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Add plugin and devtools as sample
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This adds basic plugin system and using devtools as a sample.
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mastoj committed Sep 12, 2016
1 parent 9195bbc commit c9818d7
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Showing 12 changed files with 654 additions and 26 deletions.
Binary file modified .DS_Store
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added docs/images/StartOfDevTools.gif
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file removed samples/.DS_Store
Binary file not shown.
389 changes: 389 additions & 0 deletions samples/plugin/devtools.fsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
#load "references.fsx"
open Fable.Helpers.Virtualdom
open Fable.Helpers.Virtualdom.App
open Fable.Helpers.Virtualdom.Html

open Fable.Core
open Fable.Import
open System
//open Fable.Import.Browser
type ActionItem<'TAppMessage, 'TAppModel> = {
Id: Guid
Excluded: bool
Message: 'TAppMessage
State: 'TAppModel
type DevToolsModel<'TAppMessage, 'TAppModel> =
Base: 'TAppModel
LastCommited: 'TAppModel list
Actions: ActionItem<'TAppMessage, 'TAppModel> list
Collapsed: Map<string,bool>

type DevToolsMessage<'TAppMessage, 'TAppModel> =
| AddMessage of 'TAppMessage * 'TAppModel
| Replay of 'TAppModel * ((Guid*'TAppMessage) list)
| ToggleObjectVisibility of string
| ToggleAction of Guid
| Commit
| Sweep
| Revert
| Reset

let isCollapsed str model =
|> Map.tryFind str
|> Option.fold (fun x y -> x || y) false

let devToolsUpdate model action =
let model', messages =
match action with
| Commit ->
let latestCommited = (model.Actions |> List.last).State
{model with LastCommited = latestCommited::model.LastCommited; Actions = []}, [fun h -> h (Replay (latestCommited,[]))]
| AddMessage (msg, appModel) ->
{model with Actions = model.Actions @ [{Id = Guid.NewGuid(); Excluded = false; Message = msg; State = appModel}]},[]
| ToggleObjectVisibility str ->
let currentValue = isCollapsed str model
{model with Collapsed = model.Collapsed |> Map.add str (currentValue |> not)},[]
| ToggleAction id ->
let m' = {model with Actions = model.Actions |> (fun i -> if i.Id <> id then i else {i with Excluded = not i.Excluded})}

let actions =
|> List.filter (fun i -> i.Excluded |> not)
|> (fun i -> i.Id, i.Message)

let messages =
(fun h -> h (Replay (m'.Base,actions)))
m', messages
| Sweep ->
let actions = model.Actions |> List.filter (fun i -> i.Excluded |> not)
{model with Actions = actions}, []
| Revert ->
match model.LastCommited with
| hd::rest ->
{model with Actions = []; LastCommited = model.LastCommited}, [fun h -> h (Replay (hd, []))]
| [] -> model,[]
| Reset ->
{model with Actions = []; LastCommited = [model.Base]}, [fun h -> h (Replay (model.Base, []))]
| Replay _ -> model,[]

model', messages

let cssString = """
._fable_dev_tools {
background-color: #2d2a2a;
position: fixed;
top: 0;
right: 0;
min-width: 400px;
height: 100%;
font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;
color: #e0e0e0;
._fable_dev_tools ul {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
list-style: none;
._fable_dev_tools .actions li {
color: #696969;
display: inline-block;
width: 90px;
padding: 5px;
font-weight: bold;
._fable_dev_tools .actions {
color: #e0e0e0;
background: #929292;
cursor: pointer;
._fable_dev_tools .action-list {
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
margin-left: 0px;
overflow-y: scroll;
height: 100%;
._fable_dev_tools .action-list .row.excluded .content {
display: none;
._fable_dev_tools .action-list .row.excluded .header {
background-color: #343434;
color: #565656;
text-decoration: line-through;
._fable_dev_tools .action-list .header {
padding: 15px;
background-color: #565656;
width: 100%;
._fable_dev_tools .action-list .content {
padding-top: 10px;
padding-bottom: 10px;
._fable_dev_tools .action-list .item {
padding-left: 15px;
._fable_dev_tools .action-list .row:last-child {
margin-bottom: 40px;
._fable_dev_tools .action-list .item .item-header.expand-collapse {
cursor: pointer;
margin-left: 15px;
._fable_dev_tools .action-list .item .item-header.expand-collapse::before {
content: "\25BA";
position: relative;
font-size: 10px;
margin-left: -15px;
margin-top: 3px;
transform: rotate(90deg);
transition-property: transform;
transition-duration: 0.3s;
display: inline-block;
padding-right: 5px;
._fable_dev_tools .action-list .item.collapsed .item-header.expand-collapse::before {
transform: rotate(0deg);
transition-property: transform;
transition-duration: 0.3s;
._fable_dev_tools .action-list .item.collapsed .item-value {
display: none;
._fable_dev_tools .item .item-short-value.string {
color: #345678;
._fable_dev_tools .item .item-short-value.number {
color: #876543;
._fable_dev_tools .item .item-short-value.array {
color: #9356ab;
._fable_dev_tools .item .item-short-value.object {
color: #ab9356;
._fable_dev_tools .item .item-short-value.bool {
color: #93ab56;

open JsInterop

let [<Emit("$0 instanceof Object")>] isObj (x:obj): bool = failwith "JS only"
let [<Emit("$0 instanceof Array")>] isArray (x:obj): bool = failwith "JS only"
let [<Emit("$0.constructor === Number")>] isNumber (x:obj): bool = failwith "JS only"
let [<Emit("$0.constructor === String")>] isString (x:obj): bool = failwith "JS only"
let [<Emit("$0.constructor === Boolean")>] isBool (x:obj): bool = failwith "JS only"

let [<Emit("$0 instanceof $1")>] instanceof (x: obj) (t: obj): bool = failwith "JS only"

let devToolsView model =

let pluralize str count =
if count <> 1 then sprintf "%s%s" str "s"
else str

let getMessageTitle o =
let x = JsInterop.toPlainJsObj o
sprintf "%s" (x?Case |> string)

let rec renderThing thingName parentId (o:obj) =
let thisId = sprintf "%s_%s" parentId thingName
let collapsed = isCollapsed thisId model
let extraClass = if collapsed then " collapsed" else ""

let renderChildren propertyNames =
propertyNames |> (fun y -> renderThing y thisId (o?(y))) |> Seq.toList

let renderValue thingName typeName value =
div [attribute "class" "item-value"] [
span [attribute "class" "item-name"] [text (sprintf "%s: " thingName)]
span [attribute "class" (sprintf "item-short-value %s" typeName)] [text value]

let header thingName collapseable onClicked typeName value =
let headerClass = if collapseable then "item-header expand-collapse" else "item-header"
let headerAttributes =
(attribute "class" headerClass) ::
match onClicked with
| None -> []
| Some h -> [onMouseClick h]
div headerAttributes
span [attribute "class" "item-key"] [text (sprintf "%s: " thingName)]
span [attribute "class" (sprintf "item-short-value %s" typeName)] [text value]

let renderComplexType t keys =
let length = keys |> List.length
let itemWord = if t = "object" then "key" else "item"
let headerText = (sprintf "%s (%i %s) " (o.GetType().Name) length (pluralize itemWord length))
header thingName true (Some (fun _ -> ToggleObjectVisibility thisId)) t headerText
div [attribute "class" "item-value"]
(renderChildren keys)

let renderItem children =
div [attribute "class" (sprintf "item%s" extraClass); attribute "id" thisId]

let valueOnly typeName value = header thingName false None typeName (value.ToString())
match o with
| x when instanceof x JS.Array ->
renderComplexType "array" ([0 .. ((-) (o?length |> string |> int)) 1] |> string)
| x when instanceof x JS.Object->
renderComplexType "object" (Fable.Import.JS.Object.getOwnPropertyNames(o) |> Seq.toList)
| x when isNumber x ->
[ valueOnly "number" x ]
| x when isString x ->
[ valueOnly "string" x ]
| x when isBool x ->
[ valueOnly "bool" x ]
| _ -> [ valueOnly "???" o]
|> renderItem

let toolStyles =
style []
text cssString
link [ attribute "href" ",400i,700,700i"; attribute "rel" "stylesheet"]

let toolHeader model =
let actions = model.Actions
let headerAction headerText func =
match func with
| None -> li [] [text headerText]
| Some f -> li [attribute "class" "active"; onMouseClick (fun _ -> f)] [text headerText]

let excluded = actions |> List.exists (fun i -> i.Excluded)
let anyNotExcluded = actions |> List.exists (fun i -> not i.Excluded)
let isCommited = (model.LastCommited |> List.length) > 1
let anyActions = actions |> List.isEmpty |> not

header [attribute "class" "actions"]
ul []
headerAction "Reset" (if anyActions || isCommited then Some Reset else None)
headerAction "Revert" (if isCommited then Some Revert else None)
headerAction "Sweep" (if excluded then Some Sweep else None)
headerAction "Commit" (if anyNotExcluded then Some Commit else None)

let row headerText headerClicked excluded content =
let rowClass = if excluded then "row excluded" else "row"

let headerAttributes =
(attribute "class" "header") ::
match headerClicked with
| Some h -> [onMouseClick h]
| None -> []

let inner =
(div headerAttributes [text headerText]) ::
match excluded with
| true -> []
| false -> [ div [attribute "class" "content"] [content] ]

div [attribute "class" rowClass]

let renderAction a =
let toggleAction = Some (fun _ -> ToggleAction a.Id)
let content =
div []
a.Message |> renderThing "action" (sprintf "_action_%s" (a.Id.ToString()))
a.State |> renderThing "state" (sprintf "_state_%s" (a.Id.ToString()))
row (a.Message |> getMessageTitle) toggleAction a.Excluded content

let toolContent model =
let baseState = row "BASE" None false (model.LastCommited |> List.head |> renderThing "model" "_base")
let actions =
model.Actions |> renderAction
div [attribute "class" "action-list"]

div [attribute "class" "_fable_dev_tools"]
toolHeader model
toolContent model

type LinkMessage<'TMessage, 'TModel> =
| SetHandler of (AppMessage<'TMessage, 'TModel> -> unit)
| Push of AppMessage<'TMessage, 'TModel>

type LinkState<'TMessage, 'TModel> =
Handler: AppMessage<'TMessage, 'TModel> -> unit

let createDevTools<'TMessage, 'TModel> pluginId initModel=
let containerNode = Browser.window.document.createElement("div") <- "___devtools"
Browser.window.document.body.appendChild containerNode |> ignore

let linkAgent = MailboxProcessor.Start(fun inbox ->
let rec loop (state:LinkState<'TMessage, 'TModel>) =
async {
let! msg = inbox.Receive()
match msg with
| Push m ->
state.Handler m
return! loop state
| SetHandler h ->
return! loop {state with Handler = h}
loop ({Handler = (fun _ -> ())}:LinkState<'TMessage, 'TModel>)

let devToolsAgent =
createApp {Base = initModel; Actions = []; Collapsed = Map.empty; LastCommited =[initModel]} devToolsView devToolsUpdate
|> withStartNodeSelector "#___devtools"
|> withSubscriber "appSub" (
fun ae ->
match ae with
| ActionReceived(Replay (s,m)) ->
linkAgent.Post(Push (AppMessage.Replay (s,m)))
| _ -> ())
|> start renderer

Producer = (fun h -> linkAgent.Post(SetHandler h))
Subscriber = (function
| ModelChanged m -> devToolsAgent.Post(Message (AddMessage (m.Message, m.CurrentState)))
| _ -> ())

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