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Release Notes

Anshoo Arora edited this page Jul 3, 2020 · 2 revisions

ExtentReports 5.0.0

New Features

  • #152 Spark: Author view
  • #153 Spark: Device view
  • #157 Spark: Add TestRunnerLogs view #157
  • #168 Spark: Navigation from attributes pages (tags, exception) to Tests View #168
  • #173 Spark: Allow configuration to select view order, Dashboard view as primary
  • #176 Apply Status filters to report #176
  • #177 Minified templates (> 10% reduction in file size)
  • #184 Reporter::loadExternalConfiguration with json file #184

Issues Resolved (from v4.1.6)

  • #131 Merging two html extent Reports works but Category view gets overwritten
  • #161 Merging ExtentSpark 4.1.5 Reports causing the existing base64 image removed
  • #169 Fix SparkReporter shortcuts
  • #197 MarkupHelper::codeBlock has extra indentation on the first line