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Building FRequest

Fábio Bento edited this page Jan 29, 2018 · 9 revisions

Building FRequest

FRequest is quite easy to build if you use QtCreator. Follow the steps bellow.

Tools & Libraries needed

  • Qt 5.10.0 or above (download here the community edition)
  • Qt Creator 4.5.0 or above (usually bundled with Qt above)
  • A git client
  • MinGW or Clang C++ compiler (usually bundled with Qt above)

Steps for building

FRequests depends on two repositories, so you need to clone these first with git:

  1. - clone to a CommonLibs folder.

  2. - clone to a CommonUtils folder.

After that you need to clone the FRequest repository: - clone to a FRequest folder.

The final structure should be the following:

-- Root Dir

  -- CommonLibs

  -- CommonUtils

  -- FRequest

After that open Root Dir/FRequest/ with QtCreator. Just click in build and it should compile without any problem.

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