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This document is intended to deploy a Windows Container using "Real World" features on IIS like SSL, URL rewrite, Host Header, .Net Framework 2.0, 3.5, etc. You can use this document to migrate your Web Site running on Windows Server 2008/2012/2016 to Windows Containers on Windows Server 2016 with Docker. Also this document can be used to validate the migration to Windows Container.

The steps listed on this documentation were developed in conjunction with Rodrigo Immaginario (Microsoft Regional Director and MVP)


  • Use an Windows Server 2016 (with Desktop Experience) as a HOST and install IIS Management Console. To facilitate your deployment is recommended to use the image on Microsoft Azure containing Windows Server 2016 with Containers.
  • Update the HOST and make sure that update KB4015217 is included. This update enable support for Docker Swarm and other enhancements required to work properly
  • All these steps use Windows Server Core as a container image
  • Create a local folder on HOST (eg. C:\SHARED) to use during setup. This folder will be used to exchange files to Container in a easy way

Step 1: Prepare the container image

  1. Open PowerShell and execute the following command to download the base image:

     docker pull microsoft/windowsservercore

    It's very important to use the latest image from Docker Hub because the update KB4015217 is applied.

  2. Create your container using an image from Docker Hub containing .Net Framework 3.5 .The following command will create a new container (using an image with .Net Framework 3.5 from Docker Hub) with the name web-01, map the local folder (C:\SHARED) on HOST to container and will open a command prompt

     docker run -it --name web-01 -v c:\shared:c:\shared microsoft/dotnet-framework:3.5
  3. Using the command prompt opened by the previous command then execute PowerShell:

  4. List all features installed inside the container

  5. Execute the following commands to install IIS Features. To reduce time installing each feature then you can include the parameter IncludeAllSubfeature

     Install-WindowsFeature -name Web-Server -IncludeManagementTools 
     Install-WindowsFeature -name Web-Common-Http -IncludeAllSubfeature 
     Install-WindowsFeature -name Web-Health -IncludeAllSubFeature 
     Install-WindowsFeature -name Web-Performance -IncludeAllSubFeature
     Install-WindowsFeature -name Web-Security -IncludeAllSubFeature 
     Install-WindowsFeature -name Web-Mgmt-Tools -IncludeAllSubFeature 
     Install-WindowsFeature -name Web-Scripting-Tools -IncludeAllSubFeature 
     Install-WindowsFeature -name Web-App-Dev -IncludeAllSubFeature

TIP: These features can vary according to what do you want to install. If you want to install each feature individually then execute the command Get-WindowsFeature and use the column Name (not display name)

  1. Change the value of Registry Key. This step allow to connect remotely via IIS Management Console via HOST

     New-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\software\microsoft\WebManagement\Server -name EnableRemoteManagement -Value 1 -Force
  2. Create a local user inside the container. This user will be used to connect remotely via IIS Management Console. On this example we will create a local user called FabioH with the password Pa$$w0rd and we will include on local administrators group. This step is very important because the user created will be available only inside this Container (if you check on your HOST you cannot see this user)

    net user FabioH Pa$$w0rd /add
    net localgroup administrators fabioh /add
  3. Stop IIS services

    net stop iisadmin
    net stop w3svc
    net stop wmsvc
  4. Start IIS services

    net start iisadmin
    net start w3svc
    net start wmsvc
  5. Exit from container. The first command will exit from PowerShell and the second command will exit from CMD Prompt, returning to console on HOST.

  6. Stop the container and commit changes to a new image with the name web-image1.

    docker stop web-01
    docker commit web-01 web-image1
  7. Remove the container stopped

    docker rm web-01
  8. Restart the HOST

    shutdown /r /t 0

Create the container using the image

After the creation of the image then we can start creating the container and update image

  1. Create new container using image generated previously, binding ports 80 + 443 and mapping Shared Folder on HOST

     docker run -it --name web-02 -v c:\shared:c:\shared -p 80:80 -p 443:443 web-image1
  2. Verify the IP Address assigned to container

  • option 1: docker exec web-02 web-02

  • option 2:

    • list all containers and take note of ContainerID of web-02

        docker ps -a
    • check ip address assigned

        docker inspect -f "{{ .NetworkSettings.Networks.nat.IPAddress }}" ContainerID
  1. Open IIS Management Console on HOST and then connect using the ip address of the container

    TIP: if you cannot connect then check if the wmsvc is already started on container. You can verify using these commands:

  2. Once you are connected then you can configure a lot of settings

  3. Install URL Rewrite inside the container

    • Option 1: (From HOST) download URL Rewrite from internet and copy to the folder C:\SHARED
    • Option 2: (From HOST) download URL Rewrite from internet and copy to container using command docker cp

    TIP: download URL Rewrite inside the container using Powershell

     Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile C:\teste\rewrite_amd64.msi

    Command line to install URL in silent mode

     msiexec.exe /i c:\shared\rewrite_amd64.msi /passive /rd /s /q cc:\install

    TIP: you can remotely install using docker command:

     docker exec web-02 msiexec.exe /i c:\shared\rewrite_amd64.msi /passive /rd /s /q cc:\install
  4. Copy and install certificate inside the container. On this example we decided to use a PFX file (with password) because is the best way to import the certificate. This step must be accomplished inside the container

     certutil -importpfx -p "123456" "C:/temp/Certificate.pfx"
  5. Copy the content of your web site to container

    • Option 1: use docker cp to copy the folder from your HOST to your container
    • Option 2: use the parameter docker run -v to mount a directory from your HOST to container
  6. OPTIONAL: you can enable Windows Update on container and this procedure will ensure that new fixes/updates are applied to container

    • Option 1: if you are disconnected from the container then you can reconnect again using command docker exec

        docker exec -it web-01 cmd

      Change the startup of the service to automatic or manual (default = disabled)

        Set-Service wuauserv -startupType automatic

      Start the service

        net start wuauserv

      Execute one of the procedures below to update your container using PowerShell

        Install-Module PSWindowsUpdate

      Execute the script from MSDN and save as a VBS file

        cscript WindowsUpdate.vbs
  7. After you finish these settings then you can create a new image

    docker stop web-01
    docker commit web-01 web-image2
  1. Check if the new image was created

    docker images
  2. Create new container based on this new image.

    docker run -it --name WEB-03 -v c:\shared:c:\shared -p 80:80 -p 443:443 web-image2

Steps using Dockerfile (automatic deployment)

These are the steps to use on your Dockerfile. Remember that the steps below does not contain procedures and specific settings via IIS Management Console.


# Inform image from Docker Hub. This image bellow has .Net Framework 3.5 (and 2.0). 
# If you want to use only .Net Framework 4.6 then use the option 4.6 in the end of the command. 
# This image will depend of windowsservercore
FROM microsoft/dotnet-framework:3.5

# Replace default shell executed in Dockerfile to Powershell
SHELL ["powershell", "-Command", "$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';"]

# Execute the commands to install IIS Features
RUN Install-WindowsFeature -name Web-Server -IncludeManagementTools ; \
    Install-WindowsFeature -Name Web-Common-Http -IncludeAllSubFeature ; \
    Install-WindowsFeature -name Web-Health -IncludeAllSubFeature ; \
    Install-WindowsFeature -name Web-Health -IncludeAllSubFeature ; \
    Install-WindowsFeature -Name Web-Performance -IncludeAllSubFeature ; \
    Install-WindowsFeature -name Web-Security -IncludeAllSubFeature ; \
    Install-WindowsFeature -name Web-Mgmt-Tools -IncludeAllSubFeature ; \
    Install-WindowsFeature -name Web-Scripting-Tools -IncludeAllSubFeature ; \
    Install-WindowsFeature -name Web-App-Dev -IncludeAllSubFeature

# Enable Registry Key to allow IIS Remote Management
RUN New-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\software\microsoft\WebManagement\Server \
        -Name EnableRemoteManagement -Value 1 -Force

# Create local user and include on local administrators group
RUN net user fabioh Pa$$w0rd /add ; \
    net localgroup administrators fabioh /add

# Restart IIS Services
RUN Restart-Service iisadmin,w3svc,wmsvc

# Download and install URL Rewrite
RUN New-item c:\teste -ItemType "directory" ; \
    Invoke-WebRequest \
        -OutFile C:\teste\rewrite_amd64.msi ; \
    msiexec.exe /i c:\teste\rewrite_amd64.msi /passive /rd /s /q c:\install

# Copy PFX file (located on HOST on C:\teste) to container and install
ADD "c:\teste\certificado.pfx" "c:\teste\certificado.pfx"
RUN certutil -importpfx -p "123456" "c:\teste\certificado.pfx"

# Optional - enable Windows Update on container, 
# You can use the script from MSDN and with the name windowsupdate.vbs. 
# This step is not required because when you execute the command ===docker run=== 
# then a new version is checked from Docker Hub. 
# Remove the comment if you want to use these commands

# RUN Set-Service wuauserv -startupType automatic 
# RUN net start wuauserv ADD c:\teste\windowsupdate.vbs c:\teste\windowsupdate.vbs RUN cscript WindowsUpdate.vbs