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This repository contains the build infrastructure used to create lab content for F5 Networks Agility Labs hosted at

It is recommended that you use the Sphinx lab template here:

This repository leverages a CI/CD toolchain with full build, test and publish to production environment.

Install/Build Content

  • git clone
  • cd f5-agility-labs
  • git submodule update --init --recursive
  • script/build

Adding your Lab

At this time only F5 Networks employees can request addition of a lab

To add your lab to this repository please email:

  • *AgilityLabsRTD

Be sure to include your lab repository URL.

Repo Structure

All labs are included as git submodules in the labs directory. The submodule tracks the master branch on the remote repository. It should be assumed that all commits to master will be published to a production environment.

The scripts in the script directory automatically build HTML and PDF content and output to the _build/<lab_name>/[html|pdf]/ directory.

During build an index page is generated using the Sphinx project in docs. The generated index is then copied to the _build directory.


  • master: Protected branch; HEAD publishes to production; No push access
  • develop: Protected branch; Pull Requests are tested through Github Actions

All modifications to this repo should be via a Pull Request to the develop branch. PR's will be tested before merge. Repo admins will then merge develop to master as required to publish to production.

Update Lab Submodule

First be sure to do a git pull

To pull the latest commits for ALL submodules:

git submodule update --recursive --remote

To pull the latest commits for a specific submodule:

git submodule update --remote labs/<name>

Push new commit hashes for submodules:

  • git commit -a -m "commit msg"
  • git push

Add Lab Submodule

  • git submodule add <repo_url> labs/<name>
  • git commit -a -m "commit msg"
  • git push

Remove Lab Submodule

  • git submodule deinit -f labs/<name>
  • rm -rf .git/modules/labs/<name>
  • git rm -f labs/<name>

Build Options

The following environment variables can be used to modify what is built:

  • SKIP_BUILDLABS: Presence of the variable will cause lab content build to be skipped. Landing page will still be built

    • Example: export SKIP_BUILDLABS=1
  • BUILD_LIST: A space delimted list of lab submodules to build. By default the contents of the labs/ submodule directory are populated in this variable. Setting allows you to build only specific labs

    • Example: export BUILD_LIST="adc ddos programmability"
  • BUILD_ALL: Force a build of all submodules in BUILD_LIST

    • Example: export BUILD_ALL=1