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NodeJS Express web app using node-vault module to fetch secrets directly from HashiCorp Vault server


This project is a NodeJS Express web application using the node-vault library to fetch secrets directly from a HashiCorp Vault server.

This code assumes the Vault Server uses the Kubernetes auth method, which means the NodeJS app should be deployed into a Kubernetes cluster running under a specific Kubernetes service account so it presents the correct JWT.

This app can fetch a secret from a remote or in-cluster Vault server without the need for a Vault sidecar by using the node-vault module. Generally, it is preferrable to communicate direcly to Vault so no intermediate secret representations are stored.

(Optional) Vault sidecar

Even though the node-vault modules allow a NodeJS application to fetch secrets directly from a Vault server, there are multiple reasons you may want still to run a Vault sidecar:

  • Your particular app language does not have a fully-featured Vault client library
  • You want to shield your application from Vault server configuration details
  • You have a legacy application that must continue reading config/secrets from the filesystem/environment
  • You want auto-rotation of Vault secrets/certs

This project supports pointing at the Vault sidecar as well, http://localhost:8082

Creating OCI image with Docker manually

sudo apt install -y npm
npm init -y
npm install express cors node-vault

# if you want to test basic syntax locally
node --check index.js

# builds 'latest' image and pushes to DockerHub

Creating tag, which runs GitHub Action to build image and upload

git commit -a -m "changes for new tag $newtag" && git push -o ci.skip
git tag $newtag && git push origin $newtag

Deleting tag

# delete single local tag, then remote
todel=v1.0.1; git tag -d $todel && git push -d origin $todel