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Increases the usefulness of template variables for the MODX Evolution content management framework


With this snippet the option values of a dropdown/listbox/check box/radio options template variable could be prefilled in the MODX backend. In the frontend a filter form control based on the option values of a template variable and the option text(s) corresponding to the current value(s) of a template variable could be shown.


  1. Upload the folder assets/snippets/quill in the corresponding folder in your installation
  2. Create a snippet called Quill and fill the snippet code with the content of the file install/assets/snippets/quill.tpl


The following snippet parameter could be used

Name Description Default
parent Numeric ID or alias of parent document. Use with list mode 0
len Maximum length of list items title. Use with list mode 50
depth Depth of children to process. Use with list mode 100
indent Indent step for child items. Use with list mode 3
default Name of additional default item with value '0'. Use with list mode -
showPublishedOnly Enables only published documents processing 1
source Switches source of items for list (documents managers
title Fieldname to use as title in documents list. Use with list mode page title
tv Name of template variable to use in [control] or [field] modes. (old param name is 'name')
value Value of template variable to use in 'control' or 'field' modes, or range description in range mode (use 1-150 or a-z format). If not defined, returns existent template variable value -
sort Attribute to sort list like 'pagetitle', 'menuindex', 'id'…. Use with list mode menuindex
sortdir Directon of sort (asc / desc). Use with list mode and 'sort' parameter ASC
mode Switches mode: list returns hierarchical tree of child document, 'control' returns manager control for template variable, 'field' returns the template variable option text instead of the template variable value list


Fill option values of a listbox/check box/radio options template variable

With this example the selectable values of a template variable could be prefilled in the backend:

  1. Create a resource with the pagetitle Currencies and the alias currencies
  2. Create some child resources in Currencies resource and set their pagetitles to US dollar, Euro, Yen etc. and set their aliases to usd, eur, jpy
  3. Create a template variable with the name currency and the type DropDown List Menu and input option value @EVAL return $modx->runSnippet("Quill",array('parent'=>'currencies'));
  4. Bind this template variable with a template
  5. Ready. Edit/create a resource with this template

Show the template variable input in the frontend

With this example a filter form control could be shown in the fronted:

  1. Create the resources and the template variable as in the first example
  2. Create a new resource and insert somewhere in the resource content the following snippet call [[Quill? &mode=`control` &tv=`currency`]]

Show the option text(s) of the current template variable value(s)

With this example the option text(s) corresponding to the current value(s) of a template variable could be shown in the fronted:

  1. Create the resources and the template variable as in the first example
  2. Create a new resource and insert somewhere in the resource content the following snippet call [[Quill? &mode=`field` &tv=`currency`]]


Increases the usefulness of template variables for Evolution content management






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