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LightWeight Vim Setup for Front-end Development (for now)

Clone in Koding

Very quick vim setup for front-end developers.

### Preview with iTerm2, Vim (with qvimrc), Zsh on MacOSX Preview

Linux (and OS X)

IMPORTANT: You should back-up your ~/.vimrc file and ~/.vim/ directory before install. (Quick Setup will ask.)

Note for OS X: You cannat use mouse in, I prefer iTerm2 as Terminal, more powerful.

Quick Setup (Recommended)

Copy and paste this code into your terminal and run.

curl -k 2>/dev/null > /tmp/ && chmod +x /tmp/ && /tmp/

You will see something like that:

Step 1

And while bundling your vim plugins:

Step 2

Nerd Setup

(If you think we are collecting your personal data while quick setup, you can build it yourself.)

Follow the commands in build file. You are a nerd, bro.


Quick Setup for Windows Users:

  • Go to
  • Download the ISO and burn an Ubuntu CD
  • Install Ubuntu GNU/Linux
  • Follow Linux instructions


  • Buy a Mac.
  • Follow Linux Instructions

The Bundles: every bundle is a git repository.

# Vundle, the Bundle Manager
Bundle 'gmarik/vundle'

# Fugitive, the Git Manager
Bundle 'tpope/vim-fugitive'

# JavaScript, plugin for JS syntax and indentation
Bundle 'pangloss/vim-javascript'

# A color scheme
Bundle 'tomasr/molokai'

# Powerline, beautiful status line
Bundle 'Lokaltog/vim-powerline'

# NerdTREE, the file browser
Bundle 'scrooloose/nerdtree'

# Easier use Vim with MSWin.vim
Bundle 'fkadeveloper/mswin.vim'

" CtrlP
Bundle 'kien/ctrlp.vim'

" SuperTab
Bundle 'ervandew/supertab'

How To Use

  • CTRL + n: Open/Close NERDTree
  • CTRL + i or CTRL + w, CTRL + w (double): Next Window, Navigate Split Views, (Also you can use mouse)
  • CTRL + e: Expand ZenCoding Syntax
  • CTRL + n: Open OmniComplete
  • Tab: Buffer list (Normal Mode)
  • CTRL + p: Fuzzy finder
  • CTRL + h: Search in opened files

# Contributors

You can feel free to contribute.

Doğan Aydın - doganaydin



This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit


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