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What is it?

This library for creating localized string maps.

Simply put, a localizer.

Lib writed on Typescript. The library has its own namespace.


npm: npm install f14-l10n

bower: bower install f14-l10n

The output package also has the d.ts files for typescript using.

Ok. How it works?

Your steps:

  1. Configure l10n provider if needed.

  2. Adds localized string maps.

  3. Get localized string by key where you need it.

How to default l10n provider works:

  1. Search the localized string for the current locale by the given key. Current locale value takes from navigator.language.

  2. Search the localized string for the default locale if the specified key not found in the string map for the current locale.

  3. Search localized the string by the given key in the all defined locales if specified key not found in the 1,2 steps.

  4. If localized string does not founds, returns undefiend.


By default l10n provider is already configured to use:


            // Get l10nProvider
            let provider = f14.L10n.Localizer();
            // Create localized string map for 'ru'
            provider.AddLocale("ru", {
                "": "Привет мир!",
                "": "Счетчик загрузок",
            // Create localized string map for 'en'
            provider.AddLocale("en", {
                "": "Hello world!",
                "": "Download counter",
                "test.en.locale.value": "String value for en locale only.",
                "": "RU locale does not contain this string.",
            // Create localized string map for 'fr'
            provider.AddLocale("fr", {
                "": "Bonjour le monde!",
                "": "Compteur de téléchargement",
                "": "RU locale ne contient pas cette chaîne.",
            // Create localized string map for '...'
            // Somewhere in the your codes
            // Get l10nProvider
            let provider = f14.L10n.Localizer();
            // Get localized string key from some input-control on the page
            let locKey = (document.querySelector("#input_string_key") as HTMLInputElement).value;
            // Retrieve localized string value from l10nProvider by given key
            let localizedString = provider.GetString(locKey);


<script type="text/javascript">
        // Creates your localized maps
        // Get l10nProvider
        let l10n = f14.L10n.Localizer();
        // Create localized string map for 'ru'
        l10n.AddLocale("ru", {
            "": "Привет мир!",
            "": "Счетчик загрузок",
        // Create localized string map for 'en'
        l10n.AddLocale("en", {
            "": "Hello world!",
            "": "Download counter",
            "test.en.locale.value": "String value for en locale only.",
            "": "RU locale does not contain this string.",
        // Create localized string map for 'fru'
        l10n.AddLocale("fr", {
            "": "Bonjour le monde!",
            "": "Compteur de téléchargement",
            "": "RU locale ne contient pas cette chaîne.",
        // Somewhere in the your codes        
        var l10n = f14.L10n.Localizer();
        // Get key for localized string from any input-control on the page
        var locKey = document.querySelector("#input_string_key").value; 
         // Get localized string value         
        var localizedString = l10n.GetString(locKey);
        // Use your localized value


Also for the localizer some settings are defined:

Key Default value Description
DEBUG false Trun on\off debug mode.
DefaultLocale undefined If a localized string is not found for the current locale, it will search in the default locale.
L10nProvider DefaultL10NProvider This is a specific implementation of the IL10nProvider. You can create your own provider using the interface, if needed.

In order to use the config you need to call the following method:


            let settings = new Configuration();
            settings.DefaultLocale = 'en';
            settings.DEBUG = true;


               DEBUG = true,
               DefaultLocale = 'en',


Source lang: Typescript.

Editor/IDE: VS Code.

