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Python code for Udacity Introduction to Machine Learning course. Some code files were written by myself in order to achieve different results from the given tests.

Get started (check course link)

  • Download enron mail dataset at:
  • Run: python tools/
  • fabiano_tutoriais folder has some random files which helped me to understand most of the initial concepts


Class imbalance problem:

Scikit contrib on imbalaced data

That said, here is a rough outline of useful approaches. These are listed approximately in order of effort:

  • Do nothing. Sometimes you get lucky and nothing needs to be done. You can train on the so-called natural (or stratified) distribution and sometimes it works without need for modification.
  • Balance the training set in some way:
    • Oversample the minority class.
    • Undersample the majority class.
    • Synthesize new minority classes.
  • Throw away minority examples and switch to an anomaly detection framework.
  • At the algorithm level, or after it:
    • Adjust the class weight (misclassification costs).
    • Adjust the decision threshold.
    • Modify an existing algorithm to be more sensitive to rare classes.
  • Construct an entirely new algorithm to perform well on imbalanced data.

Ensemble method Machine Learning

Basic Concepts in Machine Learning

Python begginer - Code Academy

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Your First Machine Learning Project in R Step-By-Step (tutorial and template for future projects)

Python vs R for machine learning

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Should you teach Python or R for data science?

Unofficial Windows Binaries for Python Extension Packages - Wheels

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Becoming a Machine Learning Engineer | Step 2: Pick a Process

Becoming a Machine Learning Engineer | Step 3: Pick Your Tool

Parametric and Nonparametric Machine Learning Algorithms

ML Mind Map

My Solution to the Galaxy Zoo Challenge

Object Recognition with Convolutional Neural Networks in the Keras Deep Learning Library

TODO TensorFlow Demo: MNIST for ML Beginners

TODO Your First Machine Learning Project in Python Step-By-Step

Undertand Bayes Theorem (Posterior, Likelihood, Prior and Evidence)

Awesome Machine Learning

How do I learn Machine Learning?

Embrace Randomness in Machine Learning

Redes Neurais Artificiais

Análise de Componentes Principais

Deep Learning Book

Keras Cheat Sheet: Neural Networks in Python

How to Setup a Python Environment for Machine Learning and Deep Learning with Anaconda

Building a Student Intervention System

Machine Learning Algorithms: Which One to Choose for Your Problem

If you have already closed the Anaconda navigator, open cmd and type jupyter-notebook list.

Then you can kill the port using following commands: netstat -o -n -a | findstr :3000 TCP LISTENING 3116 taskkill /F /PID 3116

Comparison of 14 different families of classification algorithms on 115 binary datasets

Machine Learning Algorithms for Classification

In what real world applications is Naive Bayes classifier used?

Support Vector Machines and Kernel Methods


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