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idk edited this page Jan 14, 2020 · 4 revisions


So far, this extension requires no browserify, webpack, or any other Javascript compiler or bundler. If that ever changes, we'll document it here.

We use eslint to lint the Javascript, tidy to format the html, and cleancss to format the the CSS. You will also need npm in order to install prettier which we use to automatically enforce formatting rules on the Javascript, and most importantly web-ext, which is used for reliably testing the webextension and interacting with Mozilla's addon servers.

Soon it will be switching from eslint to closure-linter.

Ubuntu/Debian Setup

sudo apt install tidy cleancss npm

sudo npm install -g web-ext

sudo npm install -g prettier

sudo npm install -g eslint

Testing via Terminal

web-ext run --url about:debugging

Testing via Browser

  1. Open your browser and enter about:debugging into the URL bar.
  2. Click "Load Temporary Addon."
  3. Navigate to the directory containing the extension's manifest.json file and click "Open".

Making a change