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The F3 Green Level website site is built using Hugo and a fork of the Beautiful Hugo theme.

The site is published using GitHub pages, available at the following URLs:


Pax with admin rights:


Depending on what you want to do, you have a few options to contribute.

What you want to do How to contribute
Update content on a page Search this repo for what you want to update and open a pull request.
Add a new AO to the Q sheet Contact Wahoo on Slack or open an issue.
Write a backblast Right now, you can create a new file in the /backblasts folder and open a pull request. In the future, we hope to automate this from the Slack Paxmate.
Change the way the website looks or behaves Open a pull request. You also probably want to build locally to test your changes (see the following Quick start).

Quick start

  1. Clone the repo.
  2. Install Hugo version 0.104.2.
  3. Navigate into the repo and run build the site locally.
    hugo server -D
  4. Open https://localhost:1313 in your browser. The site will automatically refresh as you save changes to the locally cloned files.

Local changes to the theme

If you want to make styling changes such as CSS to the beautifulhugo forked theme, you have a couple options to test local changes:

  • In the config.toml file, add a replace section to point to your local clone of the forked repo. Then make your changes in that repo and refresh your Hugo server.
  • Use hugo mod vendor to download a local _vendor directory in this project. Then make your changes in that _vendor directory and refresh your Hugo server.

Updating the theme

The forked Beautiful Hugo theme is added as a Hugo module. The general process to update the theme is as follows.

  1. Make your theme changes in the forked repo.
  2. Create a new release for the theme changes. Naming convention is like v0.0.1.
  3. Navigate to your clone of this repo and run hugo mod get
  4. Commit and push your changes.

Differences from standard Hugo and this site


  • Added ao and pax taxonomies so that we can organize the backblasts by these (instead of using terms like categories and tags)