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Delegated Account Recovery Example Application for Java

The "examples/java" directory of provides an example web application and library for using the Delegated Account Recovery protocol documented at

This is an alpha implementation and subject to change.

Sample app

The com.fbsamples.delegatedrecovery.sparkapp package contains a sample app that demonstrates the basic features of using delegated account recovery with Facebook. It is intended to demonstrate concepts and is for evaluation purposes only.


Java version 1.8 is required.

The sample app is built using the Spark Framework.

The application is built to deploy on Heroku.

The overall project is build using Maven and its dependencies are listed in the pom.xml file.


Begin by forking the repository. In the top right corner of the repository home page on GitHub, click Fork Fork

Now, in your bash command line, get a copy of the forked repository.

$ git clone{your-github-username}/DelegatedRecoveryReferenceImplementation

Change to the sample application directory of your cloned repository

$ cd DelegatedRecoveryReferenceImplementation/examples/java

To deploy, pick a name for your app on Heroku. Using the command line Heroku toolbelt, create the app.

$ heroku create my-app-name

Then create a file called '' that defines your app name

$ echo "heroku.appName=my-app-name" >>
$ echo "" >> .gitignore

Next, you need to set some config variables for the application. You must have a recent build of openssl to complete this step.

First set the issuer origin:

$ heroku config:set ISSUER_ORIGIN=https://{my-app-name} --app my-app-name

Create the assymetric key pair for signing recovery tokens.

$ openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -noout -out prime256v1-key.pem
$ openssl ec -in prime256v1-key.pem -pubout -out prime256v1-pub.pem

Make sure you don't check the secret keys into your source control. It is important to keep a backup of every private key and symmetric key ever used in order to verify and ecrypt tokens being returned to your app as part a recovery, but it's always a bad idea to keep secrets in source control. (it's fine to check in the public key if you want)

$ echo "*.pem" >> .gitignore

And now we'll strip the PEM files down to unadorned, single-line base64 for use as config variables.

$ heroku config:set RECOVERY_PRIVATE_KEY=`perl -p -e 's/\R//g; s/-----[\w\s]+-----//' prime256v1-key.pem` --app my-app-name
$ heroku config:set RECOVERY_PUBLIC_KEY=`perl -p -e 's/\R//g; s/-----[\w\s]+-----//' prime256v1-pub.pem` --app my-app-name

You can see your current configuration using:

$ heroku config --app my-app-name

And deploy with Maven

$ mvn heroku:deploy

Check that your application deployed successfully with these configuration variables from the command line:

$ curl https://{your-app-name}

You should get a JSON file that lists your public key as the first entry in the array that is the value of the key tokensign-pubkeys-secp256r1

You can try the application itself by running:

$ heroku open --app my-app-name

During the closed beta, you will only be able to use the sample applications when logging in to Facebook with a whitehat test account. Create and manage test accounts here.