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Koreografeye Demonstration

This is a demonstration how to run the Koreografeye reasoner.


git clone YourProject
cd YourProject
npm install

Package content

  • in/ : an input directory for RDF resources
  • in/demo.ttl : an example input RDF resource
  • err/ : an error directory for failed RDF resources
  • out/ : an output directory for successful processed RDF resources
  • rules/ : a directory containing zero or more N3 policy files
  • rules/*.n3 : example N3 policy files
    • rules/demo.n3 : a policy that starts a demo policy
    • rules/email.n3 : a policy that request sending an email
    • rules/ldn.n3 : a policy that request sending an LDN notification
    • rules/ntfy.n3 : a policy that request to send a Ntfy notifiaction

Example N3 policy

An N3 policy can contain any valid Notation3 (N3) rule. The premise of the N3 rule should match the RDF resource one is interested in. The conclusion of the N3 rule should specify one or more policies. The policy has the format:

<PolicyName> pol:policy <PolicyDescription>


  • <PolicyName> is a unique identifier for the policy
  • <PolicyDescription> is an FnO description of the required policy

File: rules/demo.n3


  • Lines 1-6 define the namespace prefixes that are used in the rule
  • Line 10 binds ?id to the main subject of the input RDF resource
    • This information is generated by Koreographeye and inject as a blank node into the RDF document [ pol:mainSubject <id> ].
  • Lines 12-13 binds ?class to the class of the main subject and demands it is an as:Announce or an as:Create
  • Lines 17-23 define the policy that should be executed when a ?id and ?class binding is found
    • Each policy must have a named identifier: ex:MyDemoPolicy was chosen for this example
    • pol:policy defines the required policy using the FnO vocabulary
      • A policy defines at least an fno:executes with a name of a policy interface
      • This interface can have zero or more arguments. In this example the arguments are:
        • ex:param1
        • ex:param2
        • ex:body


Demo rule

Process all RDF resource in the in directory using the demo.n3 rule file.

Step 1. Run the orchestrator component

npx orch --info --keep --in in --out out --err err rules/demo.n3

or shorter

npm run orch:demo

This will generate a out/demo.ttl file as output containing the input RDF resource plus injected policies.

Step 2. Run the policy executor against the output of step 1

npx pol --info --keep --single out/demo.ttl

or shorter

npm run pol

This will return some debugging output from the DemoPlugin implementation of the demo policy.

LDN rule

Process all RDF resource in the in directory using the ldn.n3 rule file.

Step 1. Run the orchestrator component

npx orch --info --keep --in in --out out --err err rules/ldn.n3

or shorter

npm run orch:ldn

This will generate a out/demo.ttl file as output containing the input RDF resource plus injected policies.

Step 2. Run the policy executor against the output of step 1

npx pol --info --keep --single out/demo.ttl

or shorter

npm run pol

This will send a notification to using the SendNotificationPlugin implementation of the demo policy.


The ComponentsJS configuration file config.jsonld defined all start up parameters of the Koreografeye components.

  • urn:koreografeye:reasonerInstance contains arguments to pass to the internal Eye reasoner. On our example we make use of the EyeJS implementation.
  • defines the demo policy, demoPlugin . The Koreografeye plugin DemoPlugin is an implementation of this policy.
  • defines the startup parameters of the sendNotify policy. The Koreografeye plugin SendNotificationPlugin is an implementation of this policy.

More documentation

npx orch --help
npx pol --help


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