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File metadata and controls

226 lines (172 loc) · 7.58 KB

Pandas integration

The qPython allows user to use pandas.DataFrame and pandas.Series instead of numpy.recarray and numpy.ndarray to represent q tables and vectors.

In order to instrument qPython to use pandas data types user has to set pandas flag while:

  • creating .qconnection.QConnection instance,
  • executing synchronous query: ~qpython.qconnection.QConnection.sendSync,
  • or retrieving data from q: ~qpython.qconnection.QConnection.receive.

For example: :

>>> with qconnection.QConnection(host = 'localhost', port = 5000, pandas = True) as q:
>>>     ds = q('(1i;0Ni;3i)', pandas = True)
>>>     print(ds)
0     1
1   NaN
2     3
dtype: float64
>>>     print(ds.meta)

>>>     df =  q('flip `name`iq`fullname!(`Dent`Beeblebrox`Prefect;98 42 126;("Arthur Dent"; "Zaphod Beeblebrox"; "Ford Prefect"))')
>>>     print(df)
         name   iq           fullname
0        Dent   98        Arthur Dent
1  Beeblebrox   42  Zaphod Beeblebrox
2     Prefect  126       Ford Prefect
>>>     print(df.meta)
metadata(iq=7, fullname=0, qtype=98, name=11)
>>>     print(q('type', df))

>>>     df =  q('([eid:1001 0N 1003;sym:`foo`bar`] pos:`d1`d2`d3;dates:(2001.01.01;2000.05.01;0Nd))')
>>>     print(df)
         pos      dates
eid  sym
1001 foo  d1 2001-01-01
NaN  bar  d2 2000-05-01
1003      d3        NaT
>>>     print(df.meta)
metadata(dates=14, qtype=99, eid=7, sym=11, pos=11)
>>>     print(q('type', df))

Data conversions

If pandas flag is set, qPython converts the data according to following rules:

  • q vectors are represented as pandas.Series:
    • pandas.Series is initialized with numpy.ndarray being result of parsing with numpy_temporals flag set to True (to ensure that temporal vectors are represented as numpy datetime64/timedelta64 arrays).
    • q nulls are replaced with numpy.NaN. This can result in type promotion as described in pandas documentation.
    • pandas.Series is enriched with custom attribute meta (qpython.MetaData), which contains qtype of the vector. Note that this information is used while serializaing pandas.Series instance to IPC protocol.
  • tables are represented as pandas.DataFrame instances:
    • individual columns are represented as pandas.Series.
    • pandas.DataFrame is enriched with custom attribute meta (qpython.MetaData), which lists qtype for each column in table. Note that this information is used during pandas.DataFrame serialization.
  • keyed tables are backed as pandas.DataFrame instances as well:
    • index for pandas.DataFrame is created from key columns.
    • pandas.DataFrame is enriched with custom attribute meta (qpython.MetaData), which lists qtype for each column in table, including index ones. Note that this information is used during pandas.DataFrame serialization.

Type hinting

qPython applies following heuristic to determinate conversion between pandas and q types:

  • pandas.DataFrame are serialized to q tables,
  • pandas.Series are serialized to q lists according to these rules:
    • type of q list is determinate based on series dtype,
    • if mapping based on dtype is ambiguous (e.g. dtype is object), q type is determined by type of the first element in the array.

User can overwrite the default type mapping, by setting the meta attribute and provide additional information for the serializer.

Lists conversions

By default, series of datetime64 is mapped to q timestamp:

pandas.Series(numpy.array([numpy.datetime64('2000-01-04T05:36:57.600Z', 'ms'), numpy.datetime64('nat', 'ms')]))
# 2000.01.04D05:36:57.600000000 0N (type 12h)

meta attribute, can be used to change this and convert the series to, for example, q date list:

l = pandas.Series(numpy.array([numpy.datetime64('2000-01-04T05:36:57.600Z', 'ms'), numpy.datetime64('nat', 'ms')]))
l.meta = MetaData(qtype = QDATE_LIST)
# 2000.01.04 0N (type 14h)

Similarly, the series of float64 is mapped to q float (double precision) vector:

l = pandas.Series([1, numpy.nan, 3])
# 1 0n 3 (type 9h)

This can be overwritten to convert the list to integer vector:

l = pandas.Series([1, numpy.nan, 3])
l.meta = MetaData(qtype = QINT_LIST)
# 1 0N 3i (type 6h)

Table columns

Type hinting mechanism is useful for specifying the conversion rules for columns in the table. This can be used either to enforce the type conversions or provide information for ambiguous mappings. :

t = pandas.DataFrame(OrderedDict((('pos', pandas.Series(['A', 'B', 'C'])),
                                  ('dates', pandas.Series(numpy.array([numpy.datetime64('2001-01-01'), numpy.datetime64('2000-05-01'), numpy.datetime64('NaT')], dtype='datetime64[D]'))))))

# pos dates
# ---------------------------------
# A   2001.01.01D00:00:00.000000000
# B   2000.05.01D00:00:00.000000000
# C
# meta:
# c    | t f a
# -----| -----
# pos  | c
# dates| p

t = pandas.DataFrame(OrderedDict((('pos', pandas.Series(['A', 'B', 'C'])),
                                  ('dates', pandas.Series(numpy.array([numpy.datetime64('2001-01-01'), numpy.datetime64('2000-05-01'), numpy.datetime64('NaT')], dtype='datetime64[D]'))))))

t.meta = MetaData(pos = QSYMBOL_LIST, dates = QDATE_LIST)

# pos dates
# --------------
# A   2001.01.01
# B   2000.05.01
# C
# meta:
# c    | t f a
# -----| -----
# pos  | s
# dates| d

Keyed tables

By default, pandas.DataFrame is represented as a q table. During the serialization index information is discarded:

t = pandas.DataFrame(OrderedDict((('eid', pandas.Series(numpy.array([1001, 1002, 1003]))),
                                  ('pos', pandas.Series(numpy.array(['d1', 'd2', 'd3']))),
                                  ('dates', pandas.Series(numpy.array([numpy.datetime64('2001-01-01'), numpy.datetime64('2000-05-01'), numpy.datetime64('NaT')], dtype='datetime64[D]'))))))
t.reset_index(drop = True)
t.set_index(['eid'], inplace = True)
t.meta = MetaData(pos = QSYMBOL_LIST, dates = QDATE_LIST)

# pos dates
# --------------
# d1  2001.01.01
# d2  2000.05.01
# d3
# meta:
# c    | t f a
# -----| -----
# pos  | s
# dates| d

In order to preserve the index data and represent pandas.DataFrame as a q keyed table, use type hinting mechanism to enforce the serialization rules:

t = pandas.DataFrame(OrderedDict((('eid', pandas.Series(numpy.array([1001, 1002, 1003]))),
                                  ('pos', pandas.Series(numpy.array(['d1', 'd2', 'd3']))),
                                  ('dates', pandas.Series(numpy.array([numpy.datetime64('2001-01-01'), numpy.datetime64('2000-05-01'), numpy.datetime64('NaT')], dtype='datetime64[D]'))))))
t.reset_index(drop = True)
t.set_index(['eid'], inplace = True)
t.meta = MetaData(pos = QSYMBOL_LIST, dates = QDATE_LIST, qtype = QKEYED_TABLE)

# eid | pos dates
# ----| --------------
# 1001| d1  2001.01.01
# 1002| d2  2000.05.01
# 1003| d3
# meta:
# c    | t f a
# -----| -----
# eid  | j
# pos  | s
# dates| d