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eyedia edited this page Nov 12, 2017 · 18 revisions

Welcome to the aarbac wiki!

What is AARBAC?

An Automated Role Based Access Control .NET framework which can automatically apply row & column level permissions on your SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE & DELETE Queries.For example, a read (or select) operation like this …

select * from Author

automatically may get converted to…

select AuthorId, Name, ZipCodeId from Author inner join Zipcode zc on zc.ZipCodeId = Author.ZipCodeId inner join City c on c.CityId = zc.CityId where c.Name = 'New York'

as user belongs to a role which allows him to see only 3 columns from author table and only allowed to see authors from New York city. And an update query like this…

update Author set Name = 'Eyedia', SSN = '999-99-9999' where AuthorId = 9999

may hit exception like User ‘abc’ does have permission to update table ‘Author’ but does not have permission to update column ‘SSN’

What I need to get started?

  1. Download only the framework binaries(without the REST API for now)
  2. run rbac.exe -t This will parse test queries from .\Sample\Books\Test.csv & generate test result as test_out.csv on the same location. You are all set, start playing with it.
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