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Getting Started

Eyedia edited this page Dec 5, 2017 · 5 revisions

Getting started with real world

Before you start with a real world application, I strongly recommend you to play with the samples first.

  1. Get aarbac from nuget.

  2. As you may have guessed, you don't need .mdf, .ldf, test.csv, test.txt files. So feel free to delete those, or keep as is.

  3. Go to command prompt of the package folder and run aarbac.exe to...

    1. Create aarbac repository - 4 aarbac tables will be created on a new database or your existing database.
    2. For each of your applications, you need to:
      1. Create aarbac instance. This operation will extract metadata of your application database and insert into rbac table.
      2. Create users & roles for that instance. You can configure multiple applications on single repository. For each application, you will create an instance (e.g. 'Books'), aarbac will generate the rbac metadata for you, you as admin need to define the entitlements of the application. And now you are ready to create roles which will use base rbac meta data to define permissions on the data, and entitlement meta data to define permissions on the user interface.

aarbac REST API (ASP.NET Web API 2)

aarbac comes with REST APIs to perform various administrative operations to maintain:

  1. aarbac instances
  2. roles & entitlements
  3. users & user parameters
  4. engine - test various queries. A good place for your developers to test queries. Be careful this is not meant for production.

aarbac Test Bed (Win Form Application)

aarbac windows application can be used for testing; you can test single query or multiple queries. It also allows developers to modify the rule & entitlements xmls, not suitable for end users. If you want to contribute, please visit contributor page.

aarbac Web User Interface (Admin pages)

aarbac does not have web interface. Basically you need to develop an user interface & call aarbac APIs to perform various operations. If you want to contribute, please visit contributor page.