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TalkingButton Arduino Library

TalkingButton library transforms a press button with a single contact into a powerful input device for any Arduino hardware. It is an easy way to go beyond the on/off capability of a press button, allowing it to input a number, a code or a sequence of them. This can be done by chosing among different button press modes.


  • Count press mode: inputs the times the button was pressed.
  • Binary press mode: short button press input 0, long button press input 1.
  • Duration press mode: input the duration of each button press.
  • Button contact debounce
  • Button contact noise detection
  • Very simple API (3 required methods)
  • No multithread needed
  • No interrupts needed
  • No external dependencies
  • Supports AVR328p, ESP8266, ESP32 processors.
  • Tested on arduino nano, nodeMCU 8266, nodeMCU 32S boards.

Quick start

Here is a simple example of an Arduino application using TalkingButton. The source file is in examples/press_count. This program shows the count mode of the TalkingButton library. In this mode, the library returns the times the button was pressed. It is the simplest way to use a press button as input device. The count sequence is terminated by a button release lasting 0.5s at least. When the press sequence is terminated, the on board LED is flashed the same number of times the button was pressed. The number of times is also printed to the arduino serial line.

This program needs a press button whose contact is connected to the pin BUTTON_PIN (pin n. 5) of an arduino board on one side and to ground of the same board on the other side.

The program expects also to have the onboard LED connected to pin n. 13, to have the LED lighted on when its pin is into high state and to have the LED lighted off when its pin is into low state.

#define BUTTON_PIN 5   // assume button contact connected to pin 5
#define LED_PIN 13     // assume on board LED connected to pin 13
#define LED_ON HIGH    // assume LED lighted on when LED pin is HIGH
#define LED_OFF LOW    // assume LED lighted off when LED pin is LOW

#include <TalkingButton.h>

TalkingButton TB;

void setup() {


  // init talking button pin and press mode to COUNT mode

  Serial.println("Example: press count");


void loop() {

  // sample button status at least every MAX_READ_PERIOD milliseconds
  // (default 20 ms)
  if (!

  // if button press sequence is terminated, appens when there is a button
  // release lasting at least MESSAGE_SEPARATOR milliseconds (default 500 ms)
  uint8_t count;
  if (TB.readMessage(&count)) {

    // print out the number of button press times
    Serial.print("count = ");

    // blink on board LED the number of button press times
    for (unit8_t i=0; i < count; i++) {

    // flush "read period too long" error, needed since the LED blinking
    // exceeds MAX_READ_PERIOD (default 20 ms);




The parameters MAX_READ_PERIOD a MESSAGE_SEPARATOR mentioned above, can be adjusted from their default values with setMaxReadPeriod and setMessageSeparator methods respectively.

Button press modes

TalkingButton implements 3 button press modes: COUNT, BINARY, DURATION. A press mode establish how a sequence of button presses is converted by TalkingButton into a code/message for the application.

COUNT mode

This is the simplest input mode within everyone's reach. In this mode, the button presses are counted and when the press sequence terminate, this count is available for reading by the application. A press sequence can start only after a button release state lasting at least MESSAGE_SEPARATOR milliseconds (default 500 ms). The sequence is ended by another message separator. The MESSAGE_SEPARATOR value can be adjusted with the setMessageSeparator method.

The button press/release timing is quit elastic in the COUNT mode. There is no upper limit on the duration off each press. In addition, each duration can be different from the others and the same degrees of fredoom apply to button releases. The only limit is the minimum duration of both press and release status (default 100 ms). These minimum durations can be respectively adjusted with the setMinPress and setMinRelease methods.


This mode requires a little bit of morse operator skill. In this mode, a sequence of button presses encodes a binary number. A short press represent a zero bit, a long press represent a one bit. Long and short press durations are discriminated by the threshold value BINARY_HIGH_LOW_THRESHOLD (default 300 ms) that can be adjusted with the setBinaryHighLowThreshold method. The number of bits is given by the number of presses in the sequence. If the bit number exceeds the value MAX_BIT_NUM the read method returns an error, the input sequence decoding is reset and a new sequence in needed. The sequence start and stop follows the same rules of COUNT mode. The first bit encoded is the nost significant bit. The last one is the least significant bit.


This mode has an intermediate difficulty level between COUNT and BINARY modes. In this mode, a sequence of button presses is decoded as a sequence of numbers of the same lenght where each number is the duration of the corresponding button press measured as DURATION_UNIT milliseconds (default 1000 ms), this parameter can be adjusted with the setDurationUnit method. If the sequence lenght exceeds the value MAX_DIGIT_NUM (default 4), the read method returns an error, the input sequence decoding is reset and a new sequence in needed. The sequence start and stop follows the same rules of COUNT mode.


See the "examples" directory.


By arduino IDE library manager or by unzipping into arduino libraries.

Module reference

TalkingButton is implemented as a C++ class. A TalkingButton object needs to be instantiated and associated to the Arduino pin connected to the press button to be managed.

Objects and methods


This class embeds all TalkingButton status info.
bool begin( uint8_t aButtonPin,

enum pressMode aPressMode = COUNT,bool aPullup = true, bool aPressedLow = false)

This method init TalkingButton internals setting the given parameters or their default values.

aButtonPin: the number of pin connected to the press button contact.

aPressMode: how button presses are interpreted. COUNT: count the number of button presses. BINARY: short button press encodes 0, long encodes 1. DURATION: duration of each button press in duration units (default seconds). More details in the documentation.

aPullup: tell if pullup is to be activated on the button pin.

aPressedLow: tell if the input level on the button pin is low when the button is pressed (=true) or high (=false).

Returns true .

bool read()

This method read the button contact input pin and sample its status. It implements all the internal login to interpret the button presses according to the selected press mode: count, binary or duration.

Returns true if there is no error. Returns false if an error occurred. In this case, the error kind can be determined reading the code in the error attribute of TalkingButton class.

bool readMessage( uint8_t * aMessage)

This method read the message input by button presses according to the selected press mode. Any button sequence of presses/releases preceeded and followed by a message separator, a button release lasting at least MESSAGE_SEPARATOR milliseconds, is defined a message. Its meaning depends on the selected press mode.

aMessage: where to return the message value. If button press mode is COUNT, it is a single uint8_t value counting the times the button was pressed. If mode is BINARY, it is a single uint8_t value as encoded by button presses: short press for zeros, long press for ones. If mode is DURATION, it is an array of one or more uint8_t values, each value is the press duration in duration units (default 1 s). The sequence is terminated by a zero value.

Returns true if there is a message ready to be read. Returns false if there is no ready message. Any read after the first one on a ready message returns false.

bool setMaxReadPeriod( uint8_t aMaxReadPeriod)

This method allows to set the value of the maxReadPeriod parameter.

aMaxReadPeriod: it is the maximum allowed elapsed time (ms) between two consecutive calls to read method (default 20 ms). If not satisfied, read method returns false and error code READ_PERIOD_TOO_LONG, but message decoding continues keeping previous button presses/releases.

Returns always true.

bool setMinReleased( uint16_t aMinReleased)

This method allows to set the value of the minReleased parameter.

aMinReleased: it is the minimum allowed duration (ms) of a button release. If not satisfied, message decoding is reset to an initial state, so a new message separator it is needed to start a new decoding of button presses/releases (default 100 ms).

Returns always true.

bool setMinPressed( uint16_t aMinPressed)

This method allows to set the value of the minPressed parameter.

aMinPressed: it is the minimum allowed duration (ms) of a button press. If not satisfied, see method setMinReleased (default 100 ms).

Returns always true.

bool setMessageSeparator( uint16_t aMessageSeparator)

This method allows to set the value of the messageSeparator parameter.

aMessageSeparator: it is the minimum duration (ms) of a button release that separates a message (see readMessage) from the following one (default 500 ms).

Returns always true.

bool setMaxCount( uint8_t aMaxCount)

This method allows to set the value of the maxCount parameter.

aMaxCount: it is the maximum allowed value for a message in COUNT press mode (default 10). If not satisfied, see method setMinReleased (default 100 ms).

Returns always true.

bool setMaxBitNum( uint8_t aMaxBitNum)

This method allows to set the value of the maxBitNum parameter.

aMaxBitNum: it is the maximum allowed number of bits to be encoded from button presses in BINARY press mode (default 4).

Returns always true.

bool setBinaryHighLowThreshold( uint16_t aBinaryHighLowThreshold)

This method allows to set the value of the binaryHighLowThreshold parameter.

aBinaryHighLoeThreshold: the threshold level that discriminate a button press duration to be a zero or a one in BINARY press mode (default 300 ms). Duration above this threshold are taken as ones, below as zeros.

Returns always true.

bool setMaxDigitNum( uint8_t aMaxDigitNum)

This method allows to set the value of the maxDigitNum parameter.

aMaxDigitNum: the maximum allowed number of digits to be encoded from button presses in DURATION press mode (default 4). This is also the maximum number of button presses withing a message.

Returns always true.

bool setDurationUnit( uint8_t aDurationUnit)

This method allows to set the value of the durationUnits parameter.

durationUnits: time units in milliseconds to measure the button presses duration in DURATION press mode (default 1000 ms).

Returns always true.

char * strError( void);

This method returns a string describing the current error code.

Error Codes and error description
Code Description
SUCCESS "no error"
READ_PERIOD_TOO_LONG "button read period is too long"
READ_NOISE "button status changes too fast, read noise"
RELEASE_TOO_SHORT "button release is too short"
PRESS_TOO_SHORT "button press is too short"
COUNT_OVERFLOW "press count too high in count mode"
BINARY_BITS_NUM_OVERFLOW "too many bits read in binary mode"
DURATION_DIGITS_NUM_OVERFLOW "too many digits read in duration mode"

Returns a pointer to the string describing the current error code.


Collection of rules and assumptions implemented in this software.

  • Rule: at message start, since it is represented by a button release status, the first status change starts a pressed status. A second change closes the pressed status. The first change must be ignored by message parsing, since only the following changes are relevant to the message content until the next message separator that terminates the message.
  • Rule: status duration is the time interval between first read and last read unchanged. The read where the status changes it is not taken into account for duration computation.
  • Assumption: it is supposed that the message separator time interval is much more longer the the maximum read time interval, more than 10 times.
  • Rule: message separator can be detected only when status is unchanged. Since only this situation increments the currentStatusDuration which value can reach the "message separator" time interval amplitude.
  • Message parsing statuses
    • INIT: the very beginning after boot/reset
    • WAITING FOR MESSAGE: just after detection of a message separator (a released status lasting at least MESSAGE_SEPARATOR value) while in "INIT" status
    • IN MESSAGE: just after a change in button status while in "WFM" status
    • END OF MESSAGE: just after a message separator while in "IN MESSAGE" status


Send wishes, comments, patches, etc. to .


TalkingButton is authored by Fabrizio Pollastri <>, years 2021-2022, under the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3.


Transform a press button into a powerful input device







