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Eric Martinez-Velazquez edited this page Apr 6, 2024 · 1 revision


General syntax rules:

Target elements using their class or ID as you would in standard CSS, followed by a :


ducky-css property names are the same as standard CSS, but in replace of hyphens they're in camelCase.

for example: backgroundAttachment instead of background-attachment

backgroundColor = blue

alignItems = center

Note: There are no curly braces or such; a group of CSS is started with the : , so if you'd like to keep things visually organized simply add an empty line between each group.

There are also various shorthand properties available that combine common groups of CSS into one line. These follow the syntax of:


For example, to absolutely center an element within it's parent container, you can do this by simply using the centered;; shorthand:

position = relative


In this case, the shorthand applies the following lines of CSS to the element in just one line:

position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
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