deployment Plugin</description>
          <description>Deployment Descriptor</description>
          <object type="">
            <field name="contents">
              <collection type="java.util.ArrayList">
                <value><string>collaboration:/sites/acme/web contents/site artifacts/Introduce</string></value>
                <value><string>collaboration:/sites/acme/web contents/site artifacts/contact_form_confirmation</string></value>
                <value><string>collaboration:/sites/acme/web contents/site artifacts/contact-us-countries</string></value>

In which:

  • Name: Content Initializer Service
  • Set-method: addPlugin
  • Type:
  • Object type:
Field Type Value Description
contents Collection {java.util.ArrayList} The content paths.

WCM Publication Deployment

This plugin is used to inject content at the server startup. Being considered as a substitute for the deprecated XMLDeploymentPlugin, it is better because it allows both injection and publication to be done at once.

In configuration, plug it to the following target component:


Sample configuration:

        <name>Content Initializer Service</name>
        <description>WCM Plublication Deployment Plugin</description>
                <description>The flag parameter to decide if portal metadata is overriden on restarting server</description>
                <name>ACME French translations directory</name>
                <description>Deployment Descriptor</description>
                <object type="">
                    <field name="target">
                        <object type="$Target">
                            <field name="workspace"><string>collaboration</string></field>
                            <field name="nodePath"><string>/sites/acme/web contents/site artifacts</string></field>
                    <field name="sourcePath">
                    <field name="cleanupPublicationType">

In which:

  • set-method: addPlugin
  • type:
Param name Type Value Description
override boolean true or false
  • true: Always re-import the data from the configuration when the server restarts.
  • false: Do not re-import, so if the data has been modified after being imported for the first time, the modification is not overridden when the server restarts.
  • Object type:
Field **Type ** Value Descriptio n
target Obje ct DeploymentDescriptor$Target The target node to import.
sourcePath Stri ng war:/conf/acme-portal/wcm/artifacts/ site-resources/acme/FrenchTranslations .xml The xml descriptor file of the imported data.
cleanupPubli cationType Stri ng publish-first-publication (see all the options in Description column)
  • *clean-pu
import, then clean all the publicati
state and version history (if any).
  • *keep-pub
import and keep the publicati
state and version history.
  • *publish-

first-public ation*:

import, clean all the publicati
state and version history, then publish the data as the first version.
  • Object type:$Target
Field **Type* * Value Description
workspac e Strin g collaboration The target workspace to import.
**nodePath ** Strin g
``/sites/acme/web contents/site
The target node to import.

XML Deployment

When a site is created, most of end-users want to see something in the page instead of a blank page, so you need this plugin to deploy some "default" contents, such as Banner, Footer, Navigation, Breadcrumb.

There are two main cases to use:

  • The site is created only one time when the database is cleaned.
  • The site is created at runtime, when a user uses the core features of the GateIn portal.

To use the plugin in the component configuration, you must use the following target-component:


The configuration is applied mainly in samples/acme-website/webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/conf/acme-portal/wcm/deployment/acme-deployment-configuration.xml.

Sample configuration:

        <name>Content Initializer Service</name>
        <description>XML Deployment Plugin</description>
                <description>The flag parameter to decide if portal metadata is overriden on restarting server</description>
                <name>ACME Logo data</name>
                <description>Deployment Descriptor</description>
                <object type="">
                    <field name="target">
                        <object type="$Target">
                            <field name="repository">
                            <field name="workspace">
                            <field name="nodePath">
                                <string>/sites/acme/web contents/site artifacts</string>
                    <field name="sourcePath">
                    <field name="versionHistoryPath">
                    <field name="cleanupPublication">

In which:

  • name: Content Initializer Service
  • set-method: addPlugin
  • type:
Name Type Value Description
override boolean ${acme.portalConfig.metadata.override:false}

Decides if portal metadata is overriden on restarting server.

  • true: Before importing, check if the node exists in JCR, override it with the newer node from configuration.
  • false: Not override.
  • Object type:
Name Type Value Description
target Object$Target (*) The target node which will contain the imported node.
sourcePath string war:/conf/sample-portal/wcm/artifacts/site-resources/acme/Logo.xml The absolute path of the XML file.
cleanupPublication boolean false

Decides when the publication lifecycle is cleaned up in the target folder after importing the data.

  • true: Allow.
  • false: Not allow.
versionHistoryPath string war:/conf/sample-portal/wcm/artifacts/site-resources/acme/ The absolute path of the version history file.
  • Object type:$Target
Field Type Value Description
repository string repository The repository name of the target node.
workspace string collaboration The collaboration name of the target node.
nodePath string /sites/acme/web contents/site artifacts The path of the target node.

Abstract plugins


This plugin provides all base and abstract methods which are used for action types, such as Add New, Schedule Activation.


This plugin provides an abstract method which creates all data when a new portal is added.


This plugin implements a publication lifecycle. When a lifecycle is defined, a new plugin will be extended from the PublicationPlugin and registered with the Publication Service.


This plugin provides an abstract method which invalidates all data when a portal is removed.

Calendar plugins

This section describes the main component plugins used in Calendar, sample configurations with explanation about init-params and how to use these plugins.

New User Listener

Each user can have a default personal calendar created. Use the NewUserListener to configure that. To use the plugin in the component configuration, you must use the target-component:


The configuration can be found here.

          <value>defaultEventCategoryIdMeeting,defaultEventCategoryIdCalls,defaultEventCategoryIdClients,defaultEventCategoryIdHoliday,defaultEventCategoryIdAnniversary</value><!-- Multi value, use coma (,) to split values-->
          <!-- The event category's name will be get from resource bundle by key "UICalendars.label." + defaultEventCategory's value.
               If the key does not exist, the defaultEventCategory's value will be used to display.
                  If the value is "defaultEventCategoryIdMeeting" then the resource bundle key is "UICalendars.label.defaultEventCategoryIdMeeting".
                    The value of this key is "Meeting", so "Meeting" will be display as default event category.
                  If the value is "Not exist key", because this key doesn't exist in resource bundle then
                    "Not exist key" will be display as default event category.
          <value>defaultCalendarCategoryId</value><!-- Single value, default calendar category's name is "My group"-->
          <!-- The calendar category's name will be get from resource bundle by key "UICalendars.label." + defaultCalendarCategory's value.
               If the key does not exist, the defaultCalendarCategory's value will be used to display.
                  If the value is "defaultCalendarCategoryId" then the resource bundle key is "UICalendars.label.defaultCalendarCategoryId".
                    The value of this key is "My group", so "My group" will be display as default calendar category.
                  If the value is "My calendar category", because this key doesn't exist in resource bundle then
                    "My calendar category" will be display as default calendar category.
          <value>defaultCalendarId</value> <!-- Single value, default calendar's name is "Default"-->
          <!-- The calendar's name will be get from resource bundle by key "UICalendars.label." + defaultCalendar's value.
               If the key does not exist, the defaultCalendar's value will be used to display.
                  If the value is "defaultCalendarId" then the resource bundle key is "UICalendars.label.defaultCalendarId".
                    The value of this key is "Default", so "Default" will be display as default calendar.
                  If the value is "My calendar", because this key doesn't exist in resource bundle then
                    "My calendar" will be display as default calendar.
        <!--Params for default calendar setting-->
         <value>1</value><!-- DAY_VIEW = "0" ; WEEK_VIEW = "1" ; MONTH_VIEW = "2" ; YEAR_VIEW = "3" ; LIST_VIEW = "4" ; SCHEDULE_VIEW = "5" ; WORKING_VIEW = "6" ;-->

         <value>2</value><!--SUNDAY = "1" ; MONDAY = "2" ; TUESDAY = "3" ; WEDNESDAY = "4" ; THURSDAY = "5" ; FRIDAY = "6" ;SATURDAY = "7" ;-->


         <value>HH:mm</value> <!-- HH:mm/hh:mm a -->

         <value>BEL</value><!-- see more locale ids -->

         <value>Europe/Brussels</value><!-- see more for timeZone ids -->


         <value>false</value><!-- boolean true/false -->

         <value>08:00</value><!--  -->

           <value>18:00</value><!--  -->

          <description>Definition users to ignore create default calendar</description>



  • Name: - The unique key to avoid duplicate names. Users can change it.
  • Type: org.exoplatform.calendar.service.impl.NewUserListener - The class is set up to execute the creation of database.
  • Description: It is a plugin used to create default personal calendars.

See the details about the init-params of the component in the following table:

Value-params Possible values Default value Description
defaultEventCategories String (Comma separated list of resource bundle keys for category names)


The default event categories for users.
defaultCalendarCategory String defaultCalendarCategoryId The name of the default calendar categories.
defaultCalendar String defaultCalendarId The name of the default calendar.
viewType 0-6 (see below) 1 Default view after user logs in and goes to the Calendar portlet.
weekStartOn 1-7 (see below) 2 Day to use as the beginning of the week. It only affects the Week view.
dateFormat valid Java Date format MM/dd/yyyy The display format for dates.
timeFormat valid Java Date format HH:mm The display format for time.
localeId valid locale ID BEL Id of the geographic locale.
timezoneId valid TimeZone id Europe User time zone.
baseUrlForRss none none The URL to publish the RSS content.
isShowWorkingTime true/false false Indicates if the working time should be highlighted in the Day view.
workingTimeBegin time in timeFormat 08:00 The start time in working time.
workingTimeEnd time in timeFormat 18:00 The end time in working time.
ignoredUsers user id, use multiple by each line N/A Definition users to ignore creating the default calendar.

The viewType parameter is encoded by a number as follows:

  • 0: Day view
  • 1: Week view
  • 2: Month view
  • 3: Year view
  • 4: List view
  • 5: Schedule view
  • 6: Working days view

The weekStartOn parameter is encoded as follow:

  • 1: Sunday
  • 2: Monday
  • 3: Tuesday
  • 4: Wednesday
  • 5: Thursday
  • 6: Friday
  • 7: Saturday

New Group Listener

To use the plugin in the component configuration, you must use the target-component:


The configuration can be found here.

          <value>*.*</value><!-- Multi value membership, use coma (,) to split values-->
          <value>*.*</value><!-- Multi value membership, use coma (,) to split values-->

          <value>BEL</value><!-- see more locale ids -->

          <value>Europe/Brussels</value><!-- see more for timeZone ids -->

          <description>Definition group to ignore create default calendar</description>
          <value>/spaces/*</value> <!-- single value, use more <value> tags to add more group -->



  • Name: - The unique key to avoid duplicate names. Users can change it.
  • Type: org.exoplatform.calendar.service.impl.NewGroupListener - The class which is set up to execute the creation of database.
  • Description - It is the plugin used to create default group calendars.

See the details about the init-params of the component in the following table:

Value-params Possible values Default value Description
defaultEditPermission User id (Multi value membership, use coma (,) to split values)
. means that all members in that group can modify and add, remove a calendar, events/tasks of the calendar


The default permission assigned to membership in a specific group to edit calendars and events/tasks of the calendar.
defaultViewPermission User Id (Multi value membership, use coma (,) to split values)
. means that all members in that group can view this calendar and all the events/tasks of this calendar.


The default permission assigned to membership in a specific group to view a calendar and events /tasks of the calendar.
defaultLocale Valid locale Id BEL (see more locale ids ) The default locale of the calendar.
defaultTimeZone Valid timezone Id
``Europe/Brussels (see more for timeZone Ids


The default time zone of the calendar.
ignoredGroups Group Id (use line to define multiple value) /spaces/* Definition group to ignore create the default calendar.

New Membership Listener

To use the plugin in the component configuration, you must use the target-component:


The configuration can be found here.



  • Name: - The unique key to avoid duplicate names. Users can change it.
  • Type: org.exoplatform.calendar.service.impl.NewMembershipListener - The class which is set up to execute the creation of database.
  • Description: It is a plugin used to execute sending reminder emails to users.

Reminder Period Job

The Calendar application of eXo Platform sends event reminders by using the email reminder plugin configuration. You will probably need to adjust this configuration to meet your own needs. The feature is based on a periodic poll of the stored reminders.

You must use the following target component to use the plugin in this configuration:


The configuration can be found here.

      <description>add e-mail reminder job to the JobSchedulerService</description>
          <description>save the monitor data  periodically</description>
          <property name="jobName" value="ReminderJob"/>
          <property name="groupName" value="CollaborationSuite"/>
          <property name="job" value="org.exoplatform.calendar.service.ReminderJob"/>
          <property name="repeatCount" value="0"/>
          <property name="period" value="180000"/>
          <property name="startTime" value="+60000"/>
          <property name="endTime" value=""/>


  • Name: RecordsJob - The name of a schedule job.
  • Type: org.exoplatform.calendar.service.ReminderPeriodJob - A class that executes to transfer data into database of Job Scheduler.
  • Description: Add email reminder job to the JobSchedulerService.

See details about the init-params of the component in the following table:

Property names Possible values Default value Description
jobName String ReminderJob The name of job
groupName String CollaborationSuite The name of group job.
job Class path org.exoplatform.calendar.service.ReminderJob The name of actual job class.
repeatCount Long 0, ( use '0' which means 'run forever'.) How many times to run this job.
period Long 180000 The time interval between job executions.
startTime Integer +60000 The time when the job starts running.
endTime Integer none The time when the job ends running.

Popup Reminder Period Job

You must use the following target component to use the plugin in this configuration:


The configuration can be found here.

    <description>add popup reminder job to the JobSchedulerService</description>
        <description>save the monitor data  periodically</description>
        <property name="jobName" value="PopupReminderJob"/>
        <property name="groupName" value="CollaborationSuite"/>
        <property name="job" value="org.exoplatform.calendar.service.PopupReminderJob"/>
        <property name="repeatCount" value="0"/>
        <property name="period" value="15000"/>
        <property name="startTime" value="+60000"/>
        <property name="endTime" value=""/>
        <description>save the monitor data  periodically</description>
        <property name="portalName" value="portal"/>


  • Name: PopupRecordsJob - The name of the job.
  • Type: org.exoplatform.calendar.service.PopupReminderPeriodJob - The class which executes to transfer the data into database of Job Scheduler.
  • Description: Adds popup reminder job to the JobSchedulerService.
  • Properties-param: This param saves the monitor data periodically and includes the following sub-params:
Property names Possible values Default value Description
jobName String PopupReminderJob The name of job.
groupName String CollaborationSuite The name of group job.
job Class path org.exoplatform.calendar.service.PopupReminderJob The name of actual job class.
repeatCount Long 0, ( use '0' which means 'run forever'.) How many times to run this job.
period Long 15000 The time interval (millisecond) between job executions.
startTime Long +60000 The time when the job starts running.
endTime Integer None The time when the job ends running.
portalName String portal The name of the portal in which displays the pop-ups.

Social Integration Configuration

The Social Integration Configuration can be found here.




  • Name: CalendarDataInitialize - The name of plugin.
  • Type: org.exoplatform.cs.ext.impl.CalendarDataInitialize - A class that executes all requirements of the plugin.
  • Description: It is used to initialize a calendar for a group in a specific space.

See the details about the init-params of the component in the following table:

Value-param Possible value Default value Description
portletName String CalendarPortlet The name of the portlet.




  • Name: CalendarEventListener - The name of the plugin.
  • Type: org.exoplatform.cs.ext.impl.CalendarSpaceActivityPublisher - A class that executes all the requirements of the plugin.
  • Description: It is a plugin used to customize the activity status of a specific space when an event happens on a calendar.




  • Name: ortlets.prefs.required - The name of the plugin.
  • Type: - A class that executes all the requires of the plugin.
  • Description: It is a plugin used to declare the application that will automatically create database.

See the details about the init-params of the component in the following table:

Value-param Possible value Default value Description
portletsPrefsRequired String CalendarPortlet The name of plugin added to SpaceService.

Init data plugin

The Init data plug-in is used to define the default data in the .xml file. It includes nodes (node of jcr). When the component is initialized, the component will be get and the addConfig function is called. Then, the /ks-extension/jcr/storage-configuration.xml file is loaded and the component will be initialized. Next, the setLocation function is called, setting up the workspace for the Forum, Answers and Polls applications. After that, the addPlugin function will be run, generating the DataLocation (some parent nodes) for the Forum, Answers and Polls applications.

The following is the list of applications and the corresponding components used to initialize the default data.

Application Component Description
Forum KSDataLocation, ForumServiceImpl Initializes default data of the Forum portlet.
Answers KSDataLocation, FAQServiceImpl Initializes default data of the Answers portlet.
Polls KSDataLocation, PollServiceImpl Initializes default data of the Polls portlet.

In this section, you will understand how to initialize data via the sample configurations later.

Initializing the conf-part for loading repository-configuration.xml

When the server starts, the jcr-configuration.xml file is initialized. The addConfig function will be referred to the component-plugin to load the war:/ks-extension/jcr/repository-configuration.xml file.

  <!-- The name of the plugin -->
  <name>Sample RepositoryServiceConfiguration Plugin</name>
  <!-- The name of the method to call on the RepositoryServiceConfiguration
       in order to add the RepositoryServiceConfigurations -->
  <!-- The full qualified name of the RepositoryServiceConfigurationPlugin -->
      <description>JCR configuration file</description>
  • In which:
Name Set-method Type Description
RepositoryService ConfigurationPlugin addConfig jcr.impl.config.Repository ServiceConfigurationPlugin Reads the configuration of JCR data to initialize data.
  • Init-params
Name Possible value Default value Description
conf-path string war:/ks-extension/jcr/repository-configuration.xml The path to the repository-configuration.xml file.

Initializing workspace name and repository name in storage-configuration.xml

In details:

Once the war:/ks-extension/jcr/repository-configuration.xml file has been initialized, the server will load the storage-configuration.xml file, and the setLocation function in the component will run.

        <description>JCR repository for KS data</description>
        <description>workspace for KS data</description>

In which,

Value-param Possible value Default value Description
repository string repository The JCR repository for KS data.
workspace string knowledge The workspace for KS data.

Initializing JCR structure

Once the workspace name and repository name are registered, the server will load and the addPaths function in is called. Then, the data location will be built.

      <description>ks data storage tree</description>
      <object type="">
        <field name="repository">
        <field name="workspaces">
          <collection type="java.util.ArrayList">
        <field name="jcrPaths">
          <collection type="java.util.ArrayList">
              <object type="$JcrPath">
                <field name="alias">
                <field name="path">
                <field name="permissions">
                  <collection type="java.util.ArrayList">
                      <object type="$Permission">
                        <field name="identity">
                        <field name="read">
                        <field name="addNode">
                        <field name="setProperty">
                        <field name="remove">

Roles plugin

The roles plug-in component defines roles in Forum of eXo Platform. This convenient application defines access to a set of functions within the application. Currently, it only defines the person who has the administrator role. Administrators can get access to administration functions. At runtime, the application gets data from the roles plug-in to decide whether the logged user has the administrative role or not.


The plug-in is configured in the roles-configuration.xml file.

When the user signs in, his or her username, group and membership will be compared with the user roles defined in the .xml file that is provided by the roles plug-in component.

In particular, at runtime of ForumService, the roles plug-in component is called. The role plug-in is configured in the roles-configuration.xml file. The plug-in component named add.role.rules.plugin will be referred to org.exoplatform.ks.common.conf.RoleRulesPlugin to create users for Forum corresponding to users who exist in the organization database. In addition, the list of users who have the administration role are also defined.

  <description>add role rules</description>
      <description>name of the role</description>
      <description>rules of the role</description>
      <!-- value>admin</value-->

In which:

Name Set-method Type Description
add.role.rules.plugin addRolePlugin org.exoplatform.ks.common.conf.RoleRulesPlugin Adds role rules.
  • Init-params:
Name Possible value Default value Description
role string ADMIN The name of role.
rules string root The rules of role.
  • When the role-configuration.xml file is executed, the administration role (with ADMIN value) will be checked and assigned to a matrix of users/groups/memberships defined inside the "value" tags as below:

For example:


In the example above, the default administrators of Forum include root, john, users in /platform/administrators group and users who have member/validator memberships in the VIP group.

When being root, the users who belong to the /platform/administrators group or who have the member/validator memberships in the VIP group and sign in the Forum, they will be identified as the default administrator of Forum.

To add or remove the default administrator of the Forum, simply edit the roles-configuration.xml file, add or remove the relevant "value" tags.


The default administrators of the Forum can only change their roles by editing in the roles-configuration.xml file.

At runtime, modifications in the roles-configuration.xml file will be read and database will be updated. Normal users of the Forum and default administration will be created correspondingly.

Forum plugins

This section describes the main component plugins used in Forum, sample configurations with explanation about init-params and how to use these plugins.


The BBCode plug-in component defines default BBCode data in the .xml file, including BBCode tags, for example, I, B, U, SIZE, COLOR.

When the BBCode Service runs, it will get values returned from the BBCode plug-in component to initialize default BBCode data.

Configuration of default BBCode data

The default BBCode data is configured in the bbcodes-configuration.xml file.

In particular, at runtime of BBCode Service, the BBCode plug-in component is called. Then, the bbcodes-configuration.xml file will be executed, and the component-plugin named registerBBCodePlugin will be referred to org.exoplatform.ks.bbcode.spi.BBCodePlugin to execute some objects that will generate default data.

  <description>default supported BBCodes</description>
      <description>set text in italic</description>
      <object type="">
        <field name="tagName">
        <field name="replacement">
        <field name="description">
          <string>Set text in italic</string>
        <field name="example">
          <string>[I]This text is italic[/I]</string>
        <field name="isOption">
        <field name="isActive">

      <object type="">
        <field name="tagName">
        <field name="replacement">
        <field name="description">
          <string>Set text in bold</string>
        <field name="example">
          <string>[B]This text is bold[/B]</string>
        <field name="isOption">
        <field name="isActive">


  • In which,
Name Set method Type Description
forum.default.bbcodes registerBBCodePlugin org.exoplatform.ks.bbcode.spi.BBCodePlugin Defines formats for data displayed on UI.
  • The BBCode array is defined by the object as below:
<object type="">
  <field name="tagName">
  <field name="replacement">
  <field name="description">
    <string>Set text in italic</string>
  <field name="example">
    <string>[I]This text is italic[/I]</string>
  <field name="isOption">
  <field name="isActive">
  • The BBCode includes basic data which are defined in the field tag with a specific name as below:
<field name="tagName">
<field name="replacement">
<field name="description">
  <string>Set text in italic</string>
<field name="example">
  <string>[I]This text is italic[/I]</string>
<field name="isOption">
<field name="isActive">

In which:

Field name Value Description
tagName string The text for the BBCode, which is put between two square brackets ([ ]). For example, for the bold tag, if you type [b], the BBCode tag will be b without any square brackets ([ ]).
replacement string The HTML code that replaces the BBCode entered by the user. Make sure that you include {param} to insert the text between opening and closing BBCode tags, and {option} for the parameter within the BBCode tag. You can only use option if 'Use Option' is selected.
description string The piece of text to describe the BBCode tag, including HTML tags if you want.
example string The sample piece of BBCode to use as an example for the particular BBCode. For example, to demonstrate the usage of the [b] tag, enter [b]text[/b].
isOption true, false Selects the [tag=option] [/tag] style tag, rather than just a [tag][/tag] style tag. This function will be created if you select this option.
isActive true, false Activates the BBCode tag.


The Auto-prune component is to prune inactive topics which have not been viewed, edited or received for a given period. The "prune" operation does not denote to the physical removal of topics, but sets them to invisible. The function helps you not clutter busy forums from outdated information.

When the Job Scheduler runs, it will get values returned from the Auto-prune plug-in component to identify topics which have to be inactivated in the Forum application. These topics will be invisible to users.


The properties of Auto-prune plug-in are configured in the war:/ks-extension/ks/forum/prune-configuration.xml file.

In particular, at runtime of Job Scheduler, the Auto-prune plugin component is called. Then, the prune-configuration.xml file will be executed. The component-plugin named ForumDeactiveJob will refer to to inactivate topics in Forum which meets predefined inactivation properties.

  <description>add a Deactive job to the JobSchedulerService</description>
      <description>save the monitor data periodically</description>
      <property name="jobName" value="DeactiveJob"/>
      <property name="groupName" value="KnowlegedSuite"/>
      <property name="job" value=""/>
      <property name="repeatCount" value="0"/>
      <property name="period" value="7200000"/> <!-- 2 hours-->
      <property name="startTime" value="+1296000000"/>
      <property name="endTime" value=""/>
      <property name="inactiveDays" value="15"/>
      <property name="forumName" value="Live demo"/>
  • In which,
Name Set-method Type Description
ForumDeactiveJob addPeriodJob service.conf.DeactivePeriodJob Adds a DeactiveJob to the JobSchedulerService.
  • The properties for the Auto-prune plug-in are defined in the property tag with the format as below:
<property name="jobName" value="DeactiveJob"/>
<property name="groupName" value="KnowlegedSuite"/>
<property name="job" value=""/>
<property name="repeatCount" value="0"/>
<property name="period" value="7200000"/> <!-- 2 hours-->
<property name="startTime" value="+1296000000"/>
<property name="endTime" value=""/>
<property name="inactiveDays" value="15"/>
<property name="forumName" value="Live demo"/>

In details:

Property name Possible value Default value Description
jobname String DeactiveJob The name of job which will be executed.
groupname String KnowlegedSuite The name of application which will be executed.
job Class path The reference function of the job which will be executed.
repeatCount Long 0 The repeating time for the job, meaning that how many times the job will be executed. The 0 value means that DecactiveJob is called at runtime only without repeating. If the value is set to 2 or 3, DecactiveJob will be called two or three times correspondingly.
period Long 72000000 The interval between job executions.
starttime Integer +1296000000 The start time when the function executes.
endtime Integer null
The end time when the function stops executing. The endtime is blank, meaning that there is no limitation for the end time for ``

With start and end time, you can give a specific date in the format: yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss.sss to define the start and end time for DecactiveJob. Besides, inactive information is also defined:

Property name Possible value Default value Description
inactiveDays Integer 15 The number of days the topic has not been activated. The inactivateDays is set to 1, meaning that all the topics, which have one inactivated day, will be set as inactivated status. They will be invisible.
forumname String Live Demo The name of Forum which will be checked for Auto-prune. In case the value of forumname is blank, all forums will be checked for the Auto-prune. If the forumname is Live demo, only the Forum named 'Live demo' is checked for the Auto-prune.

By default, the default properties can only be changed by editing its value in the prune-configuration.xml file.

At runtime, the new changes in the prune-configuration.xml file are executed and updated. After that, the Auto-prune plug-in will be executed, depending on its properties.

Forum Group Listener

This plugin is used to remove space forums and user groups stored in categories/forums/topics.

You can find the configuration file of this component at: ``

To use the plugin in the component configuration, you must use the following target-component:


Sample Configuration

  <description>Remove the forums in spaces and remove user groups stored in categories/forums/topics.</description>
  • Name:
  • Type:

User Statistics

The Auto-count Active Users component is to calculate the number of active users automatically. A user is considered as the active user only when he/she adds a topic/post in the Forum and his/her last post date matches the predefined interval time.

For example, if one user does not have any new posts after 15 days, he/she is not considered as an active user.

When the Job Scheduler runs, it will get values returned from the Auto-count Active Users plug-in component to identify the number of active users. This value is updated to Active Members information when the user views Forum statistics.


The properties of Auto-count Active Users plug-in is configured in the war:/ks-extension/ks/forum/statistics-configuration.xml file.

In details, at runtime of Job Scheduler, the Auto-count Active Users plug-in component is called. Then, the statistics-configuration.xml file is executed. The component-plugin named RecountActiveUserJob will refer to to calculate the number of active users.

  <description>add a RecountActiveUser job to the JobSchedulerService</description>
      <description>save the monitor data periodically</description>
      <property name="jobName" value="RecountActiveUserJob"/>
      <property name="groupName" value="KnowlegedSuite"/>
      <property name="job" value=""/>
      <property name="repeatCount" value="0"/>
      <property name="period" value="7200000"/> <!-- 2 hours-->
      <property name="startTime" value="+0"/>
      <property name="endTime" value=""/>
      <property name="lastPost" value="15"/> <!-- users are active if have last posts in 15 day -->
  • In which,
Name Method Type Description
RecountActiveUserJob addPeriodJob service.conf. RecountActiveUserPeriodJob Adds a RecountActiveUser job to the JobSchedulerService.
  • The properties for Auto-count Active Members plug-in are defined in the property tag as below:
<property name="jobName" value="RecountActiveUserJob"/>
<property name="groupName" value="KnowlegedSuite"/>
<property name="job" value=""/>
<property name="repeatCount" value="0"/>
<property name="period" value="7200000"/>
<property name="startTime" value="+0"/>
<property name="endTime" value=""/>
<property name="lastPost" value="15"/>

In which:

Property name Possible value Default value Description
jobname String RecountActiveUserJob The name of job which will be executed.
groupname String KnowlegedSuite The name of application which will be executed.
job Class path The reference function of job which will be executed.
repeatCount Long 0 The number of times the job is repeated. If repeatCount is set to 0, RecountActiveUserJob is called at runtime only without repeating. If the number is set to 2 or 3, RecountActiveUserJob will be called two or three times.
period Long 7200000 (millisecond) (equal to two hours) The interval time to execute the job.
starttime Integer 0 The start time when the function executes. The starttime is 0, meaning that the time to start executing RecountActiveUserJob is the runtime.
endtime Integer null
The end time when the function stops executing. The endtime is blank, meaning that there is no limitation for the end time for ``

With start and end time, you can give a specific date in the format: yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss.sss to define the start and end time for RecountActiveUserJob. The information of active time is also defined:

Property name Possible value Default value Description
lastPost Integer 15 The number of days that the user has added the last post. lastPost is 15, meaning that all users, who have any new posts within 15 days as from their last post date, are active members.

By default, the default properties can only be changed by editing its values in the statistics-configuration.xml file.

At runtime, the new changes in the statistics-configuration.xml file will be executed and updated. The Auto-count Active Users plug-in will be executed, depending on its properties.

Update Statistic Data

The UpdateDataJob is used when there are abnormal changes in Forum data (such as migration). By default, UpdateDataJob is disabled at the server start up. When UpdateDataJob is running, it will calculate the statistic data in Forum to make sure that the statistic data are correct.


The properties of Forum's UpdateDataJob is configured in /WEB-INF/ks-extension/ks/forum/statistics-configuration.xml which is located in the ks-extension webapp.

  <description>update topic count and post count to forum service</description>
      <description>save the monitor data  periodically</description>
      <property name="jobName" value="UpdateDataJob"/>
      <property name="groupName" value="KnowledgeSuite-forum"/>
      <property name="job" value=""/>
      <property name="repeatCount" value="1"/>
      <property name="period" value="30000"/>
      <property name="startTime" value="+0"/>
      <property name="endTime" value=""/>

In which:

Name Method Type Description
UpdateDataJob addPeriodJob Adds an UpdateDataJob to the JobSchedulerService.
  • The properties for Auto-count Active Members plugin are defined in the property tag as below:
<property name="jobName" value="UpdateDataJob"/>
<property name="groupName" value="KnowledgeSuite-forum"/>
<property name="job" value=""/>
<property name="repeatCount" value="1"/>
<property name="period" value="30000"/>
<property name="startTime" value="+0"/>
<property name="endTime" value=""/>
Property name Possible value Default value Description
jobname String UpdateDataJob The name of job which will be executed.
groupname String KnowledgeSuite-forum The name of application which will be executed.
job Class path The reference function of job which will be executed.
repeatCount Long 1 The number of times the job is repeated. If repeatCount is set to 1, RecountActiveUserJob is called at runtime only without repeating. If the number is set to 2 or 3, RecountActiveUserJob will be called two or three times.
period Long 30000 (millisecond) (equal to two hours) The interval time to execute the job.
starttime Integer 0 The start time when the function executes. The starttime is 0, meaning that the time to start executing RecountActiveUserJob is the runtime.
endtime Integer null
The end time when the function stops executing. The endtime is blank, meaning that there is no limitation for the end time for ``

With start and end time, you can give a specific date in the yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss.sss format to define the start and end time for UpdateDataJob.

Default User Profile

The default Forum settings are a set of settings for a new account. It contains declarations of time zone, short date format, long date format, time format, maximum topics per page, maximum posts per page and flag for showing forum jump or not. The settings are simple, and users can change such settings to UI-based functions later.


This configuration is declared in the file named ks-configuration.xml. Its path is ``[tomcat source]/webapps/ks-extension/WEB-INF/ks-extension/ks/ks-configuration.xml

`` if you are running the tomcat and

[project source]/extension/webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/ks-extension/ks/ks-configuration.xml if you are in the development phrase.

        <description>set default user profile</description>
        <property name="timeZone" value="GMT"/>
        <property name="shortDateFormat" value="MM/dd/yyyy"/>
        <property name="longDateFormat" value="DDD,MMM dd,yyyy"/>
        <property name="timeFormat" value="hh:mm a"/>
        <property name="maxTopic" value="10"/>
        <property name="maxPost" value="10"/>


In which:

Parameter Possible value Default value Description
timeZone Time zone id GMT The time zone set by user. For example: GMT, GMT-05:00, GMT+07:00, GMT+08:30 ... Visit the website: for more details.
shortDateFormat Valid Java Date format MM/dd/yyyy The format to display short information of date. Visit the website: to ensure the exact format.
longDateFormat Valid Java Date format DDD,MMM dd,yyyy The format to display a date with more information. Visit the website to ensure the exact format.
timeFormat valid Java Date format hh:mm a The format to view time (for example, hour, minute,). Visit the website: to ensure the exact format.
maxTopic Integer 10 The maximum number of topics per page.
maxPost Integer 10 The maximum number of posts per page.

FAQ plugins

This section describes the main component plugins used to configure the FAQ application of eXo Platform, including:

FAQ preference template updater

The FAQPreferenceTemplateUpdaterPlugin plugin is used to migrate the default template of the FAQ viewer.

To use the plugin in the component configuration, you must use the following target-component:


The configuration is applied mainly in extension/webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/ks-extension/ks/faq/templates-configuration.xml.

Sample configuration:

<component-plugin profiles="knowledge,default,all">
  <description>FAQ template upgrade plug-in</description>
      <description>The groupId of the product</description>
      <description>The groupId of the old product</description>
      <description>The location of file template</description>
  • Name: FAQPreferenceTemplateUpdaterPlugin
  • Type: org.exoplatform.faq.service.updater.FAQPreferenceTemplateUpdaterPlugin
Value-params Type Value Description string The groupId of the product. string org.exoplatform.ks The groupId of the old product.
location string war:/ks-extension/ks/faq/templates/FAQViewerPortlet.gtmpl The location of the template file.

FAQ user listener

The FAQUserListener plugin is used to process the user information when the user is deleted from the system.

To use the plugin in the component configuration, you must use the following target-component:


The configuration is applied mainly in extension/webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/ks-extension/ks/ks-configuration.xml.

Sample configuration:

  <description>calculate info when deleted users</description>
  • Name: answer.user.event.listener
  • Type: org.exoplatform.faq.service.conf.FAQUserListener


This plugin is used to initialize the template for the FAQ application.

To use the plugin in the component configuration, you must use the following target-component:


The configuration is applied mainly in extension/webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/ks-extension/ks/faq/templates-configuration.xml.

Sample configuration:

  • Name: faq.default.template
  • Type: org.exoplatform.faq.service.TemplatePlugin
Value-params Type Value Description
viewerTemplate string war:/ks-extension/ks/faq/templates/FAQViewerPortlet.gtmpl The viewer template file.