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The preprocessed resting state time series in MNI space can be found here: resting_state -> ants -> rest_mni_unsmoothed.nii.gz the same file with 6mm smoothing here: resting_state -> FWHM6 -> rest_mni_smoothed.nii


  • ants EPI in MNI space
    • rest_mni_unsmoothed_fullspectrum.nii.gz preprocessed EPI in MNI space withouth BP filtering
    • rest_mni_unsmoothed.nii.gz preprocessed EPI in MNI space with BP filtering (0.01-0.1Hz)
  • coregister
    • rest2anat.dat.mincost mincost file
    • rest_coregistered_nativespace.nii.gz
    • rest_mean2anat_highres.nii.gz unwarped epi registered to anatomy
    • rest_mean2anat_lowres.nii.gz
    • rest_mean2fmap.nii.gz
    • rest_mean2fmap_unwarped.nii.gz
    • T1_resampled.nii.gz
    • transforms2anat
      • B0_ph_fslprepared.nii.gz
      • fullwarpfield.nii.gz
      • rest2anat.dat transformation freesurfer format (fieldmap space to anatomy!)
      • rest2anat.mat transformation fsl format
  • denoise
    • artefact rapidart output files (outliers, outlier plot, global intensity, composite norm, stats)
      • art.rest2anat_masked_outliers.txt
      • global_intensity.rest2anat_masked.txt
      • norm.rest2anat_masked.txt
      • plot.rest2anat_masked.png
      • stats.rest2anat_masked.txt
    • mask
      • T1_brain_mask2epi.nii.gz brain mask in original epi space (only for qa)
      • T1_brain_mask_lowres.nii.gz brain mask used during artefact detection and 2nd glm
      • wmcsf_mask_lowres.nii.gz white matter / csf mask used for acompcor
    • regress Nuisance Regression
      • F_mcart.nii.gz F-values of full model fit 1st glm
      • F_noise.nii.gz regressors 2nd glm
      • mcart_regressor.txt regressors 1st glm
      • noise_regressor.txt regressors 2nd glm
      • pF_mcart.nii.gz p-values for full model fit 1st glm
      • pF_noise.nii.gz F-values of full model fit 2nd glm
    • rest_preprocessed_nativespace_fullspectrum.nii.gz denoised EPI in native space withouth BP filtering
    • rest_preprocessed_nativespace.nii.gz **denoised EPI in native space with BP filtering (0.01-0.1Hz) **
  • FWHM6
    • rest_mni_smoothed.nii.gz preprocessed EPI in MNI space with BP filtering (0.01-0.1Hz) and smoothing w 6mm
  • realign
    • MAT realignment matrices for all volumes
      • MAT_0000
      • ....
      • MAT_0294
    • plots plots of estimated motion
      • abs_displacement_plot.png
      • rel_displacment_plot.png
      • rotation_plot.png
      • translation_plot.png
    • rest_realigned_abs.rms absolute and relative rms displacement (similar to mean frame displacement)
    • rest_realigned_mean.nii.gz temporal mean after realignment
    • rest_realigned.par realignment parameters
    • rest_realigned_rel.rms absolute and relative rms displacement (similar to mean frame displacement)
    • rest_realigned_tsnr.nii.gz temporal snr after realignment


  • brain.nii.gz skull stripped
  • T1_brain2mni.nii.gz brain in MNI152 1mm space
  • T1_brain_mask.nii.gz brain mask
  • T1.nii.gz whole head after background masking in freesurfer space
  • transforms2mni transforms anatomy to MNI space (use antsApplyTransfom)
    • transform0GenericAffine.mat
    • transform1InverseWarp.nii.gz inverse of nonlinear transformation
    • transform1Warp.nii.gz


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