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nkit c++ library


C++ library with following components:

  1. Dynamic typing in C++ with JSON and XML support

    • You can create "variants" with various types:
      • integer
      • unsigned integer
      • datetime
      • string
      • boolean
      • list
      • dictionary
      • table
    • You can create "variant" structures from JSON and serialize them to JSON
    • You can create "variant" structures from XML (serialization is coming soon)
      • You can create "variant" data structures, which are different from the structure of XML source
      • You can explicitly identify those elements and attributes in XML source that you want to use for building "variant" data structures. Thus, it's possible to filter out unnecessary XML-data.
      • You can explicitly define "variant" type of scalar data, fetched from XML source.
    • Supported following operations for tables:
      • Creating tables with different column types
      • Sorting tables by multiple columns
      • Grouping tables by multiple columns
      • Indexing tables by multiple columns. You can create more then one different index per table.
  2. Simple test framework

  3. Logger


It is mandatory to have yajl library for JSON paring (, version >= 2.0.4)

If your whant to switch on XML support, then it is mandatory to have Expat SAX parser library.

If your C++ compiler does not support std::shared_ptr, then it is mandatory to have Boost library

Build & install

Linux & Mac

cd to/nkit/root

This commands will configure, build and install debug version of nkit library (with non-system boost):

./ --prefix=/path/to/installation/folder \
	--with-boost=/path/to/boost \
    --with-yajl=/path/to/yajl --debug
make -C Debug-build
make -C Debug-build install

This commands will configure, build and install release version of nkit library (with system boost):

./ --prefix=/path/to/installation/folder --with-boost \
    --with-yajl=/path/to/yajl --release
make -C Release-build
make -C Release-build install

This commands will configure, build and install release-with-debug-version of nkit library (without boost, if C++ compiler supports std::shared_ptr):

./ --prefix=/path/to/installation/folder \
	--with-yajl=/path/to/yajl --rdebug
make -C RelWithDebInfo-build
make -C RelWithDebInfo-build install

This commands will configure, build and install release of nkit library (with XML support, with YAJL, installed in system, and without boost, if C++ compiler supports std::shared_ptr):

./ --prefix=/path/to/installation/folder \
	--with-xml --release
make -C RelWithDebInfo-build
make -C RelWithDebInfo-build install

For all configure options

./ --help


This commands will create Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 solution for nkit library (without using boost):

cd c:\path\to\nkit\root
mkdir win
cd win
cmake -G "Visual Studio 11" -DPREFIX=c:/path/to/install/folder -DYAJL_ROOT=c:/path/to/yajl/root -DYAJL_USE_DYN_LIBS=1 ..

This commands will create Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 solution for nkit library (without using boost, with XML support):

cd c:\path\to\nkit\root
mkdir win
cd win
cmake -G "Visual Studio 11" -DPREFIX=c:/path/to/install/folder -DYAJL_ROOT=c:/path/to/yajl/root -DYAJL_USE_DYN_LIBS=1 -DUSE_XML=1 -DEXPAT_ROOT=d:/path/to/expat/root ..


Dynamic typing in C++

Dynamic typing has been realized in Dynamic class (see src/nkit/dynamic.h) which supports following data types:

  • INTEGER: represents integer values (implemented via int64_t type)
  • UNSIGNED_INTEGER: represents unsigned integer values (implemented via uint64_t type)
  • FLOAT: represents numbers with floating point (implemented via double type)
  • BOOL: represents boolean values (implemented via bool type)
  • DATE_TIME: represents simple date-time values with microseconds and 0 <= year <= 9999 (implemented via uint64_t type)
  • STRING: represents string values (implemented via std::string)
  • LIST: represents list of Dynamic values (implemented via std::vector)
  • DICT: represents map of string keys to Dynamic values (implemented via std::map<std::string, Dynamic>)
  • MONGODB_OID: represents string values with limited behavior for holding MongoDb ObjectID (implemented via std::string)
  • TABLE: represents table of Dynamic values with support of multiple indexes, sorting and grouping by multiple fields
  • UNDEFINED: represents uninitialized value, that can be changed in the future
  • NONE: represents NULL value, that can not be changed

Simple example:

#include <nkit/dynamic.h>

void main(int argc, char ** argv)
  using namespace nkit;

  // Creating int64 data type
  Dynamic d_i64(1);
  std::cout << d_i64 << std::endl;

  // Creating uint64 data type
  Dynamic d_ui64 = Dynamic::UInt64(uint64_t(-1));
  std::cout << d_ui64 << std::endl;

  // Creating 'boolean' data type
  Dynamic d_true = Dynamic(true);
  std::cout << d_true << std::endl;

  // Creating 'string' data type
  Dynamic d_str = Dynamic("string");
  std::cout << d_str << std::endl;

  // Creating 'datetime' data type
  std::string error;
  Dynamic d_datetime = Dynamic::DateTimeLocal();
  std::cout << d_datetime << std::endl;

  // Creating 'list' data type
  Dynamic list = DLIST(d_i64 << d_ui64 << d_true << d_str << d_datetime);
  std::cout << list << std::endl;

  // Creating 'dictionary' data type
  Dynamic dict = DDICT("key1" << "str"
    << "key2" << d_i64
    << "key3" << list
    << "key4" << DLIST(d_i64 << d_ui64 << d_true << d_str << d_datetime)
    << "key5" << d_true
    << "key6" << d_str
    << "key7" << d_datetime
    << "key8" << DDICT("key in child dict" << "value in child dict")
  std::cout << json_hr << dict << std::endl;

  // Creating 'table' data type
  Dynamic table = DTBL("col1, col2",
    "11" << "12" <<
    "21" << "22");
  std::cout << json_hr_table << table << std::endl;


Additional user friendly examples will be added here as soon as possible.

See test/test_*.cpp files for various use cases.


Boris T. Darchiev (boris.darchiev at

On github:


Vasiliy Soshnikov (dedok.mad at

On github:

Wrote all cmake build files and

Participated in development of following parts of nkit:

  • TABLE data type in Dynamic class
  • Logger