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MRM task to configure your npm project with scripts to build, debug, and publish Docker containers


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MRM task to configure your npm project with scripts to build, debug, and publish Docker containers

These are generic npm scripts that you can configure your package.json file with and get access to convinient scripts to manage your Docker images all in one place.

How to Use

npm i -g mrm-task-npm-docker
npx mrm npm-docker

Looking for npm scripts for AWS ECS? Go here!

Watch the video: Do More With Less JavaScript

Get the book: These scripts are referenced in my book Angular for Enterprise-Ready Web Applications. You can get it on

Evergreen Docker Containers for Static or Angular/React/Vue/etc SPA Websites

These containers are always up-to-date with the base images from latest lts channel for node and alpine.


  • Cross-Platform: Works on Windows 10 and macOS.
  • docker:build: Builds your Docker image, using the root Dockerfile and tags the image as latest and whatever version is specificed in package.json like 1.0.0.
  • docker:run: Run the image you built on your local Docker instance. When you run docker ps your image will identified by the imageName you specify in package.json.
  • docker:debug: Builds and runs image; tails console logs, so you can see what's happening inside the container; launches target app URL http://localhost:imagePort in a browser; all in one command.

Note that on the very first run docker:debug may fail. In this case, simple re-run the command.

  • docker:publish: Publishes the image to the imageRepo specified. This can be on Docker Hub, AWS ECS or any other Docker repository you may create.


  • Install Docker for Mac or Windows
  • npm i --save-dev cross-conf-env npm-run-all: Needed to ensure cross platform functionality for scripts.

Configuring Package.json in 2-steps

Step 1

In your package.json file add a new config property with three sub-properties using your own values, as shown below:

  "config": {
    "imageRepo": "[namespace]/[repository]",
    "imageName": "custom_app_name",
    "imagePort": "3000",
    "internalContainerPort": "3000"

Step 2

Copy & paste these new scripts under the scripts property in package.json:

Note that docker:runHelper assumes that your code is listening to port 3000 as reflected by internalContainerPort. If this is not the case, update the value in the scripts.

  "scripts": {
    "predocker:build": "npm run build",
    "docker:build": "cross-conf-env docker image build . -t $npm_package_config_imageRepo:$npm_package_version",
    "postdocker:build": "npm run docker:tag",
    "docker:tag": " cross-conf-env docker image tag $npm_package_config_imageRepo:$npm_package_version $npm_package_config_imageRepo:latest",
    "docker:run": "run-s -c docker:clean docker:runHelper",
    "docker:runHelper": "cross-conf-env docker run -e NODE_ENV=local --name $npm_package_config_imageName -d -p $npm_package_config_imagePort:$npm_package_config_internalContainerPort $npm_package_config_imageRepo",
    "predocker:publish": "echo Attention! Ensure `docker login` is correct.",
    "docker:publish": "cross-conf-env docker image push $npm_package_config_imageRepo:$npm_package_version",
    "postdocker:publish": "cross-conf-env docker image push $npm_package_config_imageRepo:latest",
    "docker:clean": "cross-conf-env docker rm -f $npm_package_config_imageName",
    "predocker:taillogs": "echo Web Server Logs:",
    "docker:taillogs": "cross-conf-env docker logs -f $npm_package_config_imageName",
    "docker:open:win": "echo Trying to launch on Windows && timeout 2 && start http://localhost:%npm_package_config_imagePort%",
    "docker:open:mac": "echo Trying to launch on MacOS && sleep 2 && URL=http://localhost:$npm_package_config_imagePort && open $URL",
    "docker:debugmessage": "echo Docker Debug Completed Successfully! Hit Ctrl+C to terminate log tailing.",
    "predocker:debug": "run-s docker:build docker:run",
    "docker:debug": "run-s -cs docker:open:win docker:open:mac docker:debugmessage docker:taillogs"

You can customize the build command to run your tests before building the image like:

    "predocker:build": "npm run build -- --prod && npm test",


You're done. Now run your scripts. To build and publish an image you only need to use two of the commands frequently. 0. npm run docker:build: Builds and Tags the image. After first run, you can just use npm run docker:debug.

  1. npm run docker:debug: Test (optional), Build, Tag, Run, Tail and launch your app in a browser to test.
  2. npm run docker:publish: Voila, your results are published on the repository you've defined.

Publish on the Internet

You've got two options, easy-ish and hard.

  1. Easy-ish: Use Cloud Run Install the CLI:
$ brew cask install google-cloud-sdk
> choco install gcloudsdk

Deploy your image using the command below, replacing $IMAGE_NAME with the name of your Docker image, i.e. duluca/minimal-node-web-server:

$ gcloud beta run deploy --image $IMAGE_NAME

Follow the prompts to login, add billing information and you're good to go!

  1. Hard: Use AWS ECS This is Amazon's Elastic Container Service and it's pretty excellent to use with Docker. However, it is complicated to setup. But worry not; for step-by-step instructions head over to npm scripts for AWS ECS.


MRM task to configure your npm project with scripts to build, debug, and publish Docker containers







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