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Simple node/express server to serve as a gateway between dappy and a RChain node.


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Dappy node is a DoH and an authoritative name server, written in NodeJS.

Dappy zones and records are independant from ICANN. To avoid conflicts with existing TLDs, dappy zones are optionnaly suffixed with .d.

What makes dappy-node really unique is that zones are stored on the blockchain Rchain which has 2 main benefits over others blockchain:

  • Rchain is able to save data on-chain without referring to auxialiary P2P networks like IPFS
  • Rchain scale massively. It produces blocks in parallel and merge them using a DAG and merging strategies.

Persist name zone directly on the blockchains garantees:

  • Records can't be falsified
  • Data is highly available throught the network
  • Very thin access control can be defined, (ex: a third party company can manage the zone for

Records are fetched with co-resolution, in a trustless manner by requesting network members in parallel. Distributing trust over network is an alternative solution to DNSSEC.

Read the dappy propositions

Get dappy-node

Quick start-up

Run a dappy-node with memory zone provider using npx

# Run a dappy-node that save zones in memory
DAPPY_NODE_ZONE_PROVIDER=memory DAPPY_NODE_CACHING=0 npx @fabcotech/dappy-node

# Resolve example.d A record
dappy-lookup example.d A --endpoint=

Other installation procedures

Please refer to if you want to install a standalone dappy-node or to join an existing Dappy network.

Understanding Dappy-node

Zone providers

Dappy-node abstracts how zones and records are persisted.

There are 3 zone providers availables:

  • memory: for demo and development purpose. It contains a built-in zone example with some records. It is the easiest way to start and experiment dappy-node.
  • rchain: for production purposes. Zones and records are persisted on blockchain Rchain
  • postgresql: for production purposes when confidentiality is needed. Zones and records are persisted on a pg instance.

Each of these zone providers have their own jobs and routes.

Use DAPPY_NODE_ZONE_PROVIDER environment variable to define zone_provider.


Dappy-node is queryable over HTTPS. It implements DoH RFC. DNS packets are sent over HTTPS in binary format.

Under the hood, dappy-node use dns-packet to decode and encode DNS packets.

Every DoH clients can query dappy-node, it includes browsers like Chrome. Dappy provide a command line dappy-lookup that makes DoH queries. You can try it like this:

npx @fabcotech/dappy-lookup example.d A --endpoint=


We are open to, and grateful for, any contributions made by the community.

Report a bug

We use the issue tracker to keep track of bugs and improvements to dappy-node itself and the documentation. We encourage you to open issues to discuss improvements, architecture, theory, internal implementation, etc. If a topic has been discussed before, we will ask you to join the previous discussion.


Command line tools

dappy-node repository contains several command lines tools.

  • easyrnode: It helps to work with a local rchain node using the following commands/arguments:
    • init: create files .rnode/genesis/bonds.txt and rnode/genesis/wallets.txt needed to bootstrap rchain
    • run: run docker compose file, which starts the latest images of rnode and redis
    • deploy: deploys a rholang file, --phlo-limit, --phlo-price, --private-key and --host have default values that can be overwritten. Example: easyrnode deploy ./example.rho --wait
    • help: display help for each command. Example: easyrnode help deploy
  • dappy-deploy-name-system: deploy dappy name system master on rchain. Arguments:
    • --validator: url to rchain node validator
    • --privatekey: private key used to deploy dappy name system master
    • --boxid: boxId used to deploy domain tokens
    • --contractid: contract token created
  • dappy-node: DoH server. Configuration is described below

dappy-node configuration

dappy-node is configurable through environments variables. To be more convenient, dappy-node try to load a .env file named dappyrc at startup.

Below, here are all environments variables read by dappy-node.

General environment variables

Keys Required Default value Description
DAPPY_NODE_ZONE_PROVIDER No rchain Zone provider used
DAPPY_NODE_DNS_PORT No dappy-node dns port, disabled if not provided
DAPPY_NODE_HTTP_PORT Yes 3001 dappy-node http port
DAPPY_NODE_HTTPS_PORT No dappy-node https port. HTTPS is disabled if not defined
DAPPY_NODE_PRIVATE_KEY_FILENAME No dappynode.key dappy-node private key. Generated if not exists
DAPPY_NODE_CERTIFICATE_FILENAME No dappynode.crt dappy-node certificate. Generated if not exists
DAPPY_NODE_CACHING Yes 60 record ttl cache. Disabled if set to 0
DAPPY_NODE_SENTRY_URL No false Send logs to sentry
DAPPY_NETWORK Yes unknown unknown, gamma, beta or d
DAPPY_LOG_PATH Yes ./logs path to log warning and errors

Environment variables read when rchain is used as zone provider

Keys Required Default value Description
DAPPY_NAMES_MASTER_REGISTRY_URI Yes rchain token master deployment
DAPPY_NAMES_CONTRACT_ID Yes rchain contract used for dappy name system
DAPPY_RCHAIN_VALIDATOR Yes http://localhost:40403 Rnode used to send transactions
DAPPY_RCHAIN_READ_ONLY Yes http://localhost:40403 Rnode used to query rchain data
DAPPY_RCHAIN_NETWORK Yes unknown RChain network
DAPPY_RCHAIN_SHARD_NAME Yes unknown RChain shard ID
DAPPY_JOBS_LOGS_CONTRACTS Yes Ccomma-separated list of contracts you want to keep the logs
DAPPY_JOBS_REDIS_URL Yes Redis url format: redis://HOST:PORT/DB
DAPPY_NODE_LAST_BLOCK_JOB_INTERVAL Yes 40000 Interval in ms to fetch rchain data
DAPPY_NODE_REDIS_DB Yes 1 Redis database number
DAPPY_NODE_REDIS_HOST Yes localhost Redis host
DAPPY_NODE_REDIS_PORT Yes 6379 Redis port
DAPPY_NODE_CACHING_ZONE Yes false Cache zones

Environment variables read when postgresql is used as zone provider

Keys Required Default value (dev) Description
DAPPY_PG_CONNECTION_STRING No postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/dappy postgresql connection string

API Reference

Please read API Reference for more details.


Simple node/express server to serve as a gateway between dappy and a RChain node.





