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Scrape WUMB playlists to SQLite.

WUMB is a public radio station based at UMass Boston. It's awesome and you should support it if you like great music with no ads. This is a personal project, however, and not associated with WUMB or UMass Boston in any way.

The station puts its daily playlist online here: I often want to look up a song I heard in the car, or remember something that played last week. I'm also just curious about the music mix. So this is a tool to scratch that itch.


Install this tool using pip:

pip install wumb-to-sqlite

Or install globally with pipx:

pipx install wumb-to-sqlite


Scrape today's playlist:

wumb-to-sqlite playlist wumb.db

That will use (or create) a SQLIte database called wumb.db and a table called playlist. Change the table name by passing a --table option.

Scrape a specific date, with a custom table name:

wumb-to-sqlite playlist wumb.db --table songs --date 2020-09-01

That will get songs from Sept. 1, 2020, and use a table called songs.

Scrape all daily playlists from Oct. 1 to Oct. 11, 2020:

wumb-to-sqlite playlist wumb.db --since 2020-10-01 --until 2020-10-01 --delay 1

That will pull down playlists for each day between Oct. 1 and 11, inclusive. It adds a one second delay (which is the default) between days, as a courtesy to WUMB's servers.

Downloaded pages are cached locally, so subsequent runs don't keep re-fetching the same data. By default, it's located at $HOME/.wumb-to-sqlite/.


To contribute to this tool, first checkout the code. Then create a new virtual environment:

cd wumb-to-sqlite
python -mvenv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Or if you are using pipenv:

pipenv shell

Now install the dependencies and tests:

pip install -e '.[test]'

To run the tests:


Please note that scraping tests should be run against the included HTML file tests/wumb-2020-10-10.html, not against the live site. Again, this is a small public radio station. Please be nice.


Scrape WUMB playlists to SQLite







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