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Anton edited this page Feb 26, 2020 · 7 revisions

A VNode is created by the h function. For example:

import { render, Component } from 'preact'

class ComponentConstructor extends Component {
  get defaultProps() {
    return { fieldA: 'example' }
  render({ fieldA, otherField }) {
    return (<div>
      Hello World. { fieldA } 
      { otherField }

const FunctionalComponent = ({ prop }) => {
  return (<span>A message: { prop }</span>)

// h returns:
// - class component
const c = <ComponentConstructor otherField="test" />
console.log(c, 'Prototype:', c.nodeName.prototype)
// - stateless component
const f = <FunctionalComponent prop="test" />
console.log(f, 'Prototype:', f.nodeName.prototype)
// - string component
console.log(<string-element prop="test" />)
VNode {
  nodeName: [Function: ComponentConstructor],
  children: [],
  attributes: { otherField: 'test' },
  key: undefined
} Prototype: ComponentConstructor {}
VNode {
  nodeName: [Function: FunctionalComponent],
  children: [],
  attributes: { prop: 'test' },
  key: undefined
} Prototype: undefined
VNode {
  nodeName: 'string-element',
  children: [],
  attributes: { prop: 'test' },
  key: undefined

VNode: Virtual DOM Node.

Name Type & Description
constructor new () => VNode
Constructor method.
nodeName (string | function(new: Component) | Function)
The string of the DOM node to create or Component constructor to render.
children !Array<(VNode | string | boolean | number | undefined)>
The children of node. Can be scalar values (string, number, boolean, null, undefined, etc), more Virtual DOM elements, or infinitely nested arrays of the above.
key (string | number)
The key used to identify this VNode in a list.
attributes Object
The properties of this VNode.
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