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Fun with the Rust Alloc trait

This post gives a brief tour of Rust's new allocation interface, and some experiments with a custom Vec implementation.

Allocation in Rust

Rust has recently made progress in defining an interface for general memory allocation. This interface is different from the standard malloc/free interface from C. Here is a shorter version of the full interface:

pub unsafe trait Alloc {
  unsafe fn alloc(&mut self, layout: Layout) -> Result<*mut u8, AllocErr>;
  unsafe fn dealloc(&mut self, ptr: *mut u8, layout: Layout);
  // alloc and dealloc are sufficient to implement this trait, but there are
  // several other methods in the full trait that have default implementations.

Where Layout is a type that encapsulates size and alignment information, and AllocErr specifies a few common errors that allocators can exhibit (e.g. OOM). The biggest difference between this interface and the more traditional one is that allocation requests take an explicit alignment, and size and alignment are provided on deallocation and reallocation.

Implications for elfmalloc

elfmalloc is currently designed to support the C interface. As a result, it does extra work to store size information on the heap so that it can be looked up during a call to free. While this means that the current implementation has enough information to implement the Alloc trait, I have started thinking about ways that the overall design could be improved or simplified if it only had to implement that trait.

The end result is a similar design that differs from the original in two chief ways:

  • We do not require complex metadata management to differentiate allocation subsystems (see "Determining Allocation Source..." at the bottom of the elfmalloc doc)

  • We only use the slab subsystem for relatively small objects. Medium-sized objects are now allocated directly from PageAlloc-like structures. This cuts down on metadata management and fragmentation for larger objects.

For more information on this design, check out the code.

Using a Custom Vec

My main goal here was to try this out in some fairly idiomatic Rust code; the path of least resistance was definitely Vec. Not only is Vec one of the most widely used Rust constructs that relies on heap allocation, but a lot of the work is already done for me. Much of the lower-level memory management that Vec performs is factored out into RawVec, and RawVec is now parametric on an Alloc instance.

Given that, implementing a data-structure with essentially the same interface as Vec was as simple as:

pub struct AVec<T, A: Alloc> {
    buf: RawVec<T, A>,
    len: usize,

impl<T, A: Alloc> AVec<T, A> {
    fn push(&mut self, val: T) {
        if self.len == self.buf.cap() {
        unsafe {
            ptr::write(self.buf.ptr().offset(self.len as isize), val);
        self.len += 1;

    unsafe fn to_slice(&self) -> *mut [T] {
        ::std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(self.buf.ptr(), self.len)

Along with some boilerplate trait implementations. The smallvec project was an excellent guide when doing this.


Warning: These numbers appear to stress the mmap implementation in Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) for benchmarks with larger objects. As such, the numbers may not easily transfer to other systems.

This performance evaluation includes 3 separate Vec types:

  1. Rust's native Vec (suffix _vec)
  2. AVec instantiated with Heap (suffix _avec_heap)
  3. AVec instantiated with the rust-specific elfmalloc (suffix _avec_elf)

Options 1 and 2 both allocate memory using jemalloc. They should ideally be the same, but both are included in order to flag any cases in which the implementations of AVec and Vec might diverge. There are currently measurements for 3 workloads:

PSA: If you are ever doing operations like this in a tight loop and performance is a serious concern, you are probably better off calling reserve or initializing using with_capacity to pre-allocate all the needed space ahead of time. These are microbenchmarks, and as a result they do have caveats with regard to how they translate to impacts on real workloads.

Workload 1: Small Allocations This involves creating a vector and pushing 500 usizes onto it. We start all vectors at size 0, so this should involve a small number of reallocations from doubling operations. We include results with both 1 thread and 32 threads. For this workload only, we have an "inner loop" where the 500-push workload is repeated 8 times; this is to reduce the overhead caused by having too many samples.

The multithreaded numbers represent the same workload run across several threads, with each thread's run reported as a separate sample for the mean and variation statistics. One would expect an algorithm that scales perfectly to have numbers matching the single-threaded performance of the workload.

benchmark-n01 bench_push_avec_elf                      15.883 μs    per iteration (+/- 10.59%)
benchmark-n32 bench_push_avec_elf                      38.035 μs    per iteration (+/- 4.01%)
benchmark-n01 bench_push_vec                           17.954 μs    per iteration (+/- 9.27%)
benchmark-n32 bench_push_vec                           37.127 μs    per iteration (+/- 4.12%)
benchmark-n01 bench_push_avec_heap                     17.865 μs    per iteration (+/- 9.27%)
benchmark-n32 bench_push_avec_heap                     37.468 μs    per iteration (+/- 4.01%)

Here we can see that these are about the same, perhaps with a slight edge to elfmalloc in a single-threaded setting. This makes sense: all of these allocations are going to be hitting thread-local caching layers and the corresponding data-structures seem to be fairly well-optimized in both cases. There is also fairly little room for improvement here: 16 microseconds for 4000 push operations on a processor that turbos to 2.3Ghz is pretty good.

Workload 2: Medium Allocations: This workload is very similar to the first, except that it starts the benchmark with a vector with 16K elements and pushes 500,000 more usizes onto the vector. This workload is repeated 50 times.

benchmark-n01 bench_push_medium_avec_elf               2.565 ms     per iteration (+/- 0.83%)
benchmark-n32 bench_push_medium_avec_elf               23.415 ms    per iteration (+/- 38.84%)
benchmark-n01 bench_push_medium_vec                    8.239 ms     per iteration (+/- 2.45%)
benchmark-n32 bench_push_medium_vec                    271.837 ms   per iteration (+/- 4.97%)
benchmark-n01 bench_push_medium_avec_heap              7.901 ms     per iteration (+/- 2.94%)
benchmark-n32 bench_push_medium_avec_heap              272.775 ms   per iteration (+/- 4.85%)

These numbers are quite good! Too good, I suspect; and what is going on with the high variance for 32 threads? While part of this speedup may be due to the scalable BagPipe data-structure we use for medium objects, it is possible that WSL is getting in jemalloc's way here. My current theory is that jemalloc is more aggressive with reclaiming memory than we are in this scenario; that means it has to call mmap and munmap a lot more than elfmalloc. This is exacerbated by the fact that these system calls appear to be something of a scaling bottleneck on WSL, though that is just an educated guess by looking at per-core load running certain workloads.

Workload 3: Large Allocations: This workload is essentially the same, but instead of pushing usizes onto the vectors we push [usize; 1024]s. The benchmark pushes 1000 of these and repeats the workload 50 times.

benchmark-n01 bench_push_large_avec_elf                10.407 ms    per iteration (+/- 4.07%)
benchmark-n32 bench_push_large_avec_elf                368.045 ms   per iteration (+/- 5.18%)
benchmark-n01 bench_push_large_vec                     14.317 ms    per iteration (+/- 2.80%)
benchmark-n32 bench_push_large_vec                     560.585 ms   per iteration (+/- 3.27%)
benchmark-n01 bench_push_large_avec_heap               15.015 ms    per iteration (+/- 3.07%)
benchmark-n32 bench_push_large_avec_heap               568.226 ms   per iteration (+/- 4.10%)

Here, elfmalloc again performs better than the default heap allocator. I suspect that this is due to our use of the BagPipe data-structure to cache these objects. jemalloc may simply fall back on mmap for allocations this large. elfmalloc does this as well, but it has a higher threshold here. The improvement at this end demonstrates the benefit of being able to easily configure one's allocator for a particular workload if required.

Running These Benchmarks

In the elfmalloc crate, build with

cargo build --release --features=local_cache,use_default_allocator

And then run target/release/bench_vec. It will automatically scale to the number of available hardware threads on the current machine. It is highly unlikely that these benchmarks will run on anything but Linux.

Memory Consumption?

I currently do not have a good solution for tracking fine-grained memory consumption in pure-Rust benchmarks like this. I have an idea of how to replicate the techniques used in the more mature malloc benchmarks we have access to, but getting everything working well will take a good deal of time.

As for rough estimates, I did keep a close eye on task manager throughout the benchmark execution. While it is a very rough metric; I believe elfmalloc and jemalloc used comparable memory (within, say, a factor of 2), with jemalloc often using less memory.