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Kube Auto Puller

GitHub release (latest by date) Artifact Hub

kube-auto-puller is a kubernetes chart that is an aggregation of multiple open-source projects.

It allows for creating and managing a cache of container images directly on the worker nodes of a kubernetes cluster. It uses kube-fledged as its controller, an events-exporter to get Pulled/Killed images and a webhook-server to apply/purge/remove the ImageCache CRDs maintained by kube-fledged.

Where it differs from other similar projects is that it allows for automatic discovery of images based on regex. There is no need for manual input of images and repositories.

Install using Helm chart

  • Configure general values

        # -- Defines the secrets which will be used to pull images into nodes and cache them
        imageCachePullSecrets: []
        # -- # List of images to exclude when creating image caches. works with Regex
          - ".*kube-proxy.*"
        # --  # List of images to include when creating image caches. works with Regex.
          - ".*"
          # -- On Chart install, automatically create all caches for all images in the cluster (respecting excluded list)
          enabled: true
  • Install latest version of kube-auto-puller helm chart

    $ helm repo add kube-auto-puller
    $ helm repo update
    $ helm install kube-auto-puller/kube-auto-puller -n kube-system -f values.yaml


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Code of Conduct

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This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details