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Simple and unofficial Android wrapper for the Segment HTTP API.

If you're a Segment user, you should use the official analytics-android library, which is better maintained, has more features and quicker support.


Compared to analytics-android, segment-android library only handles queueing, batching and uploading messages to Segment for you. segment-android does not support bundled integrations (so you can't use tools like Flurry with it without extra work). segment-android does not automatically instrument events.

analytics-android has 0 dependencies. It's pretty lightweight, but this makes some of the core in analytics-android larger than segment-android, since it has to write more complex HTTP logic, JSON parsing and persistence code. segment-android simply delegates this work to OkHttp + Retrofit and Tape. This makes the segment-android core lighter. If you are using these libraries already, segment-android will add minimal weight to your app. If you aren't, segment-android will be much heavier for your app since it will add these dependencies into your app.

This also makes the core in segment-android simpler, since the heavy lifting is done by other libraries. Since segment-android does not support bundled integrations out of the box, its core is further simplified.



Like analytics-java, segment-android supports interceptors. Interceptors are a powerful mechanism to transform messages before they're processed by the library. You can use interceptors to rewrite or even skip messages. For example, if your applications supports a way for users to opt out of data collection, you can write an interceptor that returns null if the user has opted out. Check out how the context interceptor works in this library to see an example in action.


segment-android supports callbacks which let you asynchronously monitor the state of messages published through the pipeline.


segment-android also gives you way to listen on the status of published actions. For example, if you want to verify that a flush is completed for some critical events before proceeding, you can use the following snippet:

try {
  segment.enqueue(segment.newTrack("critical event").build());
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
  // The thread was interrupted before the task was completed.
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
  // Something went wrong during the flush. Inspect the exception supplied to figure out why.


Initialize a client:

Segment segment = new Segment.Builder().writeKey(writeKey).context(context).build();

Create user actions:

TrackMessage message = segment.newTrack("Event A").properties(properties).build();

Enqueue actions:


Upload actions:



Download the latest JAR or grab via Maven:


or Gradle:

compile 'com.f2prateek.segment:segment:+'

Snapshots of the development version are available in Sonatype's snapshots repository.


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