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Scott B. Wyatt edited this page Oct 13, 2018 · 3 revisions

Q. Does Fabrix have a Roadmap?

Yes! We have a Sewing Pattern that lays out our future plans and release schedule. Feel free to contribute your ideas.

Q. Why TypeScript?

A short coming of many Node.js frameworks is keeping up with changes in JavaScript and Node.js. Using TypeScript as a superset of the language allows Fabrix to consistently stay up to date. Additionally, having a strongly typed Node.js framework makes for quicker development and prototyping while also making the code base portable.

Q. Why does Fabrix require Node 7+?

Fabrix is written entirely in TypeScript, and runs natively on Node. If you'd like to use Fabrix on an older version of node, you can install babel and configure it to transpile your application into ES5.

Q. Is Fabrix compatible with Sails or Trails?

The short answer is not at all for Sails, and a little bit with Trails. You can however use the Trails migration tool to move from sails into Trails, and then make the migration from Trails to Fabrix. It commonly takes about an hour to convert a Trails application or Trailpack into a Fabrix app or Spool. We want this upgrade to be as smooth as possible.

Q. Is Fabrix a fork of Trails?

No. Fabrix is built and maintained by former members of the Trails.js core team, and offers an upgrade path from existing Trails applications, but it utilizes very few lines of code from the original Trails project while keeping the spirit of the design philosophy alive.

Q. Can I use my own ORM, Webserver, whatever?

Yes! The core team maintains several popular spools, but you are free to implement your own integration and use that instead or in addition to the core spools. See the Spools docs for more info.

Q. Can I get my spool published on the npm @fabrix namespace?

Yes! Fabrix is a community project and keeping spools in a recognizable namespace is great for everyone. Reach out to a maintainer to get your spool listed. We set up spools to auto publish to npm when a new version is released and passes test on Circle CI.