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JK edited this page Mar 15, 2021 · 2 revisions

VFD Coloring Display

In opposite to LEDs the VFDs have a wide spectrum of visible light. Without of any filter the display shows a blueish green. With a filter foil the look can be shifted in many directions.

A cheap way are filter foils for stage and video lighting. Here some examples:

Filter foil Effect Comment
without blueish green
LEE 101 - yellow old monitor green
LEE 105 - orange old monitor amber
LEE 118 - light blue cyan
LEE 180 - dark lavender blue
LEE 122 - fern green warm green
LEE 106 - primary red red
LEE 111 - dark pink white
LEE 107 - light rose greenish white
LEE 008 - dark salmon warm white
LEE 779 - bastard pink orange white

Note: remove original filter plastic first

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