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Improving Language Models Using Reinforcement Learning

In this work, we show how to use traditional evaluation methods used in NLP to improve a language model. We construct couple of models, using different objective for each model, and comparing between them, while offering some intuition regarding the results.

The project implementation contains:

  1. Basic Cross-entropy seq2seq model training - Using couple of tricks to get a faster training convergence
  2. 4 Policy Gradient model - using 4 different rewards (for further explanation, please refer to "Deep Reinforcement Learning For Language Models.pdf", which is in this repository):
    • BLUEU score
    • Maximum Mutual Information score
    • Perplexity score
    • Cosine Similarity score
  3. Testing generated dialogues - we test each of our models and sum up the results (for all results, please refer to "Deep Reinforcement Learning For Language Models.pdf", which is in this repository).
  4. Automatic evaluation - we evaluate each of the models using traditional NLP evaluation methods.

Here we present a comparison of target sentences generation given a source sequence between Perplexity, MMI, BLEU and Seq2Seq.

This is a comparison of target sentences generation given a source sequence between a model of MMI trained using reinforcement learning policy gradient and a model which is calculating MMI only at test time.

Getting Started

  • Install and arrange an environment that meets the prerequisites (use below subsection)
  • Pycharm is recommended for code development
  • Clone this directory to your computer
  • Train a cross-entropy seq2seq model using 'train_crossent' function
  • Train RL models using appropriate functions (e.g. use 'train_rl_MMI' to use MMI criterion for policy gradient)
  • Test models using automatic evaluations using 'test_all_modells'
  • Generate responces using 'use_model'


Before starting, make sure you already have the followings, if you don't - you should install before trying to use this code:

  • the code was tested only on python 3.6
  • numpy
  • scipy
  • pickle
  • pytorch
  • TensorboardX

Running the Code

Training all models

Train Cross-entropy Seq2Seq and backward Seq2Seq

Parameters for calling 'train_crossent' ( can be seen when writing --help ):

Name Of Param Description Default Value Type
SAVES_DIR Save directory 'saves' str
name Specific model saves directory 'seq2seq' str
BATCH_SIZE Batch Size for training 32 int
LEARNING_RATE Learning Rate 1e-3 float
MAX_EPOCHES Number of training iterations 100 int
TEACHER_PROB Probability to force reference inputs 0.5 float
data Genre to use - for data 'comedy' str
train_backward Choose - train backward/forward model False bool

Run Seq2Seq using:

python -SAVES_DIR <'saves'> -name <'seq2seq'> -BATCH_SIZE <32> -LEARNING_RATE <0.001> -MAX_EPOCHES <100> -TEACHER_PROB <0.5> -data <'comedy'> -train_backward <False>

Run backward Seq2Seq using:

python -SAVES_DIR <'saves'> -name <'backward_seq2seq'> -BATCH_SIZE <32> -LEARNING_RATE <0.001> -MAX_EPOCHES <100> -TEACHER_PROB <0.5> -data <'comedy'> -train_backward <True>

We present below some training graph's of the CE Seq2Seq and backward Seq2Seq (Loss and BLEU score for both models)

Train Policy Gradient using BLEU reward

Parameters for calling 'train_rl_BLEU' ( can be seen when writing --help ):

Name Of Param Description Default Value Type
SAVES_DIR Save directory 'saves' str
name Specific model saves directory 'RL_BLUE' str
BATCH_SIZE Batch Size for training 16 int
LEARNING_RATE Learning Rate 1e-4 float
MAX_EPOCHES Number of training iterations 10000 int
data Genre to use - for data 'comedy' str
num_of_samples Number of samples per per each example 4 int
load_seq2seq_path Pre-trained seq2seq model location 'Final_Saves/seq2seq/epoch_090_0.800_0.107.dat' str

Run using:

python -SAVES_DIR <'saves'> -name <'RL_BLUE'> -BATCH_SIZE <16> -LEARNING_RATE <0.0001> -MAX_EPOCHES <10000> -data <'comedy'> -num_of_samples <4> -load_seq2seq_path <'Final_Saves/seq2seq/epoch_090_0.800_0.107.dat'>

BLEU agent training graph:

Train Policy Gradient using MMI reward

Parameters for calling 'train_rl_MMI' ( can be seen when writing --help ):

Name Of Param Description Default Value Type
SAVES_DIR Save directory 'saves' str
name Specific model saves directory 'RL_Mutual' str
BATCH_SIZE Batch Size for training 32 int
LEARNING_RATE Learning Rate 1e-4 float
MAX_EPOCHES Number of training iterations 10000 int
CROSS_ENT_PROB Probability to run a CE batch 0.3 float
TEACHER_PROB Probability to run an imitation batch in case of using CE 0.8 float
data Genre to use - for data 'comedy' str
num_of_samples Number of samples per per each example 4 int
load_seq2seq_path Pre-trained seq2seq model location 'Final_Saves/seq2seq/epoch_090_0.800_0.107.dat' str
laod_b_seq2seq_path Pre-trained backward seq2seq model location 'Final_Saves/backward_seq2seq/epoch_080_0.780_0.104.dat' str

Run using:

python -SAVES_DIR <'saves'> -name <'RL_Mutual'> -BATCH_SIZE <32> -LEARNING_RATE <0.0001> -MAX_EPOCHES <10000> -CROSS_ENT_PROB <0.3> -TEACHER_PROB <0.8> -data <'comedy'> -num_of_samples <4> -load_seq2seq_path <'Final_Saves/seq2seq/epoch_090_0.800_0.107.dat'> -laod_b_seq2seq_path <'Final_Saves/backward_seq2seq/epoch_080_0.780_0.104.dat'>

Training graph of the MMI agent:

Train Policy Gradient using Perplexity reward

Parameters for calling 'train_rl_PREPLEXITY' ( can be seen when writing --help ):

Name Of Param Description Default Value Type
SAVES_DIR Save directory 'saves' str
name Specific model saves directory 'RL_PREPLEXITY' str
BATCH_SIZE Batch Size for training 32 int
LEARNING_RATE Learning Rate 1e-4 float
MAX_EPOCHES Number of training iterations 10000 int
CROSS_ENT_PROB Probability to run a CE batch 0.5 float
TEACHER_PROB Probability to run an imitation batch in case of using CE 0.5 float
data Genre to use - for data 'comedy' str
num_of_samples Number of samples per per each example 4 int
load_seq2seq_path Pre-trained seq2seq model location 'Final_Saves/seq2seq/epoch_090_0.800_0.107.dat' str

Run using:

python -SAVES_DIR <'saves'> -name <'RL_PREPLEXITY'> -BATCH_SIZE <32> -LEARNING_RATE <0.0001> -MAX_EPOCHES <10000> -CROSS_ENT_PROB <0.5> -TEACHER_PROB <0.5> -data <'comedy'> -num_of_samples <4> -load_seq2seq_path <'Final_Saves/seq2seq/epoch_090_0.800_0.107.dat'>

Below is presented with training graph of the perplexity agent:

Train Policy Gradient using Cosine Similarity reward

Parameters for calling 'train_rl_cosine' ( can be seen when writing --help ):

Name Of Param Description Default Value Type
SAVES_DIR Save directory 'saves' str
name Specific model saves directory 'RL_COSINE' str
BATCH_SIZE Batch Size for training 16 int
LEARNING_RATE Learning Rate 1e-4 float
MAX_EPOCHES Number of training iterations 10000 int
data Genre to use - for data 'comedy' str
num_of_samples Number of samples per per each example 4 int
load_seq2seq_path Pre-trained seq2seq model location 'Final_Saves/seq2seq/epoch_090_0.800_0.107.dat' str

Run using:

python -SAVES_DIR <'saves'> -name <'RL_COSINE'> -BATCH_SIZE <16> -LEARNING_RATE <0.0001> -MAX_EPOCHES <10000> -data <'comedy'> -num_of_samples <4> -load_seq2seq_path <'Final_Saves/seq2seq/epoch_090_0.800_0.107.dat'>

Below we present training graph of the cosine agent:

Testing all models

There are two types of test: automatic and qualitative.

For qualitative test, it is recommended to use the 'use_model' function with pycharm interface. I have suggested (can be seen in code) many sentences to use as source sentences.

For automatic test, a user can call 'test_all_modells' function, with the parameters:

Name Of Param Description Default Value Type
SAVES_DIR Save directory 'saves' str
BATCH_SIZE Batch Size for training 32 int
data Genre to use - for data 'comedy' str
load_seq2seq_path Pre-trained seq2seq model location 'Final_Saves/seq2seq/epoch_090_0.800_0.107.dat' str
laod_b_seq2seq_path Pre-trained backward seq2seq model location 'Final_Saves/backward_seq2seq/epoch_080_0.780_0.104.dat' str
bleu_model_path Pre-trained BLEU model location 'Final_Saves/RL_BLUE/bleu_0.135_177.dat' str
mutual_model_path Pre-trained MMI model location 'Final_Saves/RL_Mutual/epoch_180_-4.325_-7.192.dat' str
prep_model_path Pre-trained Perplexity model location 'Final_Saves/RL_Perplexity/epoch_050_1.463_3.701.dat' str
cos_model_path Pre-trained Cosine Similarity model location 'Final_Saves/RL_COSINE/cosine_0.621_03.dat' str

Run using:

python -SAVES_DIR <'saves'> -BATCH_SIZE <16> -data <'comedy'> -load_seq2seq_path <'Final_Saves/seq2seq/epoch_090_0.800_0.107.dat'> -laod_b_seq2seq_path <'Final_Saves/backward_seq2seq/epoch_080_0.780_0.104.dat'> -bleu_model_path <'Final_Saves/RL_BLUE/bleu_0.135_177.dat'> -mutual_model_path <'Final_Saves/RL_Mutual/epoch_180_-4.325_-7.192.dat'> -prep_model_path <'Final_Saves/RL_Perplexity/epoch_050_1.463_3.701.dat'> -cos_model_path <'Final_Saves/RL_COSINE/cosine_0.621_03.dat'>

Results for tests

WE present below a table with automatic tests results on 'comedy' movies. For more results and conclusions, please review 'Deep Reinforcement Learning For Language Models.pdf' file in this directory.


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  • Eyal Ben David


This project is licensed under the MIT License


  • Inspiration for using RL in text tasks - "Deep Reinforcement Learning For Dialogue Generation", (Ritter et al., 1996)
  • Policy Gradient Implementation basics in dialogue agents - "Deep Reinforcement Learning Hands-On", by Maxim Lapan (Chapter 12)


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