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Technews scrapes technology news articles from the business technology news website. This app that lets users view the news articles and leave notes or comments on the latest tech info.

How Technews Works

The web app contains a home section, a saved articles section and a scrape button, as well as a help button. If there are no news articles present in the mongo database that stores the scraped articles, the user can acquire articles by pressing the 'Scrape News Button'. While the app is retrieving the articles, a loading image shows up. A popup modal appears informing the user of how many articles were able to be scraped.

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The articles then appear with title, summary, a link to read the actual content of the entire article and a save button. The user has the choice of saving the article. In the 'saved articles' section of the app, the saved article appears and the user can delete or take notes on the article. Several notes can be associated with one articles. Notes can be updated or deleted. Yet another option availabe is to 'unsave' an article.

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Technologies Used

Front end:

  1. Javascript

  2. CSS and HTML


  1. Mongo db (mongoose) to store data

  2. Nightmarejs to scrape. Nightmare was chosen because of its wait and scroll function; this gives the app the capability of loading the original url's javascript created articles. Otherwise, only a few articles would be scraped.

  3. Cheerios

  4. Nodejs express to handle the routes

  5. Morgan to log

  6. Handlebars for template views


This app can be cloned and installed following the procedure below.

  1. Now we are ready to clone this app by running the following command. git clone Note that if git and node need to be installed, the steps to do so are the following: a) git must be installed. Download git. and b. nodejs must also be installed. Download nodejs

  2. Since this file makes use of several node modules, please run npm install. This installs all of the dependencies.

  3. Technews is a full stack app that uses nodejs and express on the back end. It needs to be deployed to on a platform that provides (like Heroku) "back-end" support. Guide to deploying a Node Web Server on Heroku

  4. Add free mLab provision to project in order to have mongodb functionality with the following command: heroku addons:create mongolab.


The source code for the Technews app was added to the following github repository: Github repo

A link to the app on heroku: Technews App

Instructions for Running NightmareJS on Heroku


Starter code template for project that requires running nightmarejs on heroku. Note that once project is cloned, the URL and wait() lines in index.js must be changed because the original html does not exist at the time of this writing. Once nightmare runs successfully, one can expand on the project.

  • git clone --depth 1 [new-project-name]
  • cd [new-project-name]
  • rm -rf .git
  • git init
  • setup git remote repository on from existing code
git remote add origin[username]/[new-project-name].git
git add -A
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push -u origin master
  • heroku create
  • heroku stack:set cedar-14
  • set build packs
heroku buildpacks:add --index 1 &&
heroku buildpacks:add --index 2 &&
heroku buildpacks:add --index 3 &&
heroku buildpacks:add --index 4
  • git push heroku master
  • goto heroku dashboard and select created app; install Heroku Scheduler add-on
  • heroku ps:scale web=1
  • node ./index.js to verify nightmare runs correctly locally; npm install needs to be run. The following output should be seen.
Welcome to Nightmare scrape
NightmareJS on Heroku the ultimate scraping setup
All done
  • Open heroku app from heroku dashboard. 'Application error' is displayed because no routes have been defined yet so this is normal in this case.
  • heroku logs to check output for any errors. If everything went well, near the bottom of the output the 'Welcome to Nightmare scrape' messages as displayed above should appear. Now, you can work on the rest of your code knowing that nightmarejs will work on heroku as it works locally.


technews scrapes technology news from







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