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eyy edited this page Jul 7, 2013 · 2 revisions

new witch.Template([data, template])

Create an instance of template. Extend with data, and assign template to this.template; This is basically a view-model: you can set view-centric properties/methods to it and access them from the template itself using the tpl model:

<div data-template="my_tpl">
   <span data-text=""></span>
   var tpl = new witch.Template({}, 'my_tpl'); = 'The Witch From The West';


Returns this (the Template instance).

Get the template using config.template(), assign the returned element to this.el, and bind to it. Then call fn, if present, or this.ready if fn is not false.

var tpl = new witch.Template({}, 'my_tpl');
tpl.render(function() {
    console.log('template is ready!');


Is called when this.render finishes, unless the last was called with an argument.

Does nothing. Overwrite it with what you want to do with this.el, for example:

var Tpl = witch.inherit(witch.Template, {
    ready: function() {
var tpl = new Tpl;
tpl.render(); // ready() was called.
tpl.render(false); // ready() was not called.

witch.config.template(tpl, data, callback)

callback is called with err and el (a jQuery element)

Find a template by the name of tpl, return by callback the a jQuery element generated from it. By default, witch comes with a simple implementation that searches for [data-template="tpl"], but it can be easily overriden to play with your choice of templating engine:

// vanilla js
var templates = { 'person': '<div />', ... };
witch.config.template = function(tpl, data, cb) {
    var html = templates[tpl];
    cb(!html, $(html));

// dust.js (precompiled)
witch.config.template = function(tpl, data, cb) {
    dust.render(tpl, data, function(err, out) {
        cb(err, $(out));

// handlebars (compile from element)
witch.config.template = function(tpl, data, cb) {
    var template = Handlebars.compile($('#' + tpl).html()),
        html = template(data);
    cb(!html, $(html));

// handlebars (precompiled)
witch.config.template = function(tpl, data, cb) {
    var html = Handlebars.templates[tpl](data);
    cb(!html, $(html));

Please remember: Rivets.js, over which witch is build, is itself a templating solution, and a damn good one, as it allows the data to change with no need to rerender the template. Using another templating alongside it is usually not the best idea.